So when are the BFRs coming?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpeedFreakPS0NE, May 21, 2017.

  1. SpeedFreakPS0NE

    C'mon you know it's eventually going to happen!

    Not my video

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  2. Cinnamon

    I imagine some time after the naval combat update that links the continents together with oceans and the bastion fleet carrier coming down from orbit.
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  3. velie12

    No joking about this, its really a shame there's no naval combat in PS2
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  4. Kristan

    When devs will overcome their greed and stop making NS stuff for 4th faction players, who pay real money for them.

    Which means... never.
  5. Pikachu

    When the game becomes popular again. When we go back to 30k players instead of the ~3k we have today. Btw I red on the Eternal Crusade forums that PS2 has 7M downloads on steam.
  6. Kristan

    Oh wait! They can make NS BFRs!

    If they'll do it I will facepalm so hard it will break my arm.
  7. Demigan

    BFR's could work, as long as they dont perform the MBT/lighting role.

    I always reimagined them as a larger MAX, where the MAX is closer to infantry, this larger MAX would be closer to a vehicle. Bought from a vehicle terminal, high as a Sunderer, can be exited for repairs, walks and looks around like infantry but with momentum. It could fill the gap of anti-infantry/G2A support. With a small base and the infantry movement it would be capable of moving easily through rough terrain and even enter bases.
    Armor could be something like a Harrasser, 1 c4 sets it on fire and 3 rockets blow it up. Carries something like aircraft noseguns. Means it has enough power to murder infantry and even hovering aircraft but is also at constant risk by them. Has little power vs vehicles, so it would mainly support them.
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  8. Zagareth

    YAY for BFRs :D

    Bigger MAXes (50% taller) with limited Jump ability instead of a Turbo to avoid being just a sitting duck for roadkills or tankshells, same weaponary as a MAX, as fast as a Flash and armor of a Harrasser and impossible to use indoor. 1 person only

    I really miss my flying TR BFR (cant recall the name atm...) :(
  9. Eternaloptimist

    Looks like a Max in an overcoat with (dare I say it?) Max charge.
  10. OldMaster80

    EC forum is an amazing place. It reminds me what a great game is ps2.

  11. NikolaiLev

    So, never? That's a shame. I'd love to have yet another thing DBG struggles to balance. :D

    With the lack of people spreading the word about this game, whether it's the p2w implant system, the p2w base system, the perpetual hostility towards new players due to certing into things like AA launchers, AV nades, C4 and so on being necessary to be useful, and the controversial (but frankly needed) combined arms initiative, I reckon word of mouth is at an all time low, and steam stats are on a downslope (albeit a shallow one). F2P games, by their nature, ought to grow over time, not stagnate or lose players. So when they do either of the latter, that tells you things ain't going well.

    Not that I'm gonna go all doomsaying about how the game is dying; all games die eventually of course. But this one doesn't have a bright future.
  12. FateJH

    No, that was their gunner variant. Zagareth wants an Invader.
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  13. Zagareth

    Colossus was the bigger ground version, Invader was the name of the flying type.
    The flying (better: increased jumps) versions were the only ground vehicles able to avoid an Orbital Strike, even when directly targeted.

    I'd really love to have them back into the game, ofc balanced to all other vehicles, but able to fight all kind of flying stuff effectively :D
  14. Liewec123

    BFRs are like maxes on super-powered steroids,
    and since DBG can't bare to have the current "mechs" as anything other than slow moving cert pinatas,
    i doubt we'll see BFRs.

    (other than the easter egg BFR ofcourse!)
  15. TR5L4Y3R

    Bring in bfr's as pmb option where you have to build a bfrterminal and spawning bfr's cost both nanites and cortium ... they should primarily be for sieging bases ...
  16. Corezer

    BFR could have worked before, with the light variants basically competing with 1/2 MBTs (no flying tho, blame lower supplies over the course of war or something) at a similar or higher nanite cost. The heavy variants would just get removed (again, low resources)

    would have made for a good marketing move early on, but now they are down to a smaller playerbase which is made up of more og players that have a hatred for the things, so it would cost as much as it pulls in at this point...
  17. Erendil

    Sounds a lot like a Skyguard on two legs. I don't see how this would be different enough from a Skyguard to justify the Dev resources required. It still doesn't really add any unique role to the game. Which - as you alluded to - is why they will probably never be added to PS2.

    Until someone can come up with a role that both 1) adds positively to the game, and 2) isn't already fulfilled by an existing unit, BFRs won't get added. It's the same reason why they still haven't added ES buggies, thanks to PS2's implementation of the Harasser.
  18. Demigan

    The Skyguard is a vehicle, can't enter bases or rough terrain that well and fight alongside/against infantry, and it doesn't have infantry-view, meaning that a Lightning's firing angle's are determined by the slope it's on while the new vehicle-MAX wouldn't be affected by slopes. They would have vastly different profiles, armors, speeds, different strengths&weaknesses and different weapons. I mean you really think a Nosegun capable of murdering an ESF before it gets away but without flak is the same as a Skyguard that needs less skill to hit but can't kill ESF even if it starts hovering 1m above it? And these could very well have different weapons than just a nosegun type weapon as well.

    Roles from number 1). A G2A/AI hybrid capable of annihilating infantry, but a moments inattention or overreaching will cost you.
    2) See number 1)
  19. FateJH

    I don't believe to ever get anything in the labored detail that we try to lay out for the developers so I try to focus on the most base, flat implementations when coming up with suggestions purely on the point that they are probably more realistic expectations. Remember, we only ever get half of whatever we ask for.

    And the whole "vehicle can get into base" thought would probably kill the idea for many, regardless of whether it melts under a few moments of inattention or not.
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  20. CNR4806

    Wasn't that removed back in one of those OMFG performance patches?