ES MBTs 1v1 tests

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheSunlikeOne, Sep 13, 2016.

  1. Pat22

    What defensive slots, if any, were you using?
    Putting side armor on a vanguard and having him expose his flank rather than his front side would probably give him the edge versus the prowler, both with and without shield.
  2. TheSunlikeOne

    Hmm, I wonder what gun is NC counterpart of GK in your opinion? Halberd? It is NS, not NC.

    Defensive slots were empty. We wanted to test much more stuff (like 2v2 and HE/HEAT cannons in different situations) but that requires more time and patience (and players).

    I don't promise anything, but we'll try to do more tests soon and make another vid, but that requires more time.
  3. LodeTria

    None, it doesn't. A Magrider AP & full saron clip does around 90% to the back of an MBT. It can only no-reload-kill lightnings from behind like that, something the prowler can also do with 2 AP & 1 halberd.

    Again wrong. A Vanguard AP & 2 halberds put a MBT in the red at around 95% damage.

    It takes 3 Prowler AP rounds & 1 halberd to kill an MBT from behind, and the prowler has the fastest main-gun reload speed giving it the fastest kill from behind.

    You must really love yourself then.
    • Up x 1
  4. Sorato

    Prowler AP + Halberd start shooting at the same time = TTK on any MBT 2.75 Sec
    -Halberd will reload faster than the Main Turret can mag dump + max reload speed.

    Magrider AP + Saron start shooting at the same time = TTK on any MBT =3.25 Sec
    -Main Turret will reload faster than Saron can mag dump + max reload speed.
  5. Lord_Avatar

    I always thought it was the moustache... o_O
  6. DoucheSlayer

    Does it take into account times where you notice a vanguard heading to you and you can't deploy for a few sec cause of it trying to see if the ground is flat enough or not?
  7. LaughingDead

    You're assuming that the prowler was not already deployed and waiting.

    This is a straight stats test, and it brought many a thing to light, for example, the supposed "I win shield" is not unbeatable, all tanks around around the same DPS, in fact. This means that reload upgrades for the tank's main turret actually means something and it's not as differentiated as people think. Like for example, the GK and enforcer actually have similar DPS, and was recently used as an argument in the "Enforcer" thread where many people were comparing enforcer to halberd, and why many NC players use either one.

    So you can compare situations to one another, favorable conditions etc, but it almost always boils down to who gets more hits and where they are placed, tanking is more about the strategy than the weapon stats, however, more favorable weapons in the right conditions are a massive part of the strategy. For example, GK and enforcer, both are the long range topguns for each empire, however GK favors extreme range over close while enforcer favors.....uh whatever allows it to hit better. But both have around the same DPS, in fact if vanguard didn't have the extra front armor in the clip, he probably would have died as well, but since the GK has many more favorable situations than the enforcer, the DPS being applied at nearly any range in the game gives it an advantage over the...hill arcing power of the enforcer.
  8. Dethonlegs

    All this vid proved is that a vanguard and prowler are pretty evenly matched in close depending on the circumstances and weapon loadout and that a mag is never going to win in a similar situation. Of course at distance the equation changes.

    Before the vulcan was buffed it was a 50/50 who would win in close in a head to head between a mag and prowler (without lockdown). It was pretty much down to who got the first shot in. Now it's just no contest :(
  9. Slandebande

    Riiiight :rolleyes: Well, suit yourself. It won't bother me much, as arguing with someone with your argumentational skills seemed pretty useless anyways. Hit me up if you ever want a rational, mature discussion about something. Otherwise, continue whining about things I'm kicking *** with.

    Keep in mind that the GK relies on sustained fire, and if ANYONE uses the Saron and stays within LoS while reloading, its as stupid as doing the same against a Vanguard with Shield up. Putting it on the Prowler just further excerbates the reliance on sustained fire, meaning anyone who can use cover even remotely effectively will be able to negate a large chunk of that supposed advantage. The Enforcer can also dump its mag for more damage than the GK can put out in the same time-frame, 8 seconds, which incidentally, is around the TTK of most 2v2 MBT duels if cover isn't used.

    I agree that if you are an inexperienced crew fighting another inexperienced crew, the Prowler (and GK) can be pretty strong. But for 2 experienced crews going up against one another? I would put my money on the Magrider/Vanguard personally in by far the most situations.

    All I'm saying is that these DPS videos are nice and all, but they don't tell the whole story. I've been advocating for making the GK harder to use, and the Enforcer slightly easier to use for quite a while, without nerfing/buffing the other aspects. Truth be told I wanted the GK to be tweaked to be slightly more synergistic with tanking strategies overall, but I can live without using the weapon myself, as I never really found it worthwhile equipping over the Halberd for my gunners. Either the devs are (for once) nerfing/buffing carefully, or they didn't agree with most of the QQ flying around, but mostly just that it was too easy to use.

    As someone who loves the Magrider, and finds it the best tank in experienced hands for all-around play: You shouldn't EVER be fighting in situations portrayed in the video above, as the Magrider excels at fighting "dirty".
  10. ridicOne

    Don't need 5000 characters responses to make an opionon and receive back and forth HJ's from the same guy. In the end we both have opionons one person likes to type way more than the other. I have better things todo then have a words type off but feel free putting up some proof with your argument that legitimizes it. Until that day it's a he says, she says with no solid data.