So tell me...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrimsonEclipse5, Jan 24, 2017.

  1. Demigan

    You do nothing with the shield, and introduce new goals that need to be accomplished, but make sure the other classes are better at it.

    For example, you allow Medics to put a 200 resource elysium tube in their utility slot, but let these tubes generate and adhere to the ams no deploy zones of sunderers.
    Suddenly Medics have an important role in pushing the attack/defense and providing alternative spawnpoints. The consequence is that infiltrator and LA are better at hunting down and destroying these tubes compared to heavies.
    Additionally a shift in statistics. Currently most players and stat-tracking sites venerate KD above everything, which only encourages players to find a farming spot where they can chew through infantry, rather than gain more skillsets. So a bigger foxus on destroying spawn options (now possible as Players dont have to "share" 1 to 3 sunderers among 20+ people by hunting elysium tubes), destroying vehicles, dealing damage, rewarding assists (especially for the directives), rewarding supporting actions (placing spawn options, ammp, heal/revive etc), and that kind of thing.
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  2. Eternaloptimist

    Oh yes, HA players do seem to be the more salty types . My latest hate tell was after I started turning a cap point and then mined it - killed an HA who ran in to recap it. Also got bountied by some poor fool HA who thought leaving his head above the box he was hiding behind entitled him not to be shot.
  3. Rhello

    There will be even less reasons not to play HA/low TTK weapons if Assimilation and regeneration are released the way they function right now.
  4. travbrad

    That's why they let heavies use shotguns. Double order of cheese.
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  5. Necron

    The only thing that makes it OP is it allows a HA to win a 1 v 1 he would not win without it. No one should have an ability that trumps another person's skill.
  6. DeadlyOmen

    I play other classes because it's fun.
  7. Ziggurat8

    There's so much more to the game than solo kdr whoring? Sure if you're by yourself HA is best.

    Give me a good squad make up over a ton of HA any day. I've seen 2 medics with shield regen and decent revive skills contribute way more to a battle than 2 more HA ever could. I've seen a good infil use recon to help the push, emps to soften defenses and mines to slow or kill flankers. Engy and MAX are crazy crazy good together in any form. You say HA is best AV? Nnnaaahhh. Dual AV MAX shreds, Engy mines, plus rocket turret...LA are the best flankers and MAX killers, hands down.

    HA is good too...but best? Only if you don't care about anything but shooting or are by yourself. Get yourself some squad action, you'll see the light.
  8. Demigan

    Infiltrator stealth lets me win. It trumps another person's spotting skills.
    Jumpjets let me win. It trumps another person's situational awareness skill.

    You can argue "but it just increases the skill required to fight you", but that's exactly what the shield does: It increases the mechanical fighting skill required to win the battle of a HA.
    And there's nothing really wrong with that. There's room for allowing the HA to have an advantage in direct combat, as long as the advantages of other classes are also just as important and useful in combat. So the HA is the easiest to hold and assault points with? Well let's introduce some objectives that require stealth or jumpjets to easily accomplish, let's introduce goals that need to be maintained by Engineers (and make sure the Engineers have something fun to do while they are maintaining it), let's introduce goals for Medics to achieve such as creating alternative spawnpoints or providing damage reduction etc.
  9. CrimsonEclipse5

    You clearly didn't get the memo that Planetside 2 is a game about shooting the mans, a fact which is often at odds with the goal of contributing to battles. Directives (for the most part) require you to shoot the mans. Achieving your desired K/D requires you to shoot the mans. Auraxing weapons requires you to shoot the mans - or as in a few fringe cases, stab/punch them. Even winning battles comes down to one thing: the superior ability of one faction to kill the mans aligned with their opponents. This is the fundamental core goal of PS2, and Heavy Assaults are granted tremendous advantages when it comes to fulfilling it.

    I never said HA is the best AV. I said HA has the most easily accessed AV/AA. If you're looking for the best AA/AV, I think you'll find that the Liberator possesses what you seek.

    Dual AV MAX (or dual bursters) costs 450 nanites and require the not-insignificant cert investment of 1000C for each role (2000 if you want to go for the ESAV option).

    Engineer possesses significant AV capabilities to be sure, but they are for the most part passive, and cannot be used all that aggressively. Additionally, like the MAX, they require investments of both Nanites and Certs to be effective.

    Sure, LA are the best flankers, so long as the rooftop they're perched on is at that perfect height which allows their relatively close range arsenal to be effective, while still providing ample cover from those firing from the ground (such scenarios are exceedingly rare), and also assuming that there are no HAs or Infiltrators occupying the vertical spaces ( having exploited that most erroneously named game breaking "feature" ; Wall Climbing), unable to be dethroned by LAs whose weapons are hilariously ineffectual in the long range, sparsely covered environment of most rooftops.

    Additionally, while LAs are possessed of quite an effective flanking tool in the jetpack, it only requires one attentive player to notice the loud and distinct sound of the aforementioned jetpack, and pick off the hapless Light Assault from their exposed perch.

    Your proposal that LA are the best MAX killers is baseless and reflects the same level of cognition as the rest of your arguments. LAs require (AGAIN) an investment of both certs and nanites in order to become competitive against MAXes, while HAs starting rocket launcher has both the alpha strike damage and ability to be used from relative safety, thus making it the go to choice for Anti-MAX.- presuming you don't possess an Archer AMR, which is frankly superior to all other Anti-MAX weaponry due to its long range capabilities coupled with its sustained DPS and extremely high alpha strike. The Archer of course costs 1000C, and also forces its wielder to sacrifice their ability to carry a standard primary weapon in order to achieve such unparalleled anti-MAX firepower.

    Ahh yes, the classic "Heavies are a poor teamwork/force multiplier tool" argument. To be fair, it does have some merit, as a pure HA squad composition will lose out to a squad of 11 HAs and 1 Medic. However HAs still remain the dominant class both in well organised platoons, and among players who prefer to go it alone. This is, at least from my perspective, indicative of an innate superiority and ease of use, possessed by Heavies, which is useful to and scales extremely well for both veterans and new players alike.

    Sure, Infils are the second most played class.
    Are they annoying as hell to play against, and sometimes flat out just unfun? F*ck yes!
    Do they, unlike Heavy Assaults, make concessions in certain aspects of their performance in order to gain what benefits they do possess? Indeed, I believe so.
    This is the key problem I have with HAs. They make no sacrifices in order to achieve their superiority within the infantry game, while also being a fantastic and easy to access vehicular deterrent.
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  10. Ziggurat8

    Or you're just a biased troll with no experience at playing the game in any sort of fashion other than death match.

    HA are good, they sure as **** aren't the be all end all every HA whiner claims they are.

    I have 1200 hours playing the game split 16% Infil, 16% Medic, 15% LA, 16% HA, 29% Engineer, 6% MAX. Guess which class I play has the best KDR? I'll give you a hint. It's not HA. Take MAX out of the equation it's still not HA. Guess which class is the best AV. I'll give you a hint, it's not HA, or MAX.

    Learn 2 play and all that. HA is good, it's not overpowered.

    Everyone bases HA effectiveness on shooting kills. Other than Medic and MAX the other classes have more ways to kill than just shooting. Use them.
  11. CrimsonEclipse5

    Oh look another person who thinks PS2 isn't about shooting people... Hey moron, Why do you think all classes have guns if the game is not about shooting people?

    *In one moment of clarity, it all became clear to me - Ziggurat8 was a HE spamming ****ter*

    I assume that is why engineer gives you the highest K/D? Unless of course you're actually an A2G ****ter, but that would be inconsistent with your incessant whining about LA being "the best AV".

    READ. THE. *******. POST. At no point have I ever stated that HA has the best AV, only that they have the most easily accessed AV.

    ? You mean AP and AT mines? Oh yeah cause they're super reliable and contribute so much to your precious "objectives".

    L2P? Now who's the biased troll? You seem to forget that statistically, HA outperforms all other classes, within all BR brackets. I have 4 years of data backing up my argument, while you have little to no real evidence supporting your position.

    Also, I'm going to assume this NC HA main character with 10 hours of total play under its belt is an Alt, because of course you wouldn't lie or twist facts on the internet, right?!/5428017900391219281/stats
  12. Ziggurat8

    Uh huh. Try this one

    Go play HA then. Or, git gud and realize every class is good and has their place. But what do I know. You're the expert.
  13. stalkish

    TBH i dont believe in 'cheese'.
    This 'cheese' stuff comes from players who refuse to take the best weapon for a given situation, either they are focusing on directives, or simply dedicate to 1 playstyle, but when they come accross some1 who has optimised their loadout for that situation and loose because of this they cry 'cheese'.
    Its a way of justifying their loss, a way of relinquishing the responsibility of not thinking tactically and strategically and instead focusing on their 1 playstyle.
    Everyone is guilty of this line of thought every once in a while, even myself.
    Although i do find myself sarcastically calling players cheesers in game, usualy the ones who throw it around yell chat when they loose, just perhaps not using the same words.
  14. Huxer

    You're question is why ever play anything but heavy but as the discussion evolves you have stripped the question down to "Why play anything else when choosing infantry and involved in a point hold/capture situation involving enemy infantry in direct confrontation.?" For this the answer is probably that you should play heavy, have you extracted your proper answer?
  15. Klondor

    • We cannot fly
    • We cannot cloak (yet, if Minor cloak goes live then...)
    • we cannot deploy ammo
    • We cannot heal nor revive others. (Keyword OTHERS)
    • and we cannot absorb an entire 100 round magazine with health to spare, like the MAX can.
    TL;DR, Heavy assault is the front-line assault class specifically designed to be the bulk of a spearhead. They are so common because they are very basic in their combat role of killing the enemy, and only killing the enemy.
  16. The Shady Engineer

    Aren't LMGs (except the high magazine capacity) statistically the worst automatics in the game? Assault rifles are the god tier guns of PS2 and carbines destroy LMGs in close quarters. Sometimes even at midranges too

    Look, I main engineer as infantry. 87% engi playtime, 7% medic and only 2% heavy assault so going 1v1 against heavies with my engineer is just another day. Very and I do mean VERY rarely do I lose a gunfight to a heavy purely because they have overshields. Most times it's because they had better aim than me, better positioning than me, or hell, were just better players than me.

    One thing I do agree is that heavies are too self sufficient. They have good AI capabilities with LMGs, good AV with rocket launchers, very high ammo pools, or if using a goose lolwhatsammo and self heal in the form of medkits. Too much versatility for one class imo.
  17. Zazen

    I have been in several MLG Pro'ish outfits in the 4+ years of PS2. You know the ones, the kind you have to have very particular Dasanfall stats to even get in?

    In those outfits I was in and any others I've looked at closely the following ratio is always true, 90% of the players play HA 90% of the time. I've asked some of my friends in those outfits why they don't diversify and the answer is always more or less the same...

    "In a chaotic environment where your situational awareness is often overloaded, the HA is the only class that virtually guarantees you will be able to react to a random threat from an unexpected source/direction (tools) and survive that encounter."

    It's very hard to insta-gib a good player who's using HA. They will almost always have a decent chance to either get away or react quickly enough to give you a face full.
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  18. Ziggurat8

    I love running with a group of try hard medics personally. I've seen 5 medics push through insane amounts of enemies and just keep picking each other up. You think HA shield is better than that for KDR padding? Not likely. But to each their own. Most people play like this is a single player game anyway. HA for the win!
  19. Dusk117

    Well, I mean, I land head shots swooping around with Drifters all the time now, so Assimilation is basically god mode for any decent light assault who knows what he's doing after the air CoF buff.
  20. velie12

    He's obviously not asking for more power nor playing heavy(mainly). this is just plain ********.

    btw: learn to type