[Suggestion] Remove the light from under the Spitfire.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. Movoza

    All I see is a handy tool that can be quite powerful if you know how to use it. No changes needed, except maybe removal.
  2. Scr1nRusher

    "Quite powerful".

  3. Movoza

    All you are admitting to me is that you are incompetent with the Spitfire. Incompetence is not a reason to buff.

    But we do agree on one thing. Each of your posts hurt more than a Spitfire. Than again, it hurts more than a deployed 2/2 Prowler in the back as well.
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  4. Demigan

    Allright, how about we compare it?

    Spitfire vs HA shield: HA shield gives 450 health, Spitfire 2000 along with assorted other advantages
    Spitfire vs HA rocketlauncher. Rocketlauncher deals more damage and is capable of harming more targets but also prevents you from using other weapons while it's in use, while the Spitfire is fire-and-forget.
    Spitfire vs Medic AOE heal/shieldbubble. Not really much to compare, but neither is really bad at their intended roles.
    Spitfire vs Medic gun, same as above
    Spitfire vs Recon darts/motionspotter. Spitfire has more health, actually deals damage, all three reveal their presence (spitfire with beeps and light, Recon/motion by visibility on radar), the fact that people know the Spitfire is there actually helps as people will target the Spitfire first rather than you. Spitfire can only reveal presence of enemies in specific locations rather than overall, but depending on your goal this can be an advantage, especially since there's less need to pay attention when using a Spitfire
    Spitfire vs Rocklet Rifle. Same as HA rocketlauncher, although with less damage and range.
    Spitfire vs engi turrets. Each has their own roles, but the Spitfire doesn't lock you in place and has far more uses in terms of distraction, scouting, adding damage etc.

    So no, the Spitfire isn't really in a bad position.

    Now can you explain to me why the Spitfire is in a bad position according to you? All you've done in any of your threads is say "Spitty needs buffs" or just propose buffs and say "look now it'll be more effective!". But you can give the SAW 0 COF and 0 COF increase to make it more effective, does that mean it needs it?
    As for why I'm defending this "weak" thing. I think it's in a good position right now. They could remove the carrying capacity and just give it a lenghty cooldown instead, but that's about it. If you start buffing it, especially some of the buffs you proposed, it would instantly shoot from "It's OK for a costless fire-and-forget weapon that has a multitude of roles it can play" to "Oh dear god a single Engineer can beat any class hands down because of a costless fire-and-forget weapon".
  5. Scr1nRusher


  6. Demigan

    "freak out"?
    I give you a reasonable reply, showing how the Spitfire compares and why it's not exactly bad, and you go mental? Bit of a hypocrite are you?
  7. Scr1nRusher

    You are extremely easy to figure out.
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  8. LodeTria

    Poor tracking, poor accuracy, poor damage & poor range to start with. It's also EZ killed by rocket launchers which a lot of players have because HA is king. It's also a limited deployable which can't be regen'd at ammo packs.
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  9. UberNoob1337101

    Hey look, this thread devolved into Demi vs Scr1n


    This here. It got a bit better after the buff so you can carry more than one, but it's still very bad at everything except alerting you to ppl and being good cover, but then situational awareness already does that for you and the manned AI turret provides better cover and protection.

    It'd be pretty interesting if the turret got revamped to an even lower DPS turret (like 60-50 dmg at max damage range), but became much more tanky (at least survive a rocket launcher). Would give it more of a deterrent and obstacle niche IMO instead of being merely an alert tool, it's okay now, but I'd like if it was a bit more interesting and had a slightly better role (emphasis on slightly).
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  10. Demigan

    Unfortunately for you, we weren't talking about me but about the Spitfire.
    And you haven't figured out the Spitfire, otherwise you would actually make an argument rather than make vague comments.

    Poor tracking: Yes it doesn't instantly snap to enemies because it's got a maximum turn rate. Does that make it bad? Or is that just a way to prevent it from being too good?
    Poor accuracy: Eh, it's basically a hitscan weapon. Unless it hits something in between, it hits you. Try this: Fly in range of a Spitfire but around it's maximum range, then while it fires at you, drop like a stone.
    You'll notice that as long as you don't go fast enough that it stops tracking you, it keeps hitting you.
    Poor damage: It's a free, fire-and-forget weapon that adds 10 to 30% extra damage to your weapon. Doesn't sound weak to me, especially compared to for instance the recon dart, which adds no damage and truly is only useful if the player makes use of it.
    Poor range: Seems far enough to me. I wouldn't want a +/-3 second TTK automatic and costless fire-and-forget weapon to have a massive range. It's long enough to function, but not long enough to make it impossible to approach.

    EZ killed by rocketlaunchers: I love it when players pick out a rocketlauncher to destroy a Spitfire. Those HA's deliberately nerf themselves! They are busy with a rocketlauncher, so if you engage them they wasted a rocketprimary on the Spitfire and you can use the time they need to switch to their LMG to put damage on them. That's one wonderful advantage that almost no single tool out there will give you. It doesn't matter if the Spitfire survives or not, what matters is what it gave you. If your Spitfire died but you won a battle against a HA, that Spitfire was damn powerful. Also even though the HA is the most used class, it's still 'only' 1/3rd of the infantry you'll find. Well probably more because of the Engineers all being inside vehicles, but even then more than 50% of the infantry will be non-HA's.
  11. Scr1nRusher

    You are absolutely upset about even NON STAT CHANGE CHANGE TO THE SPITFIRE.
  12. Demigan

    How am I upset? I'm telling you "here's a few reasons why the Spitfire doesn't need buffs". All you do is insult me and lay words in my mouth. Like I said, I'm not upset about the change, I'm just trying to keep the Spitfire where it is, which is a good place.
  13. Scr1nRusher

    Where did it touch you?

    It's clear the spitfire didn't touch a good place.
  14. Pikachu

    It's good that you are making suggestions again.
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  15. Demigan

    Where's you argument?
  16. CaptCran

    It helps to tell if it's friend or foe. I like that as an infil you can hack them to be your own:eek:

    Never used them before and hacking them is the only way I'll "use" them for now.
  17. Scr1nRusher

    How much counseling & therapy do you need?
  18. Demigan

    None. How much do you need?
  19. Scr1nRusher


    You freak out about anything Spitfire related.
  20. Demigan

    I'm sorry guys, I broke Scrin. He's repeating the same sentence over and over now... Rest in piece little guy.