[Suggestion] Why 'Friendly Fire' within Planetside 2 is a pointless feature

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by loomynartylenny, Dec 6, 2016.

  1. Pat22

    I mean, that's a pretty accurate description of what magazines do.
  2. FieldMarshall

    This. Anyone who thinks FF doesent matter or dont know why its in the game should read that entire post.
  3. TRspy007

    Friendly fire is an attempt to make the game more real. This also created the third faction (NC). Anyways, friendly fire encourages coordination and communication with your teammates, it also provides medics with a job. Since many of the deaths are from team killing, take that away and medics are useless. Also, if you're not one of those a$$holes that tk for fun or those guys that think they're awesome spies for tking to help their friends from the other faction, then you really don't have a chance of your weapons being locked as the devs understand that there's those idiot who walk in front of you when you're firing to get an assisted suicide. Just try to be more cautious in front teammates, the ff feature forces you to aim properly.
  4. Diilicious

    the only part of that whole quote that would be a genuine problem is this

    all the rest of it just assumes that there is like 4 persons verses 70, in most cases when there is a huge zerg at a base, unless you bring your own the base is lost, friendly fire would not affect that situation, nor also would you be able to shoot through your allies as it seems to suggest you believe i was suggesting, youd still hit them but it wouldnt do anything, and if more and more people are coming to shoot down X sightline then more and more people will just die, most of your arguement assumes that only 1 side will have this advantage.

    putting locked vehicles to block places would suck mega dicks and is the only part of a friendly fire implimentation you wouldnt be able to do anything about UNLESS when you got out of the vehicle it became neutral and ownerless and so could still be destroyed by allies, but if there was somebody inside it would be faction owned.
  5. Ziggurat8

    Without FF VS would rule the world. Imagine 5 lashers inside of a room with 0 fear of FF. Hell hitting your friend might help him out if the splash damage killed the enemy. Now imagine 10, 15, 20 lashers with 150 round magazines just spam firing anywhere an enemy might show up.

    Actually, the more I think about it the more we (VS) need this. Remove FF on Lashers! Everything else can remain the same.
  6. Scr1nRusher

    These threads lately do not please the Forumside Chaos Gods.
    • Up x 1
  7. CutieG

    Friendly fire is a variable added to make the gameplay more diverse.

    Without FF, fire lines are not a concern and explosives are much more liberally usable. Just think of all of those rooms where everyone sites in the door and fires out. With FF, you have four dudes, two crouched and two standing, that are able to fire. More than that and they get in each other's ways - unless they stand away from the doorway look from an angle.
    It's a completely different dynamic from no-FF games. There is more to think about, and that's a kind of skill that PS2 needs, because so many other things don't require skill.
    Though I would love to see MAXs become immune and intangible to friendly fire. Imagine an NC MAX that blocks a doorway with its shield while behind it is a firing line that blind fires through the door. The enemy would need to flank, kill the MAX or move through the MAX before they could retaliate.

    I say that as someone who played Dust 514, a game that had both FF and non-FF game modes. It was also different in that players would physically block each other, instead of being able to walk through another.
    I prefer ghost buddies that are harmed by my weapons over tangible blueberries that cannot hurt me, in general.
    (Note: No FF modes in Dust still had friendly players soak the actual shots. If shots went through your allies in a class-based FPS, you would instantly transform into a rolling mass of Zerg, where the tanks soak damage at the front and the glass cannons stay behind, while the Medics heal the tanks.
    Actually, now I want to see PS2 with projectiles that go through allies).

    However, FF also allows for some really obnoxious and malicious team killing and no FF allows for creative tactics like ***** Jeeps. Put a few mines on a vehicle's hood and smash through enemies.
    IMO a ***** Jeep is better than a C4 Fairy. It's a similar abuse of tools, but more fun for both sides.
  8. customer548

    FF On is the reason why I'll keep on playing PlanetSide 2.
    FF Off is the reason I'll not play to Overwatch, even if Overwatch seems to be a "moar trendy game".

    FF On requires more attention, more awareness, a trigger discipline. You need to take care about your teammates around. It adds a new dimension, a bit more interest to a simple FPS.

    My own opinion : Planetside is definitly not 100% FF On. You can check it easily. Try to move a bit and quickly in front of teammates' Engi turrets, or in front of teammates during "big" fights... The game forgives A LOT of team damages, depending on the size of the battle. I don't even think it's about lag or whatever.
    During small fights, FF is definitly 100% On.
  9. kr47er

    wich is completely ridiculous, considering that the emty magazine will weigh less.
    with a realistic view just vanu should have a short reload benefits. since they use coils, the ammo left on theese could be saved on the weapon, so the next coil you place can go half-charged, have less weight, and be maneuvered quicker.
  10. Demigan

    And that's not even close to the subject I was talking about.
  11. kr47er

    go imagine how much i care about.
  12. Demigan

    If you don't care about it you shouldn't be making stupid comments about it.
  13. kr47er

    basic logic too advanced for you? or you don't know to read english?
  14. Demigan

    I can do many types of logic and I can read english. You however seem to have a problem with yourself.
  15. FredM

    FF feature is pointless and I consider it harrasment when done intentaly. There is a NC character (pumpkin...something) doing this on almost dayli base and the locking weapon feature does not bother him too much.

    As suggested in the past, doing this on a regular base - lets say more as 5 players within 30 minutes and in a row of 2-3 days should just lock your account for 2 weeks.

    Or: The feature of friendly fire should not be implemented at all (no friendly fire possible).

    Problem solved.
  16. kr47er

    hm. and how is that?
  17. SarahM

    If you remove freindly fire, you might as well remove NC. :p
  18. CutieG

    How about you stop being a short-sighted ******* and at least explain which version of "no friendly fire" you want?
    There's a gazillion of different implementations that are possible for that scenario.

    I'm as tired as anyone else of the FF ****nuggets, but you are being the typical armchair dev.
  19. hansgrosse

    I like friendly fire existing in this game, and the reason I like it is because it adds an extra layer of tactical depth to the fighting going on in-game. FF tests a player's judgment, situational awareness, and ability to make sound targeting decisions on the fly, and this does nothing but add to the quality of the PS2 experience IMO.

    Yes, it can be and sometimes is abused, but in my own experience actual issues arising from TK griefers are remarkably few and far between. The incidents that do come up hardly justify the removal of the system in light of what it adds to the gameplay as a whole.

  20. PlanetBound

    In BF2 I remember a lot of teamkilling over getting the next vehicle that spawned. The punishment was you died and waited longer than usual to respawn. You also had the option to forgive. Maybe PS2 would benefit from that style of play.