[Suggestion] Darklight Headlights?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GamerCat, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. GamerCat

    Welp, anyone like or hate the idea of being a vehicle upgrade/attachment?
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  2. Azawarau

  3. LaughingDead

    It already does that.
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  4. FirePhox

    Would be pretty cool but I doubt it would have much practical use other than finding the occasional sniper.

    I'm pretty sure Infil mains would find a way to label it as a massive nerf, or the coming of apocalypse if it did happen though.
  5. MrFlubberz

    Just make it a ability that lasts for 10 secs with a rotating spotlight or something
  6. Eternaloptimist

    What's with all the darklight suggestions nowadays? I must have seen four or five in the last couple f weeks, from mounting them on turrets and Valks to giving them longer range. Infil cloak ain't so good anymore, just use awareness of your surroundings.

    I've even seen one (slightly off-topic) suggesting making it near impossible for infils to hack terminals and turrets.

    Why are people so afraid of, or p****d off with infils all of a sudden? they haven't become any more powerful except for the EMP 'nade which I think is about to get nerfed and doesn't seem to get used a lot anyway. Could it be that more people are playing infil so the element of surprise that is their trademark is more of a bugbear?

    I'm not rageing - just curious (I don't play infil that much myself now that I seem to get spotted more easily).
  7. Taemien

    The very nature of the infiltrator class is to flank and skulk about. To attack from an unknown and unexpected direction. Whether it is good at that or not is actually irrelevant. The issue comes in when someone is actually effectively engaged and taken down. In their eyes, it was unfair.

    Well.. they would be right with that assumption. It wasn't fair. They were taken by surprise. This isn't a game set in the 19th Century where lines and columns line up and take a shot at each other either. Part of the game is to be prepared at all times and to engage threats as they present themselves or to counter them before they do.

    And that's where many players are having issues. Instead of dealing with the problems in game. They run to the devs.. probably just like they ran to the teacher in elementary school when a bully picked on them, in order to deal with the problem. Instead of taking personal responsibility and dealing with it themselves.

    In my experience, I've had little issue with infiltrators. But I have watched teammates struggle with them. Most of the time they are blissfully unaware of the threat. Even when indicated that there is an infil nearby, they will simply ignore it. But they're the first to complain about how OP or annoying infils are to deal with when they get ganked.
  8. Eternaloptimist

    Indeed, I agree entirely with what you say. Infils can be enormously irritating. That's why I like playing infil now and then. I just don't get why there seems to be an uptick in the anti-infil posts on the forum. Maybe it's just that someone poste dsomething and the bandwagon started rolling. I can't think of anything else except maybe a sudden plague of infils invading the game.

    Or, now that I think about it, coudl there be more new players? Your point about people with less awareness or experience having problems with the infil class? That would be good if it is a sign of more people joining PS2.
  9. Nintyuk

    Actually no, It can't.
    And If they did the front of any parked sundy would be a infiltrator kill-zone.

    Edit: As for the idea only should be considered after we have vehicle hacking and also on how that is implemented.
  10. Insignus

    Its my fault, but I still think this is a completely viable idea:


    But what's precipitating this is actually the addition of vehicle hacking. It was demoed on the live stream, and not all of us thought it will be the balanced and fun addition that its made out to be.
  11. Pikachu

    Darklights have shadows disabled so they shine through walls. Big head lights could be powerful.
  12. Stormsinger

    The construction update has given Infiltrators a large number of opportunities to be useful in flanking maneuvers / rear line base building / existing base harassment. As the class present more irritations, people complain in larger numbers.

    Given that the point of Infiltrators is to be as irritating as possible, people come to Forumside™ to complain, since they don't feel like dealing with them.
  13. FeralBoy

    I personally could care less one way or the other. I'm far more likely to have already been mowed down by my own teammates at least twice before I'll ever be at risk of dying to an enemy vehicle with darklight headlights.

    I actually get all giggly and giddy inside thinking about how much the most incredibly squishy class in the game scares the holy poop and pee right out of some players. It's hilarious. I swear to God if this game had a built in smell detector their shorts would reek of urine and fear.

    In PS1 you could pilot a vehicle in 1st person with your DL activated and see cloakers. (In PS1 DarkLight was not an attachment or light, it was an implant that changed your actual vision. Everything pretty much went dark and your usable visual field was around 5-8m but cloakers completely glowed in the dark well out past 25-30m.)
    It was highly unsporting and brutally vicious but many times while waiting for a base to cap I would go on "DarkLight Patrol" in my Lightning and just keep doing a patrol route around the exterior base perimeter searching for hapless cloakers. Funny, funny, funny.
    I was a cloaker main in PS1 too and I still laughed my adze off.
    Cloakers are dirty, brutal, pricks. Even to their own. That's why we have such a good sense of humor.
    Life's tough, better put on a helmet. :D
  14. Eternaloptimist

    Thanks to the people who've commented on my post. I understand now - infiltrators are an even bigger pain in the butt than before because: construction and likely to become more so because: vehicle hacking.

    I will read further posts on the subject of infls with interest and maybe **** :D
  15. FriendlyPS4

    Because there are a lot of cloakers and we are asking for more counters. Its a game you know. We can do that.
  16. Exitus Acta Probat

    There are far more HA, how about a counter for them.