The most op thing in the game...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ryme_Intrinseca, Oct 28, 2016.

  1. Ryme_Intrinseca

    Is those guys that stand around being invincible at sunderers. Plz nerf.
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  2. Diggsano

    There are even guys who are invincible while walking after spawning
  3. EPIC389

    The most overpowered weapon in the game is the brain. Unfortunately most people don't even know it exists
  4. Demigan

    Its a very simple mechanic.

    Previously people would spawn in, their avatar appeared on the map and if you hit a loadingscreen you were completely free certs.
    So they changed it. You loading? Your avatar is immune to fire. This has nothing to do with movement, the moment you are loaded in you can be killed. Anyone thinking someone was invulnerable when the opponent moved probably ran into lag.

    If you disconnect during a loadingscreen your avatar remains in position. These are those people that remain standing next to a destroyed sunderer or in a captured spawntube and get surrounded by 50 people Who keep stabbing/shooting him until complete disconnect or they log in again.

    Since you are loading 99% of the Players think it never happens to them. But if you ever load in on a destroyed sunderer and/or surounded by enemies Who instakill you, you were that invulnerable guy that moment.
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  5. Cymric

    DBG could add an indicator on avatars that are still loading. Perhaps an icon over their head or make the avatar translucent with an outline.
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  6. adamts01

    I say spawnrooms. The player is invincible in both cases, but the guy in the Burster Max in the spawn room can rack up kills.
  7. Beerbeerbeer

    I throw C4 on them and wait...
  8. MajiinBuu

    I still say trees are the most overpowered thing in the game.
    We need a way to take bark from those super-trees and put them on our tanks!
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  9. Pelojian

    they just need to do what EQ2 does when someone is spawning/zoning and they loose connection and put in brackets on their name (linkdead) then people not be so bothered when someone is immune at a destoryed sundie and unmoving for 5 minutes.
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  10. Demigan

    "Don't shoot immobile characters at Sunderers unless they are facing the Sunderer terminal".

    Doesn't seem a whole lot of trouble to me. Sure sometimes when I hang around a Sunderer and unload a clip at some invulnerable player only for them to load in a second later and shoot me in the face, but I call that "proper risk/reward for spawncamping". Allowing players to see who's invulnerable or not isn't going to help the game, it's only going to help players annoy the **** out of people through easier spawncamping.
  11. Klabauter8

    The most OP thing in this game are ******** team members. You really have the feeling as if every second guy from your faction actually comes from another faction and only plays your faction to ruin your run.

    Just a moment ago: "Hurr I'm gonna build my wall right in front of your turret, so the enemy can't hit your turret, smart, isn't it?"
  12. entity009

    This idea is great but all attempts to harvest sections of super tree bark met with failure. At one point 100 bricks of c4 were detonated on a tree in an attempt to blow off a portion of super bark. It has even been said that there is an insane NC trooper still seen around Hossin hacking with a mag cutter at super trees mumbling to himself "what the hell kind of trees are these".
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  13. Crayv

    If they would make it so invulnerable people just don't render that would be great.
  14. Newlife1025

    That makes sense now
  15. Newlife1025

    You forgot trees and rocks. They have the highest kd of all things ps2 and it just climbs higher.
  16. DirArtillerySupport

    The most op thing in the game...a Veteran.
  17. LaughingDead

    Most op weapon in the world: a knife. Suppressed, 500 per shot, can headshot and it has unlimited ammo
  18. CaptCran

    gravity and friction are op. and acid water.
  19. Eternaloptimist

    Lag OP plz nerf
  20. mvp2k13

    I agree. One time a tree destroyed my mag, mid air. Since that time I've sworn to seek revenge on all trees, however this game doesn't allow their destruction. It is quite sad frankly.
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