How are people kill so fast??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Syllabear, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Haquim

    Ok, since you're from Cobalt too I just want to know how the game is going for you today.

    Because just now I looked to my left around one of those giant icicles on Esamir, not a single enemy in sight, checked to my left, no enemy either, looked to the left again because thats where I wanted to run to begin with - and suddenly there is 5 enemies, 1 medic, 2 HAs and 2 Engineers running toward me - the one most in the open about 20 m away from any cover.
    Since infantery is a little bit too slow to explain that by them just having run there in the halfsecond I checked the other side apparently the server forgot to render them when I checked the first time.
    This is not the first time this happened (the most extreme case being an NC MAX in a doorway - who was not visible, but had notrouble shooting ME, literally a spread of bullets coming out of thin air) but the first time it happened to half a damn squad.

    For obvious reasons I decided to ragequit before I damage my peripherals in a fit of ichoate rage...
  2. Taemien

    To give you an idea of what's going on, you have to understand the Time To Kill (TTK) stat. Basically how long it takes for a weapon to kill someone. Usually when referenced it means how long it takes for body shots to kill its target.

    Most weapons are in the .48s to .52s range. Some weapons have less (Cyclone, NC SMG) or longer. Weapons that take longer are usually longer range weapons. While shorter TTK are shorter range. For example all default LMGs have .48s TTK.

    TTK is shortened when headshots are applied. Its made longer by inaccurate fire.

    To go a bit further.. .48s TTK means you die in 480ms pretty much as soon as they fire. Factor in Latency of say.. about 80ms on average. You see the action start 160ms late. Which means you are dead in perceptually 300-350ms. Since your own TTK is likely .48ms.. you can see why someone seems to kill you so fast.

    Of course I'm oversimplifying this. There's way way more factors involved. And I'm only showing one side.

    You have to move aggressively due to time delay of latency. You want to see an enemy before you appear for them. When you sit still, the server sort of predicts you will still be there when someone rounds the corner. Meaning you're there.. but the server hasn't shown them yet to you.

    This video explains it quite a bit better than I can:

  3. ChillyPhilly27

    Refire time on the GD-7F is 71 milliseconds. In other words, it chews through 14 bullets a second. If someone has good accuracy, if course you're going to feel like you were instagibbed. And you didn't have your shield up until you'd lost all your shields anyway
  4. ChillyPhilly27

    32% accuracy is nothing special. 120 weapon kph is nothing special. 32% accuracy/29% hsr is nothing special. The only thing that's even vaguely notable about this guy is the KD, and that's still well within what's achievable.
  5. Towie

    He is rated as s (suspicious) on 6 different elements on his limited weapon usage, ie. the delta between him and the norm is outside what would be considered 'normal'.

    If (and that's a big IF) DBG ever get their anti-cheat system working, I suspect we will see many folks either disappear or suddenly get much more 'normal' stats.

    But like I said - he's just great a hacker.
    • Up x 1
  6. Obscura

    Looks like you walked into some headshots or shots that hit slightly before you activated the shield, try the very instant that you see tracers lighting you up,to activate shield and either crouch and immediately shoot at him, or make sure in those corridors or any place you know enemies will be near that you shield earlier, and use cover. you can turn it off and on at will and not waste it so use it preemptively when you think someone might pop out on you like that guy did.
  7. ChillyPhilly27

    Are you going to tell me that I'm hacking as well? An S rating is meaningless. Half this game's playerbase can't maintain 20% accuracy. Average kph is around 20. Average KD is ~0.8. Talking about what x% of the playerbase can or can't do is absolutely pointless when such a massive proportion of the playerbase are so bad at the game.
  8. chuck105

    On most weapons, it's best to shoot when you're aim is on target, and stop firing when you're off. When ambushing, know when you can reliably put down your target before they can kill you, usually inside of a magazine. At longer ranges, typically this is unlikely. I would suggest shooting targets in VR from various ranges, to get an idea how fast you can kill with different weapons at different ranges, shooting for the head vs the body, etc. This has shown me that accuracy is very important. It really doesn't take that many hits to put down a target, perhaps fewer than 10 to the body, but it's common to miss many shots above and to the sides of your target due to recoil. Thus, it's better outside of spitting distance to burst fire, let the gun resettle after 3 - 6 shots, rather than holding down the trigger and trying to stay on target. Don't waste shots at someone running around in circles, and wait until you're confident you'll hit them before opening fire.
  9. chuck105

    Probably because these players play support classes that have disadvantages in combat, or often die while repairing, healing, etc. Repairing and healing counts as "shooting" so that drastically hurts your overall accuracy, and it's common to fire at targets with improper weapons, like aircraft for instance. If someone intentionally is cautious and only shoots at good targets, doesn't prefire or suppress, then yeah, that figure will go up a lot. Who the hell cares.
  10. customer548

    I know, this is definitly boring. Same kind of things happened to me several times randomly during this last year. Each time during 3 to 10 days. Then the problem disappear during a month or 2. Then it's back.
    Nowdays, the game is fine for me. Ping and render are good.

    I played during night and during day on Sunday. My ping was 85 to 110 ms. Render was fine. I didn't notice any troubleshooting of any kind. I played Infantry only in low pop aeras and zergy places.

    It's a cyclic issue. I know i'll have this problem again sooner or later during 3 to 10 days.
  11. Syllabear

    Yes!! Its like that!!
    But not once but the whole time. I dont know about guns, still kinda new to the game. He was heavy tr and had like a big machine gun.

    I do pre aim, or kinda fast to the head. I had my good share of headshot kills. But heck, its like that gun just **** on your face or something. I cant kill that fast, even less to a heavy target.
    Probably is my ping... i have 163.

    ps: i misswrote the tittle, forgot the "ing" to the kill.
  12. Liewec123

    yep its clientside, somehow it always seems to favor everyone who isn't us XD
    i don't think i've ever killed someone that fast, but as you said, it happens all of the time to me :p
  13. customer548

    Hum, i think 45 ms ping people are not uncommon in this game. Facing a 45 ms ping when yours is 163 ms...well...:eek:
  14. Daigons

    It always seems suspicious when a non-sniper can instantly kill someone across the distance of a base the moment that they break cover. How exactly are they achieving this while firing full auto at such a distance while both sides are straffing? I usually see this with Medics and sometimes with Engineers. Most HA turn their shields on and try to get some cover before firing back.
  15. zaspacer

    This is one of the major problems in PS2. They have a K-Style GunZ core Infantry FPS system that most players first experiencing it find ridiculous, confusing, and dumb. PS2 should have made (and maintained) a system where the Infantry FPS play felt fair and intuitive. Instead, we have one that is non-intuitive and feels like outcomes don't resolve the way they should.

    Shooting a player in the back with a range-appropriate-lethal gun and then having them survive, turn around, and out time-to-kill you is joke gameplay. *Many* players over the years have either posted confusion about it or (for those more aware of the mechanic paramaters of the issue) have posted informed complaints about it.... but it remains. The Devs (identify with and) cater to a niche playerbase that is a small % of the players and a tiny % of the average player demographic.

    Worse, many in that niche playerbase continue to lobby to have the game made even *more* ridiculous, confusing, and dumb... and the Devs cater to these requests as well.
  16. Vajerys

    Playing on Cobalt as well and close to quitting PS2 again due to very suspicious players. Two days in a row played as Infantry on my TR Alt, mostly medic, and each time after a while a low BR Heavy turns up and wrecks the opposing forces practically all by themselves.
    First one was an NC guy whose overall stats had a good, but not impossible HS-Rate. Recent kills however featured over 80 percent headshots and seeing it ingame, that guy consistently killed everything he put his sights on within 200m in record time with his LMG, even when there was no believable way for him to know where people were.
    Just today had a VS Heavy who wasn't even BR 10, but managed to stop a sundy's worth of people all on his own with Orion bodyshots. Knew where everyone was (no motion spotters or sensors around) and was firing at and hitting people the moment he turned a corner. At one time I got the drop on him with an assault rifle, put about half a magazin in his back - from sprinting movement he did an instant 180° turn around, killed with perfect accuracy and on the death screen I saw that I had barely managed to get his shields down. Yeah, good players, sure.
    It has been a long time since I saw such blatant cheating, but with this experience on two consecutive days I wonder if its even worth continuing with this game. Maybe I'll just switch to vehicles only for the time being, who knows.
  17. Daigons

    I can't wait to see this member's future posts after they switch to vehicles and they thought the foot pounder game was a bad experience.
  18. Caramboul

    I know exactly what you are talking about and you are right. It is too often too pathetic and too laughable.
    But usual answers are : git gud, these are really good players - believe me trust me, that´s latency, whinner, live with it or leave, report it. And not to forget: If Daybreak will implant Battle Eye i am gone because of privacy protection. Yes, sure privacy protection. If you are playing an online game there is no privacy left - with our without Battle Eye. Like Facebook, YouTube, linkedin or whatever.

    A fair argument that will give equality in arms. If Daybreak can´t stop it like SOE couldn´t stop it before it is an act in self-defence. And this is allowed by all means, even in a virtual area of life. No recoil, fast aim, reload automatically if the last bullet is in the magazin, automated healing if you get under x% health but without a visual healing sequence - you can move fast and shoot as usual, turn with double speed, router scripts that gives you an extremly high latency if needed - no hits possible, dodge with an automated crouch every 0.05 ms to get a blurred hit box and all this many, many little jokes. They are much more to discover but this should be the most popular. All this scripts you can set on and off at will and as needed.

    Aimbot? Speedhack? Dinosaur with stamping feed and easy to target. Forget it.

    But after an update all this scripts will not working ? One of this memes that aren´t unalterable true but if it is sometimes true - adapt the script. With an integrated Battle Eye this script bacchannel is gone for most users.

    Should be time now to discredit this posts, included this one :p
  19. Towie

    Apologies I didn't understand all of your post but I for one can't wait until Battle Eye is implemented - unless you are hacker then I suggest you have nothing to fear. Also can't wait to see those 'a bit too good' folks be banned or suddenly git un-gud :)
  20. Towie

    I don't have the context as I haven't fought you - if I see something suspicious then I usually give the stats a once-over before reporting (everyone can get lucky after all, could be lag etc.)

    As to the S being meaningless - I have to disagree (as would any statistician). The fact is that the vast majority of people are average or thereabouts so the overall performance profile will look like a bell curve, some better than the mean, some worse but as we move further away from the mean, the numbers drop significantly to the point that almost everyone will be within 3 'standard deviations' away. You have to be well outside of that to get an S.

    Is it possible to have an S and not hack ? Yes. Is it probable ? No - unless someone is doing something extraordinary to influence it.