Kamikaze Galaxy with HIVEs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by XanIves, May 2, 2016.

  1. XanIves

    Was doing casual ops last night with SSGO on Emerald, and I had the brilliant idea of throwing a ton of c4 on a Galaxy's nose, and crashing it into a HIVE.
    Surprisingly, it worked out pretty well. This will probably be impossible when the proposed HIVE resistance changes are implemented, but for now, this is awesome!
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  2. Liewec123

    i love it :)
    i think the scythe would have worked if it wasn't for the bumpy terrain :p

    off topic:
    can tank mines pass through sky shields?
    i had a cool idea for a valk filled with utility pouch engies with tank mines if they pass through XD
  3. HadesR

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  4. XanIves

    Probably because of the high cert prices to unlock structures, combined with the construction system only being out for a few days. Most people would probably invest in turrets or modules before a garage.