Remove weapons for flashes using cloak.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rhello, Jan 4, 2017.

  1. Rhello

    Or at least, restrict the cloak to the Basilisk and the Kobalt. What can possibly go wrong when you give something that is mobile as hell the ability to cloak for a long period of time AND carry instagib weapons. Hell, there are people hunting for lightning with fury flashes, this shouldn't even be happening since those weapons should be on top of harassers/MBTs instead. And the best in all this story, is that you got all that for 50 nanites, or 25 if you got the continental bonus. This is the same price as a medkit, so there's literally no risk involved when spawning one.

    You can't pretend to balance vehicle game when you let ******** like wraith flashes be a thing, even several years after it was implemented.
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  2. MonnyMoony

    I'd just settle for damage upon road killing a Max TBH.

    A 50 nanite cloaked flash being able to instagib a 450 nanite full health Max without sustaining even a scratch is the very definition of cheese.
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  3. OgreMarkX

    Couldn't agree more.

    Instagib, insta cloak, fast, agile, long lasting stealth.

    One of the cheesiest game play aspects of Planetside 2.
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  4. Liewec123

    its loud, easily spotted and has less health than a paper bag.
    the only time it becomes cheesy is if you see a squad using them,
    but that is the same for everything, a squad of vulcan harassers are a nightmare to come up against.
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  5. Valenz

    Cloaked flashes can still roadkill I'm afraid...
  6. Liewec123

    yes, but they're easily spotted (atleast i can see them from fairly far away.)
    roadkilling needs to change though, there is no reason for a quadbike to be running over an 8ft mechanical behemoth.
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  7. EViLMinD

    No. Wraith Flash is fine. You just need to learn the game better. Work on your observation skills and discover the many counters available to you.

    Ah F it. You're fired.
  8. Pat22

    Wraith Cloaking probably also shouldn't act as both max level Stealth and IR Smoke ( or whatever that vehicular equivalent to Flares is called ) all in one.
  9. Rhello

    Would you give cloaking and pounders to light assaults ? Because that's what it is like. When I can roadkill a full health max while fighting on Indar, there is something wrong. When someone can almost two clip a lightning from behind with a FLASH weapon, something is ALSO wrong. When you can go 10+ kills in one life with almost no risk or skill involved, something is VERY wrong. When you can do that by spending the price of a medkit, it's not wrong anymore, it's just the way stuff is balanced in planetside 2.
    But I guess people with 1k+ hours will have to shut up and get good against something which has some huge reward, requires no skill and involves no risk at all. Fanboys at their best.

    And quit being an hypocrite, it is the same deal as A2G to me, appart that there's less AOE and can be chainpulled. A nerf is long overdue.

    I'm wondering what is the paperbag standard to you, like taking several small arms mags to be destroyed ? If you're a medic or an engineer, you'll not have the time to kill the guy because he just has to uncloak and press a button once, twice if you're lucky. So unless you're some MLG quickscoper with a bolt action, you won't outDPS him.
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  10. EViLMinD

    I've invested a f ton of time in this game over the last 4 years. Unlocked/maxed everything that's certable on my char. I know all the options for dealing with cloaked flashes. If I can figure out how to stop them - anyone can. Really. It's not rocket science.

    So cry all you want. You'll continue to be frustrated until you learn how to counter them. Hints: tank mines, proxy or scout radar, recon darts...etc

    Btw, you're still fired.
  11. Rhello

    330 days of playtime, thinks the recon darts spot vehicles.
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  12. OgreMarkX

    There's a reason infiltrators weren't given shotguns. Then along came stealth flashes.
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  13. Daigons

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  14. OgreMarkX

    Invisibility and instakill. Yeah, it's cheesy.
  15. Rebelgb

    Only ones sticking up for it are probably those who use it to its maximum cheesiness. Its cheesy and its stupid and it needs to go. Love the "its loud" argument. Yeah cuss being in a tank isn't loud. I mean if you are sitting still maybe you can hear the flash (oh wait noob don't stay still in a tank!!). Besides in a large battle (which admittedly is more and more rare, but hey keep the cheese!) you hear so many damn things to think you will some how use your spidy senses to hear that one flash coming at 70mph through friendly traffic!!

    Look its cheesy and its stupid. DBG don't care cuss people are probably spending money on it. The funny thing is people here defend the Cheese that is the Infiltrator class these days and the Cheese of things like Tank busting and Wraith Flashes but then cry that the game is so un-noob friendly and god damnit why aren't there any new people playing?????
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  16. adamts01

    Are you sure you've played this game before? proxy/scout radar only work on infantry.
  17. Corezer

    Wraith is fine, they need to come up with other class specific abilities so that "one class get's it's own vehicle" isn't a class balance point anymore, I can't imagine that makes things easier for them...
  18. adamts01

    Haha. But seriously, he's a BR120, mind your tongue you filthy scrub.
  19. CrimsonEclipse5

    And now people are saying that wraith flashes are OP? Well f*ck me right in the bumhole gents, forum satire has reached a level I did not think possible...
  20. DIGGSAN0

    Do you know what is cheesy?

    Stealth Air to Ground ESF who farm Infantry the whole day...

    Nudelholz19 is such a little wienered Player as Example:D
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