I'm done

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aydın, Dec 15, 2016.

  1. Aydın

    Hi dear,

    I am adnTR, and I'm done. I am playing in terren republic. I hate Vanu and NC. They are powerfull and have funny guns. We don't have any good items. And both of allways attacking TR. And they tell you TR powerfull and allways attack us but this is not true. TR players (generally) don't use forum also this is my first article. Realy I'm done. I don't say reduce they power's. I'm just saying we don't have good gun or something anymore. I mean we (Terran) don't use planetside forum's. VS and NC's players say lies, and they allways crying. So you reduce power Terran and we got nothing now. Make survey for reach everybody. THANKS!
  2. kr47er

    hi dear,
    its not all about factions here, most of the people plays on all of them.
    Also I suggest you testing NC and VS before you judge.
    TR and NC have specific advantages in specific situations, VS is kind of a balance between the other two.
    but anyway, at this point of the game all factions are more or less the same. NC is somehow more different in my opinion.
    Also I must agree with you that in my personal prefference, I dont like the TR toys that much compared to VS or NC.
    for example, I like much more the NC max than the TR one, also I like the jackhammer more than the chaingun.
    but easy there, I' ve been underestimating TR for a long time, but when I really tried it, I found they have some interesting advantages like pistols,tanks,mines or shotguns. ( for some weird reason, even if all shotguns have same stats, I perform much better with TR ones )
    oh, also that black auraxium (L)
  3. Humoreske

  4. Pikachu

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  5. Aydın

    I did play NC and VS. And I use everything.
    They are not same. NC and VS powerfull I am serious.
    Example: VS have ''lancer'' (rocket for VS) and it's shooting with laser. İt can shoot base to base. And NC have ''Phoenix'' You can be killed while controlling the rocket. Just stay at safe area and controlling. Just this. Shoot tanks, sunders, maxs you can shoot everything. And TR... we have ''T2 striker'' useles rocket. Depressed, reduced power, and your think they same. How can say they same ? they are not same. And like I said TR player's don't use forum. And VS,NC players say lie. They think we are invincible, powerfull, like ''omg TR comming'' but this is not true. I don't get enjoy anymore from TR. This must be fix.
  6. kr47er

    lol and tr not know to speak english
    tr underpowered again.
    that why tr dont post right?
  7. Aydın

    Still say lie.
    Your players are very bad. TR just have good players.
    Keep going to cry.
  8. kr47er

    lol so now i'm the one crying. fine:D
  9. Aydın

    We can see who crying allways.
    You guys, just saying TR, TR, TR and they (PS2) think TR powerfull. This is not true and you know that. Don't say more lie anymore.
  10. customer548

    You need a TR char wearing spandex, with high TKing abilites.
    Problem solved.
  11. Bankrotas

    And here I am, after 2500 hours of NC, enjoying TR more. But yeah, **** VS.
  12. MrMinistry30

    That post from someone who auraxed 1 (or maybe even 2) weapon(s)...

    Yeah, if YOU aren't a leading authority in the field of TR weaponry i don't know who could be. We will all miss you and your battle changing contribution on the field...

    Good bye my love, i hope you will find a game where players aren't as cruel as here and don't shoot back as soon as you fire at them.
  13. CrimsonEclipse5

    Allfather preserve us all, the end times are upon us. What the f*ck is this thread?

    I mean, there's ********, and then there's the OP.

    Whelp, having checked OPs stats, I can say with quite a bit of confidence that this is a troll thread.

    OP has K/D of 3, vehicle main by the looks of it, more hours played than myself (just), having joined 3 years after me, and you expect me to believe they aren't trolling? No. Nope. No sir. Not today.

    Maybe tomorrow though...
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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  14. Diilicious

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  15. Hondarama

    Uh... TRs weapons are mostly fine... Gatekeeper really has been nerfed into the ground though.
    And you're complaining about the Striker? HAHAHAHA xD That thing is brilliant... Best AA weapon the Heavy assault can have, and is fairly decent at taking out vehicles at range... Also surprisingly accurate when hipfiring.
    In fact I think the factions are (mostly) balanced as is at the moment.

    As for TR being double teamed... I happen to be playing on the same server as you (Miller), and have played since summer of 2013... And that statement is ********. It's sortof the "The line in the supermarket next to me seems to go faster than the one I'm in" syndrome. Sometimes NC gets double teamed, and sometimes VS gets double teamed, it's a consequence of having a 3 faction setup.

    Edit: Oh, and where you've barely auraxed 2 weapons on your TR character, I'm on 28 and counting :)
  16. Aydın

    I'm playing this game Since 2013.
    And I can remember old TR.
    I did pay daybreak cash for striker.
    I can remember vulcan. All nerfed guns.
    Did you see before nerfed NC gun? -nope
    They have unskilled players and they think TR powerful.
  17. kr47er

    wrong. It's a consecuence of having free empire selection and spawn posibilities. In other words:
    It's a consecuence of having devs that dont care a single **** about real game balance.
    weapons? yeah, all weapons are mathematically ballanced. but it's worthless if I am double teamed.
  18. FredM

    I don´t think it is lack of good TR weapons or guns.

    I am TR 100
    I am VS 100
    I am NC 99 right now

    So, already played all factions and switching between them sometimes, every faction has an assortment of good guns and weapons (also on vehicles and so on) but my experience is, that the game is still badly balanced sometimes. Alot has also to do with game performance and lag.

    Sometimes I shoot a whole magazine into an enemy and he/she does not die and suddenly I drop dead.
    Another example is I run into a building to take shelter cause someone shoots at me. I run into the door and around the corner, enemy still shooting at me. In shelter and around the corner there are still bullets hitting me through the wall and I die.

    Why? Because there is server lag. Sometimes you are already dead while you still walk/run. This has maybe nothing to do with bad guns or overpower of the enemy, furthermore just lag.

    What I do hate in game are ghost cappers. And I do see this mostly on VS, sometimes on TR and not so often at NC. I think the game mechanics should be changed there (e.g. if no one at base the timer stops/ resets) and that a single player can maybe not capture everything alone while droping in with a fighter, hoping on the plane again and off to the next ghost cap.
  19. Rhello

    OP is a traitor, saying TR is the least fun to play with, while we've all that dakka. TO THE FIRING SQUAD.
  20. Eternaloptimist

    There there Dear,

    Sorry to hear about your (ahem) weapon envy problem.

    Shall I get you a Jaguar for Christmas? There is a nice gift set available with a complementary Inquisitor sidearm atm.

    Or would you prefer a T32 Bull with the luxury pack (compensator, fore grip and reflex sight)?