[Suggestion] Allow vehicle owner to lock guns without having to lock the whole vehicle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Inzababa, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. Inzababa

    I get so frustrated when someone "catches a ride" on my sunderer, I would like to help him or her (although the cheap bastard could buy a 50 nanite quad) but it's like a law of murphy that anyone with a gun in his or her hands will shoot at anything, even if it's 20 miles away and maybe one bullet out of 30 will actually hit the target, doing no damage, and serving no purpose other than alerting everyone around and the target that there's an incoming sunderer.

    Wow wasn't expecting that sentenec to be so long.

    Anyway, in the case of sunderers, the only counter to this is to simply lock the vehicle so no one can get in, and if they are in, they get out.

    Still, I would like to suggest the option to simply lock the guns, so I can transport up to 7 randoms without them shooting at everything and if I did need them to shoot, I could just unlock them and let them have their fun.
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  2. PlanetBound

    Agreed. And while they are blasting away, someone needs to get out and start popping flares just in case.
  3. Jawarisin

    To be fair, every time I land to repair liberator, me and my gunner used to shoot flares around.
  4. stalkish

    Request #19,373 for lockable gunner positions.
  5. Kcalehc

    Drive off a cliff. That'll teach 'em! ;)

    But yes, a separate lock switch for the weapons is a sensible idea.
  6. Calisai

    Vehicle permissions have been lacking since release. I love how to lock out randoms from my gunner spot, I have to give access to my squad to drive my vehicle. So a mistimed jump back into the vehicle from a repairing causes my gunner to take control, causing confusion for a few seconds while we switch seats, etc. The only alternative is to keep it locked and then a random jumps in and takes the spot... again... a few seconds while I kick them... with a likely upset guy with the chance of a rocket or c4.

    That said... see me over here holding my breath... yeah.. not likely.. been asking for it for 4 years.
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  7. Savadrin

    That's why you stop repairing a half-second before the vehicle is full and let your gunner finish up :p
  8. Klabauter8

    Vehicle teamplay is a lost cause in this game. The only option is to play with friends who know the vehicle, everything else is hopeless. Will be really happy when I finally auraxiumed my Valkyrie (mostly completely alone btw), so I can finally concentrate on a solo vehicle.

    The "teamplay" in this game is complete utter garbage.
  9. EViLMinD

    I'd be so happy if they added an Engineers Only option for gun seats. Frickin' tired of having to constantly kick people who lack the repair tool... then having to deal with those extremely annoying crapheads who refuse to stay out or FF my ride.

    It should have a significant positive impact for vehicle pilots. No doubt it would encourage more players to swap to engineer before attempting to hop into a gunner seat. Teach 'em a better way, ya know. At the very least, it'd keep most of the DFs out.
  10. FateJH

    How many riders or gunners have you personally asked to hop out and change to an Engineer suit?
  11. Klabauter8

    As if talking to people in this game would make any sense. Most people just ignore you anyway. You are merely stealing their time to follow the marker.
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  12. Liewec123

    its been requested for years, rather than apparently selfish sundies running with 2-3 people and locked to the next base it would be great if they could lock the guns to squad/outfit so they can still play transport.
  13. EViLMinD

    I frequently tell the person who jumped into my harasser that I need them to be an engineer. Very few people listen and get out. Doesn't matter if an infantry terminal is right beside us. The vast majority of the time, the idiot just sits there. Either they don't have proxy chat (their problem) are have decided to just be a pain in the butt.

    Fairness matters a great deal to me. Which is why I have no sympathy for someone who keeps getting back in after I kicked them. One kick should be enough of a message. It's my vehicle. I grinded to max the certifications. I spend the money to bling it, and I spent the resources to spawn the damn thing. If a teammate doesn't like my rules - they can get their own ride. That's fair as f, man.

    Lately, I've been trying my best to not rage on people who attack my ride because I wont let them gun. That's a big line crossing. Nevertheless, I really prefer to not be bothered. Fighting teammates is something I wish to avoid. Sometimes, you can't back down though. That can get ugly.

    I don't feel I should have to lock my vehicle as I actually do want a gunner (a proper one). So, after three kicks in a row, I'll turbo into the middle of a field, away from the fight, pitch the fool and then drive back. This tiny justice gives me some satisfaction. That's about as peaceful as I can be about the matter. It really ticks me off, ya know. I don't understand the mentality. When someone kicks me from their ride, I don't care if it was personal or some other reason. I simply shrug and move on. The veh didn't belong to me. It was the owner's right to choose.