New Conglomerate Incompetence

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by xthezerohunter, May 3, 2017.

  1. xthezerohunter

    What makes the New Conglomerate so much more incompetent than the other factions? I'm genuinely curious because aside from the jokes and grind, I can not understand what makes them so inefficient at pushing and holding territory when other factions do so seamlessly. The most apparent example is the NC holding a facility with a population advantage of about 63%, yet none of them listen or talk. There is no communication, people rarely use /region chat, and the times that I do see /region chat being used, the advice and logistics are often ignored. As recently as 3 minutes prior to typing this exact post, there was a battle on Esamir, the NC got warpgated as expected of them, and none of them pushed back until they had less than 15% territory control. Even when the NC did start fighting back, with a population of 60% next to the warpgate, they still were unable to push in. The TR was holed up inside of the point, and the way the base was designed, there was a very large opening to ambush and rush. The door was ajar and more than wide enough to push in, be it with MAXes, or with a bombardment of explosives, yet instead of moving in, they simply stood around the corner doing nothing. I watched as 4 Engineers stood around repairing another Engineers Anti Infantry Mana Turret, all the while doing nothing to move in or push. I saw the sight, peeked around the corner, threw a Sticky Grenade into the doorway, and started farming kills. This continued for some time and by the time the NC had actually began pushing into the point, I had spawned in, walked to the point, threw a Sticky Grenade, turned around, got kills, ran back to the Sunderer, resupplied, ran back to the point, and continued to do so more than 15 times, and while I was grateful of the amount of Combat Medics reviving the few Heavy Assaults and Infiltrators, no one really pushed. Someone used /region chat to sarcastically suggest pushing, and I chimed in agreeance for people to pull MAXes from the Sunderers and rush the point, I laid out a plan for EMP Grenades to riddle the point, and then for Sticky and Frag Grenades to clear the room and for the MAXes to push in and scour the TR, in the end, we had received a single MAX unit whom stood in the doorway, getting repaired by 5 Engineers, myself included, die because he not only did not push into the point or the building, but also because he stood in the doorway, and did not retreat behind cover so that he could repaired to full health. This baffles me as the first most important thought would be to delegate such an experience to the proposal of a new player, but I had witnessed this occur with other classes as well. I noticed that there were about 50-60 people in the region attacking the base, and came to the conclusion that with the amount of people using Proximity Voice Chat, there must be a Squad, there much be a Platoon, there has to be some sort of Outfit within the area that can direct the newer players, but there was nothing more than silence. I do not understand how this occurs as often as it does on NC, as even when playing on the Vanu Sovereignty or with the Terran Republic, there is always a form of communication occurring, even in situations in which the people present are only present to farm kills and get Certs, there is still communication. I ask this because as I played TR, I made an off-hand comment of the NC not being able to utilize strategy, and was quickly messaged by an NC player, asking me to not speak such a way of a faction that "I had never played." An argument occurred and we spoke back and forth, and I ultimately decided to play the NC to see "What I Was Missing." I don't understand, that even if the NC, as it stands, receives a higher influx of newer players, why the veteran and older or more skilled members of the NC, do not help or guide them. I also don't understand the lack of logistical awareness, why would you send an overpop of 70+ people to one location, to one base on the map, to fight people, when there are 3 other crucial bases being over run by small groups of 12-24? Why sacrifice a Bio Lab and Tech Plant, to have 30 people stand around a protected Spawn Room, while 20 other people stand on a single Control Point, that is already capped, and against an enemy population of 40, that once cornered into the Spawn Room, dwindles to 15, then 7 and then 0 by the time the base is captured? I was always told that I was being too harsh on the NC, but this amount of ineptitude genuinely baffles me beyond all thought. I need the opinions and insight of others to understand the faction, and the people in game are proving to be of no use at the current moment. Thank You for your time and for reading and replying to the thread.
  2. Campagne

    While I share your annoyance with the all to often useless NC, I find that the TR are actually somehow worse teammates, being more dangerous to be around while simultaneously less competent fighters incapable of support.
  3. AllRoundGoodGuy


    Jokes aside, I feel your pain. Possibly the best thing you can do is join an organized outfit.
  4. Pikachu

    What a nice square block of text.
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  5. Daigons


    My eyes!
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  6. xthezerohunter

    Woooo~ Really like the people exclaiming their observation of the length of the text as opposed to sharing their thoughts on the actual information displayed within the text itself.
  7. FateJH

    There's a good possibility that their observation of the density of words is tied to their enthusiasm in picking those words apart.

    Here; I cut out most of the center and stitched the start to the end in three parts, plus a last sentence.

    "What makes the New Conglomerate so much more incompetent than the other factions? I'm genuinely curious because aside from the jokes and grind, I can not understand what makes them so inefficient at pushing and holding territory when other factions do so seamlessly. The NC can hold a facility with a population advantage of about 63%, yet none of them listen or talk. As recently as 3 minutes prior to typing this exact post, there was a battle on Esamir, the NC got warpgated as expected of them, and none of them pushed back until they had less than 15% territory control. Even when the NC did start fighting back, with a population of 60% next to the warpgate, they still were unable to push.

    "There is no communication, people rarely use /region chat, and the times that I do see /region chat being used, the advice and logistics are often ignored. This baffles me as the first most important thought would be to delegate such an experience to the proposal of a new player, but I had witnessed this occur with other classes as well. I noticed that there were about 50-60 people in the region attacking the base, and came to the conclusion that with the amount of people using Proximity Voice Chat, there must be a Squad, there much be a Platoon, there has to be some sort of Outfit within the area that can direct the newer players, but there was nothing more than silence. I do not understand how this occurs as often as it does on NC, as even when playing on the Vanu Sovereignty or with the Terran Republic, there is always a form of communication occurring, even in situations in which the people present are only present to farm kills and get Certs, there is still communication.

    "I don't understand, that even if the NC, as it stands, receives a higher influx of newer players, why the veteran and older or more skilled members of the NC, do not help or guide them. I also don't understand the lack of logistical awareness. I was always told that I was being too harsh on the NC, but this amount of ineptitude genuinely baffles me beyond all thought. I need the opinions and insight of others to understand the faction, and the people in game are proving to be of no use at the current moment.

    "Thank You for your time and for reading and replying to the thread."
  8. DeadlyOmen

    The wall just got ten feet higher.

    I didn't even try to read that lump o'dung.
  9. DemonicTreerat

    Odd. I play all 3 sides on one server (and 2 on the other) and generally its the NC that are the closest to being organized. TR and VS I count it an odd day if I see 5 squads/ platoons looking for people and I have seen a total (across both servers) of maybe 5 instances of orders aside from someone cursing out everyone else. NC its a slow day when I don't see 2 pages of open squads/ platoons and at least one order of actual substance every 30 minutes or so.

    Sure the VS & TR may have more outfits that claim to be organized and maybe even are within themselves. Most of the time however those outfits seem to be off doing their own thing while "the zerg" is doing something else. Then said outfits complain about "the zerg" attacking or defending the "wrong base" so they suddenly find themselves facing down a full platoon plus or NC because people didn't read their minds and automatically kowtow to their wishes. Even if said wishes are obviously stupid (ex. running back to defend a base 20 seconds via flight that is 30 seconds from capping which is clearly not a ghost cap).

    Then again sounds to me like the OP, based on the tiny bit of that mess which no 5th grader would claim as theirs that I could read, is the sort of player that expects EVERYONE to play exactly as he wants them to. But never once bothers to attempt to communicate that plan to those around him. And of course said person never considers that just maybe he is the idiot doing stupid things and the "lack of organization" is people trying to not get killed by his stupidity.

    Either way I now have a new name to pin on my "avoid if possible, report at first provocation, TK if looks shifty" list.
  10. DarkStarAnubis

    I play only NC and I am not part of any squad or outfit. Not enough time to spend playing and I am a lousy/low BR player so I would not be extremely useful - except maybe playing medic :)

    But Yes, I would say we (I am NC too) do not look very organized.

    I can see a lot of good examples of spontaneous 1:1 support (I help someone, someone helps me) but nothing beyond this basic level...

    At squad/outfit level I can't say anything not being part of any.

    At region level... Well to be honest whoever uses the region chat sometimes should by not saying anything could support much more the faction: It is good to get heads-up messages such as "Tower xxx will be hit by Vanu in the next 5 minutes" but other messages such as "You bunch of ****** we need to take Biolab yyy redeploy immediately!!!" prompt only the reaction of redeploying ... to another continent. Maybe someone believes this is the Army or whatever.

    However, not having played other factions, I can't compare.
  11. Corezer

    The reason NC seems to TK more is due to the nature of nanoweave.

    max nanoweave will leave u with a sliver of health from a 143 damage weapon, so a single friendly 167+ damage round can potentially do the work of 2 bullets.

    meanwhile the more common VS/TR weapon damage profiles will leave you calling the friendly an idiot as you run to safety, while not being totally pissed since you didn't die.
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  12. KrispyKremes

    My biggest complaint with NC is they follow commands too closely. When a command chat comes through to "redeploy to (blank)" they all do. Worse when there's actually a good fight going on, attacking and defending, but then all your allies disappear to a biolab cuz yellow chat said so. Better to push on multiple fronts than zerg lock on a large facility somewhere
  13. Hegeteus

    You clumped in about a thousand words on how the NC sucks, but that's not really news to anyone. It's not something you can change either, it's something you just have to deal with if you decide to play in NC
  14. Direlithe

    The amount of low levels, faction retention rate, lack of organization and communication. I see these as symptoms of the bigger problem. I have some ideas of why NC came to be like this, or rather didn't develop these kinds of traits in the same manner as TR or VS did.

    Reason 1: NC represents capitalist America; most of the world has poor opinions of Americans.
    Reason 2: NC infantry weapons are designed for longer ranged fights(low RoF). Winning alerts require the capturing of bases. Base captures for the most part involves close range fights.
    Reason 3: Perhaps due to reason 1 and 2 among others, NC loses most alerts as proven in alert statistics. Alert losses creates a cert disparity that affects players by way of infantry and vehicle loadouts.

    These reasons among others probably contributed to a poor retention rate, poor organization and communication, low morality, more alert losses, lack of confidence in the faction, and ultimately a faction that lacks sufficient cohesion in comparison with the other factions.

    This theory is not fully developed, but I think it would help to answer your question somewhat.
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  15. PlanetBound

    If you don't mind press enter once in a while.
  16. Eternaloptimist

    The most noticeable thing for me (on EU servers) is how NC do not seem to look at the map as much as the other factions do and will continue to throw themselves at a choke point or rush back into a killing ground rather than changing the direction of attack.

    Occasionally, in base fights I sometimes wonder if the average NC player realises that all the other NC are actually players too, rather than bots who will stop shooting if you run in front of them into a doorway or something.

    Can't say I have noticed any particular or persistent features of TR or VS tactics myself (I play all three factions).
  17. stalkish

    Confirmational bias can be a hard thing to overcome, you may have failed in this instance.
  18. xthezerohunter

    It's not really confirmation bias since I'm looking for information that explains or gives insight into the problem, I'm asking from all sources,and I'm not particular on one more than the other.
  19. stalkish

    The fact you think theres a problem is the bias.
    All factions share a % of casual players who do not communicate.

    The fact that you think it would be possible for the NC to just randomly get all these sorts and the other empires non is just simply ridiculous.
    The painfully obvious state of the game is, sometime TR are the most organised, sometimes its VS other times its NC.
    In 4 years and 4 months, playing on 3/4 of the servers currently left online, ive not seen anything to suggest otherwise.
    Thats my ancedote, take from it what you will
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