There was a problem getting the list of files for download. An update may be in progress. Please try

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Truk, Sep 16, 2016.

  1. Doc Jim

    I find it baffling that players are expected to bend over backwards in order to get a faulty game working again... Is there any effort on the side of the developers to do their job and fix it? It's all nice and dandy if some of these workarounds help, but it shouldn't be necessary in the first place.
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  2. Dishwater

    This one worked so far, not sure tho how long it works.
  3. disky00

    I've been working on this for hours and I've tried just about everything here and nothing has resolved my issue. I'm just going to wait until DBG takes care of it, because I just can't be bothered anymore.
  4. Liewec123

    there goes todays 48 certs that i've paid for i guess...
    soooo love that ridiculous cap, especially when nonsense like this prevents you from getting them.

    if you're going to force us to log in every day to get the certs we've paid for, alteast make sure we can log in! :mad:
  5. Jones

    YES, FINALLY. Somebody screwed up their DNS or something over there...don't care, I'm in to play and relax.

    Somebody get this guy 2000 certs for his excellent solution!!
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  6. Dishwater

    please watch this video and also read comments below, there is download link which saved my ***, hopefully. In game now.
  7. Fullgrym

    I played the game in the morning with absolutely no problems, then I had to do some work and when I got back - I got the error. I haven't installed anything on my PC, I have turned all auto-updates off, so absolutely no change on my part. I have deleted the Digests folder and LaunchPad.Cache, but I am NOT going to change DNS or change windows files for something Daybreak has f*cked up. If they repair the problem - ok. If not - I guess they will have a little bit less customers.
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  8. GaiusJuliusCeasar

    Why the hell is it the community that finds the fix for this and not daybreak - ridicoulus, and I paid for this.
    will try the solutions.
    got another funny one. My son can log into the homepage, check
    not log into the game, wrong password. uhhh
    not change password on the site he just logged into because tadaaa - the old password does not match????????
  9. Ximinett

    Yeah,the problem is the game,so the game devs should put a solution on this. Put a solution yourself is not a solution.
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  10. SpectralAndroid

    exactly the same happened to me
    stopped playing at 3 o'clock came back just now and that error suddenly appears
  11. Pj3r

    Community finds solutions faster, because community is legion, Devs are outnumbered 10-1 especially when it comes to brainpower at this time of day..
  12. Liewec123

    someone should post something on reddit, none of the devs check the forum >_<
  13. disky00

  14. saronyogg

    The Devs always should check the forum
    Otherwise, when they will know they screw up? When their incomes gets shorter?
    As a F2P player i lost 200 - 300 certs today
  15. rpsf75

    I had this error:
    Mon Sep 26 19:37:35 2016: BadDigestSig - SocketError:Retry - Try again (11002) -

    I went to check DNS online for "" and it can not come up with an IP. I though: "DNS problem".

    I edited my hosts file with some info I found on the forums:

    I have this error after I edited my hosts file:

    Mon Sep 26 20:05:15 2016: BadDigestSig - HTTP::Exception::UnhandledResponse: Bad Request (400 - -

    So, apparently a problem with the service on "". Please take care of this. Thank you.
  16. Matador20

    The solution posted in #96 by MikeC0bretti worked fine for me, just added the suggested line in c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts and connected instantly.
    Thx MikeC0bretti!
  17. Anemonicus

    I'm having the same problem since this afternoon and let me tell you, there's no way I'm fixing this myself. And I'm not gonna pull the "I pay for this game so I'm entitled to this and that", I'll just wait for the devs to do their jobs and fix this problem.
  18. omegalpha

    i fixed it by adding this list in hosts.. dunno what fixed it...but its working now
  19. Nelgyntc

    Come on guys people startin' to get off work and **** this should been fixed by now, ya had all day.
  20. Tanelorn

    This solution worked for me after several lesser attempts. THANK YOU