Vanu Sniper Rifle

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Kanelbullen300, Oct 27, 2016.

  1. Kanelbullen300

    So now that im aaalmost done getting my skorpios I kinda wanna get the auraxium armor for my infiltrator, but i have absolutely no idea which sniper I should buy for the 800 sniper kills. I have the XM98 but I feel as if the bullet velocity is just too slow.

  2. BartasRS

    XM98 is quite good, basically it is a poorer version of Parallax. I got over 1k kills with XM98 before I even noticedso you can either stay with it or buy Parallax for 1000 certs.
  3. MajiinBuu

    If you have the certs, I'd recommend the Parallax. Along with the RAMS-50 and Longshot, it has the highest muzzle velocity of the sniper rifles (Excluding Railjack). This means the bullet drops less, and you have to lead your target less.
  4. MrMinistry30

    No scope sway and low zoom optics with good chances in CQC-sniping = Ghost (also very cheap)
    Long range sniping = XM98 or Parallax (with parallax being expensive)

    Whatever you do, DON'T get the Phaseshift and AVOID the semi auto snipers, just stick with bolt actions.
  5. BartasRS

    agreed. Phaseshift is fun and has "unlimited" ammo but it may take a long time to Aurax this and will be a source of much frustration. Semi autos are easy to use but you will need 2 HS at longer distance which may be difficult at times.
  6. Kanelbullen300

    Yea I was thinking bolt actions too. no SASR..
    And i have like 3000 ish certs so the cost of the sniper wont be a problem. Anyone have some good advice on sniper builds then?
  7. BartasRS

    Can't be wrong equipping Ammo Belt, the rest is up to you. IMO if you go for pure sniping you can run with Medkit instead of Proxies.
  8. Sinful Raevyn

    I exclusively snipe (fav class) on VS. ^.^ My suggestion!

    Primary: Parallax.It is love. it is life. <3

    Attachments: 12x Scope. Straight Pull Bolt (More shots in sticky situations. Great for runners.)

    Secondary: Situational... but..

    Main: NS-44 Commissioner. One shot KO to most Infiltrators. If you've got good aim you can kill most other classes 1v1 pretty easily. Or at least end the battle in a "tie". :p It also has pretty good long range power, but that is completely situational...

    Attachments: Darklight Flashlight. I don't use optics, but you can if you're comfy.

    Alternative: NS-61 Emissary. This is what I use at times... might be better VS natural choices. Short mag, but a fully automatic alternative. Usually if you're good aim, can stand up against fully auto infantry. Low recoil too. :)

    Attachments: Same as above.

    Tool: Depends on you. I personally use recon darts. But motion spotters can be better for preventing people from sneaking up on you. However... MS are visible on map when spotted (more attention to you) and are getting nerfed on PC? Soooo.. situational. For me, darts don't leave any trace and honestly, nobody knows where they are shot from.


    Hunter 6 Obv.

    Grenade: EMP. Works amazing if having to deal with multiple enemies. Helps drop heavies like flies or to weed out stalkers.

    Utility: Medkit. You will be found and people will take shots at you. You'll live to see more fights with a couple of these on hand.

    'Shield': Ammunition Belt. Allows you to stay out there a lot longer.

    Knife: Whatever. Really situational. Lumine Edge though is amazeballs. :3

    This has been my main setup not long after leaving Koltyr. ^.^ I went from just over 1.5KD to Nearly 5KD now. Still climbing. If you get really good at managing cloak and knowing when to back off/change positions... you can easily have days where you're 100+kills/10 or less deaths.

    Ugh. I should mention I'm on PS4 atm. Sorry. Most of this, as far as weapons... should translate to PC? The gear part might differ depending on the tweaks and differences for you guys. Especially since you have implants. :3

    Looking at Implants on Wiki, my obv choices as a hunter would be:

    Hold Breath ('cause current duration suuuuuucks)
    Safe Landing: Honestly think this would be OP to the Hunter kit. I fall down cliffs a lot trying to get to out of reach spots... xD Or... trying to g t f o of dodge when I get surprised/busted <_<

    Counter Intelligence sounds cool on paper (because you can be spotted easily if not careful)... but if you learn to use cloak and cover properly.. it probably wouldn't even come up often. The rest are at best situational tools. ^.^
  9. Diggsano

    The V10 is Buffed and a very good Sniper now!

    8/48 Ammo
    Faster Reload than Parallax
    Faster Rechamber than Parallax
    More Ammo than Parallax
    Preciser Hip fire than Parallax (Suits better flr quikscoping)

    Also with Silencer it is pretty easy to compensate
    100m= one Milldot


    And here are my Dasanfall Stats (look at Bolt Action Sniping)
  10. Moz

    The best sniper to get your directive with if you don't usually snipe would be the Ghost.... period!

    All the other suggestions are just terrible for your situation....

    You get OHK just like the other snipers and you can use the 4x scope with NO SWAY!

    If you don't intend to snipe all the time, or dont do a lot of it now the GHOST is the best rifle for you as its the simplest to use.

    Long range bolt actions WILL NOT score you kills as quickly as the Ghost. Also, the SAS:R / Ghost are bolt action rifles.....

    The SAS:R, Ghost and TSAR-42 are the most user friendly options available.
  11. BoatsFriends

    Just Follow these loadouts/instructions. Anyone can learn to how to snipe. just follow these instructions.
    Instructions are as follows:

    I recommend.....

    Primary : Ghost
    Optics :OG-4 (4x)
    Rail Attachments : Straight-pull Bolt

    Secondary : NS-44 Commissioner
    Optics : NiCO (1x)
    Rail Attachments : Laser Sight

    Tool Slot : Motion Spotter
    Ability Slot : Hunter Cloaking Device

    Suit Slot : Flak Armor
    Grenade Slot : EMP Grenade
    Utility Slot : Medical Kit

    Implant : Battle Hardened

    Main Vehicle : Lightning

    Primary Weapon : L100 Python HE
    Optics :Thermal Optics
    Utility Slot : Fire Suppression System
    Defense Slot : Vehicle Stealth
    Performance Slot : Rival Combat Chassis
    Optional Weapon : Skyguard
    Optics :Thermal Optics
    Utility Slot : Fire Suppression System
    Defense Slot : Vehicle Stealth
    Performance Slot : Rival Combat Chassis

    Secondary Vehicle : Sunderer
    Utility Slot : Fire Suppression SystemDefense Slot : Vehicle Stealth
    Performance Slot : Rival Combat Chassis

    Front Weapon : M12 Kobalt
    Optics :Thermal Optics
    Utility :Magazine Size

    Back Weapon : G30 Walker
    Optics :Thermal Optics
    Utility : Magazine Size

    Optional Vehicle : Valkyrie
    Utility Slot : Scout Radar
    Defense Slot : Vehicle Stealth
    Performance Slot : Hover Stability Airframe
    Primary Weapon : M20 Wyvern
    Optics :Thermal Optics
    Utility :Magazine Size

    Reasons are as follows: These loadouts are hand picked by someone who knows how to snipe better than other people. (This statement *** **** ******** ** ** ***** * *********** *** ***** ** ***** **** ************ ****. Proof ** verification can be found in the Solx evidence folder.)

    Testimonials and Responses

    "I didn't listen to instructions." -Bakaraymoo A common mistake, try again. I believe in You.

    "I endorse this message." -Fornax2 Of course you do. It's totally fetch.

    What about people on the receiving end? What do they say? In order to answer the question about what about people on the receiving end? What do they say? I personally went out using these loadouts and asked people on the receiving end what they say. Responses are as follows:

    "Oh man...words cannot express.....
    ...I felt violated.....
    .....AND IT WENT ON FOR HOURS...." -Connery Proof

    "Snipertank? Being 100% honest I have no idea who you are... Sorry." -4R You know, sniper tank. You get in your tank, you get out of your tank. You snipe people...SNIPERTANK....IT'S A THING!...

    "So you shoot people but you are not in a tank?.........You stand next to a tank and snipe people. But it's called sniper...That doesn't even make any sense. Outside the tank. How did we become friends? We don't do the same things. You don't know how to fly. Even if I pulled a mag............... just stand next to it. You don't know how to fly. You don't know how to fly. You don't know how to fly." -LTSR Friends!

    So maybe i forgot to mention how to sniper tank. Instructions are as follows: First you havbe to get a tank oh look a punkin