So I have a friend who came back to the game after a 2 year break. You know the first thing he said?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Jun 13, 2017.

  1. Daigons

    Funny all that I see are HA running around with dumbfires, lockons and C4.
  2. Beerbeerbeer

    Infiltrators fill or should fill a niche role.

    That's no longer the case and frankly any game where a quarter of the player base at any one time is invisible makes for an outright dumb FPS game.

    I'm sure the preponderance of insta-gib invisible players probably scares off more newbies than any other mechanic in this game imo.

    If the swarm of invisible players annoys veterans, imagine the impact on newbies. They come in the expecting an normal shooter only to be swarmed by people they cannot see. They leave.
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  3. FateJH

    Why should they expect a normal shooter? why would we give them the impression that we're some kind of normal shooter?
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  4. DeadlyOmen

    By providing a source of enablement.
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  5. Inzababa

    Biased? He he was genuinly surprised, like really surprised, that's not bias.

    Anyway, assuming your stats are legit, those engineers, they are in vehicles.... dummy
  6. VeryCoolMiller

    Infiltrators are a cancer of this game e should be nerfed to the ground.
  7. PanzerGoddess

    lol....this infiltrator kd ave is from 2.8-3.5 majority of the time. Play heavy kd averages 4-5 on bad days.....yet somehow infiltrator is the easy class, and looking at most infiltrators that play infy majority of the time average 1.5.....sigh.....people still on the kick infiltrators just snipe from a distance and run around with +ap mines....da *** that means lol

    "Infiltrators are a cancer of this game e should be nerfed to the ground."

    comments like this really turn me on fyi.....thought you should all know that
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  8. LordKrelas

    They do fill a niche set of roles; Sniping, Recon or Ambushing.
    They have less health after all, and their weapons & tools are seemingly based around these three things.

    Infiltrators aren't actually invisible.
    This is a war game, with multiple class abilities:
    We have Light Assaults with Jet-packs, that's flight.
    We have Heavies with an Over-Shield, that's a barrier.
    We have Medics with Area Healing.
    We have Infiltrators with active Camouflage.

    Hell, we have numerous vehicles & aircraft, all using a tactical continental map for land control.
    This isn't any FPS arena or match-based shooter, where nothing can surprise you that isn't obvious.

    If Infils are the source of instant gib, you forget apparently the more common instances from:
    Tank Cannons.
    Aircraft Weaponry.
    NC Max AI weaponry. (All shotguns)
    Land Mines.

    And Heavies aren't.
    So apparently mass of vehicles & heavies are fine, but situational infils in any number are not.

    The lower health class, that's only trick is active camouflage that can be seen through & makes noise, just lost their ability to deny Over-Shields, Cloaks & healing fields in addition to Carapace allowing it to deny even the remaining shield damage.
    All infiltrator weapons (beside maybe the new SMG) require quite a bit of Aim.

    So couldn't be nerfed all that much harder, unless the cloak times were shot, and they lost their shields.
  9. Inzababa

    Does anyone know of a player stat website that shows what class killed me?

    I was fighting just now, and I realised that pretty much all of the times I was killed, it was infiltrator, I'd guess 90% of my deaths are caused by infiltrators, but I can't prove it cause none of the websites I checked show that, tried googling too :/
  10. stalkish

    Dont think there is one that shows the complete picture for yourself.

    There is one that shows total kills per server for each class in the last hour tho.
    The stats do show a large portion of kills being infiltrator.

    Just change the world to whatever you want to look at.

    Interestingly, seems to show TR preference for infiltrators but not NC, id expect the opposite...
  11. DIGGSAN0

    The stats were without vehicles...
  12. AgentRed

    It will get a little bit worse when the last NSX weapon comes out because it is a sniper rifle XD
  13. CutieG

    Hey, it worked in Crysis 3, where everyone was both an infiltrator and a heavy and had catlike and adrenaline boost at the same time. The difference lies in Clientside, which allows the uncloak delay to basically not exist for your victim. If there wasn't a decloak delay, it would effectively be a negative decloak delay.

    Personally, I like cloakers because they are idiots. Half of them think cloak is either full invisibility or invincibility. They are actually easier to shoot down than other classes, as long as they aren't cheesing hard or getting masked by screen shake, tracers and explosions.
    The only broken part about them was EMPs, but those finally got fixed. Too bad that they now have their NSX ghetto shotgun.
  14. zaspacer

    DIGGSAN0, where are you pulling your stats from?
  15. Liewec123

    the new "shotgun" is actually pretty weak, i haven't tried it since the cof buff today,
    but i had a good long play with it the other day and it just seemed to do pitiful damage,
    i might have well have been ambushing them with Emissary! :rolleyes:
    i went back to stalking with mag-scatter for that real shotgun infiltrator feel :D
  16. UberNoob1337101

    It's pretty nice currently, the extra two rounds per mag and better CoF (including the buffed Hybrid Laser) turned it from a ghetto Eridani/Gauss SAW/shotgun hybrid into a fairly viable weapon. I still prefer the Cyclone or Farmistice, but it's a bit more competitive now and something I'd actually pick in a fight.
  17. DeadAlive99

    With all these infiltrators, you'd think they might shoot a dart once an hour or something.

    As to the OP, minor cloak is picking up steam, and getting killed by one is much more annoying than I thought it would be. This game is filled with people willing to sit still for ages, setting up for a troll-stab.
  18. CutieG

    You'd also think that Medics would revive, engineers would repair and resupply, Heavies would do something against vehicles and Light Assaults would take flanking routes to control points. Oh and that ESFs would fight other air units and that people would pull Sundies once in a while.

    Though at least the Medics have been getting better lately.
  19. LostMyStuff :(

    Strangely enough snipers are still the most hated 'type' of infantry and are generally not even liked by their own side.

    A true scout/CQC infil who supports can be a godsend , a KDR hound type; not so much.
  20. PanzerGoddess

    "A true scout/CQC infil who supports can be a godsend , a KDR hound type; not so much. "

    ....feel free to elaborate