The EMP will be completely useless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DIGGSAN0, Apr 23, 2017.

  1. Kristan

    Well them, I want ability to jam vehicle weapons back, like in ol good PS1 days.
  2. Campagne

    But they have a much smaller radius and don't do it through walls.
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  3. LordKrelas

    This requires opponents to be standing on their own mines like utter idiots.
    Literally needs idiocy to achieve that, or luck - Either way, you can achieve the same with a basic explosive just not through walls.

    Perhaps remove that bit.

    But seriously, if the more expensive grenade is just used for removal of barely any shields, and deployables... most of which if not all, are free & infinite in most cases without any support, while the grenade is not...
    It's pretty bloody useless for practical uses
    - Ah yes, shield bubble, Beacon, FS, pray your opponent that placed it died before or shortly after the grenade, as if not then it's just been made wasted nanites.

    After all, if a part of shields is transferred into health, it makes this Shield loss even less effective.
    Shields regenerate quickly. Abilities like area-heal, any Overshield prevent health loss, making it even more ineffective.
    A single medic with area-heal, not gonna notice shields down all that likely.

    It costs more than the Frag grenade, it better be more effective.
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  4. CuteBeaver

    Hmm guess we (stalkers) better start working towards the NSX Fujin (Throwing knives) I't will be interesting to see how this plays out.
  5. Hegeteus

    Most people in this game use HA, with top players using it almost exclusively. Latest thing HA got was the shield changes, which can't be interpreted as a direct nerf in any way(as they got new benefits). KDR obsessed people don't use the rivaling classes(LA, infil) since it's difficult to utilize their sneaking and flanking advantages with areas being covered in motion spotters and it doesn't help that majority of game objectives are on shooting gauntlets in which only a HA can survive.

    That being said, LA and infiltrator are my favorite classes and I do pretty well with them in my opinion. I'm just tired of playing against such an insane proportion of heavy assaults, especially when many of them whine to me for using the brawler or mag-scatter+knife with every room being full of guys with way more HP than me
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  6. CutieG

    ******* finally.
    EMPs were ******* ridiculous. You could find the magic moment where, for the first time in a month, your MANA turret is actually viable, only to have your turret shut off from an EMP explosion that you didn't even see.
    It also removed your entire ******* HUD and made it impossible to see enemies who wear certain types of greenish camo. Just yesterday I encountered a dude who ran around with EMP and green camo to stab you in the face, because you couldn't ******* see him.

    It works plenty as a deployable wiper and shield breaker. That in itself can wipe a room, when you consider that many people like to lay defensive mines during a firefight. And with forward stations it will be even more useful, as other grenade types need more than one hit to kill them.

    Now we just need ******* concussive grenades to be either removed entirely or completely restructured. Say what you want, but ******* with a player's mouse sensitivity is a ******* no-go for an FPS. A game should never, ever, screw with the player's controls.

    I'm starting to feel that the game is actually progressing into a positive direction. It's slow, but it happens. Old oversights are finally being dealt with.
  7. MonnyMoony

    Same here - I only recently learned that the EMP nade could destroy spawn beacons - up to then I had been destroying them the hard way - now I just lob an EMP nade.

    The strange thing is - do many other people know about this ability? I see enemy spawn beacons lasting for ages because nobody goes after them - they seem to be totally ignored a lot of the time. Destroying spawn beacons can change the course of a battle in seconds.
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  8. CutieG

    For anything in PS2, the rule of thumb is "no".

    These people don't even know what a motion spotter or ammo box is or that cloaking is neither invisibility nor invincibility. Why would you expect them to understand spawn beacons?
  9. No0T

    That vvould be me, emps vvere povverfull though everybody had a red anti-emp ****y implant... novv they have nothing.
  10. No0T

    So you didn't knovv there vvas an anti emp implant and pestered the vvhole vvorld all day long? VVhy dont you go shouting I am annoying all over the place it vvould be just as effective.
  11. No0T

    Nop, draining the shield vvas the vvay to kill heavy assaults. You should remind silent. The energy draining part of it is the MOST IMPORTANT. Though people dont have anti emp implants no more... So the nerf vvas going to happen.
  12. No0T

    I think they should not take avvay the shields but the energy for abilities and the hood... That vvay the emp vvould be HA!! I NERFED YOU TO MY LEVEL !! NOVV LETS FIGHT !!
  13. No0T


    If you nerf those aspects nobody vvould complain... but emps go through vvalls in real life my friend.
  14. Demigan

    Oh dear god, n0ot time!

    Yes I did know there was an anti-EMP implant! I also knew that it wasn't 100% effective! I also knew that barely anyone used it but the Infiltrators throwing the EMP's! So your comment doesn't mean anything! As usual!
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  15. No0T

    THROVVING KNIVES are **** they are to vveak to be even consider not to mention they are also visible slovv and shovv in the map. Hate vvhen people make no sense and think they are sarcastic.
  16. No0T




    Go vvith your guild to some barely populated spavvn and s t h u.
  17. OldMaster80

    But the radius is bigger for the EMP, explosion is on contact (no bouncing is a huge benefit) and effect passes through walls. For 20 nanites difference which regenerates so fast you can't even notice.
  18. LordKrelas

    Actually, the Bounce is very useful in its own right, if you know how to use it.
    Use it to lob off a wall into a room you don't have a direct arc or line of sight to, and ta da. Or it bounces into your face, I know.
    The wall-bypass, now that is useful, but also a rare bugger given that sure you can use it outside to the inside, but it also means any blast you lob behind a wall can still likely hit you, yourself.

    As its explosion on contact which is useful for quick detonation, you also loose any adjustments or angling of your explosives.

    The HUD scramble, that's annoying but less than Concussion blasts.
    The Shield drain, useful for quick engagements, but those recharge damn fast.
    The ability drain & anti-deployable, those were the real nice traits:
    Prevents a heavy from ignoring shield loss, medics from countering any damage taken (to a point), and decloaking the hundred & one stalkers hiding in the room.

    It's basically an anti-support grenade in the effects on the enemy.
    I find it beautiful.
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  19. RockPlanetSide2

    I agree with some post up above, the day that they also add... "stupid friendly players auto run into rooms that you have EMPed and kill the enemy"... EMP nades will be useful, until then, they are just something that occasionally is annoying.
  20. LaughingDead

    I disagree. With practice, they could be a quick 1 shot or support dpsing down heavies that are looking for you, 2 main enemies for a stalker are infils (well not after that nerf) and heavies, so a high burst DPS with silent, with less visible trail option isn't a bad idea. Personally though they should really start with more than 1 damn knife. Or at least a reload.
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