Are the top players/outfits really the top after all?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DooDooBreff, Apr 13, 2016.

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  1. YoungPedro

    according to dasanfall the average kdr of the pounder is 1,28 +-1,5 so I don't see you point. The BR120+ you posted could hardly be called the average player either, most of them probably have twice as much xp than OP. Not to mention that this argument has nothing to do with OPs topic in the first place.
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  2. apcr01

    But aimbot is still there, they patched only one of 999 cheats.
    Even in that video on reddit where all hype started was 2 cheats but they patched only one.
  3. MiguelZaibatsu

    that's because 99% of all players who play video gamers are garbage at them. If you can't get a 10 kdr using a max weapon you're awful at this game period
  4. Gundem

    I assume you play PS4?

    On PC, MAX's are literally free certs for me. Basically the only time I die to a MAX in a situation that isn't a mega-zerg is when I run headlong into a scattmax without realizing it was there.

    So many options for a single player to dispatch a MAX. Engineer can go pizza delivery for MAX's holding a point, HA can use the famous AV-DeciNade combo to kill a MAX in under 4 seconds, LA can drop bricks of friendship, Engineers can dance around with the Archer, LMG's have huge DPM and can easily sustain 100% headshots on a MAX, even Medics can drop C4 if they use it.

    Not to mention the strategies that a group of players can use against a MAX. They may have x10 times the HP of a player, but it's not like every fight is a 1v1 honourabru duel. A small group of 4 players can focus fire a MAX down in about 3 seconds if they even attempt to get headshots.

    But like I said, this is all PC. Perhaps the MAX unit is more viable on PS4 with it's inherent control limitations.
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  5. MiguelZaibatsu

    I just saw a list of dasanfall and there's a crapload of players on pc with over a 10 kdr. I'm sorry looks like I crushed your hopes there son.
  6. Slandebande

    And then you go ahead and 1-up yourself and make an even worse argument. Keep it up matey!

    Wow, they just keep on coming eh? You must be some kind of natural born argumentation-noob!
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  7. Ryme_Intrinseca

    You realize pounders are an AV weapon? Since you've made this about stats post yours so we can see if you have the promised 14 kdr with AV weapons.
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  8. Eternaloptimist

    And just when I thought the PS4-inspired influx of adolescent trash talking had died down.................
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  9. Gundem

    Next time, try and make sure you even partially comprehend my point before you go rambling.

    Try again! I'm sure you'll get it next time.
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  10. Endlave

    stop feeding the troll, guys. It may lay eggs.
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  11. AxiomInsanity87

    You can only tell based on the quality of an outfits leader and the members therein. We can't see what an outfit does all the time but after a while you will notice their habits.

    Some people are honest, some are pure slander and dunning kruger effect.

    Often dunning kruger effect farmers.
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  12. MiguelZaibatsu

    I have a 30 kdr with pounders and 14 kdr with heavy cycler. If you can't get a 10 kdr with a max weapon you're ********. Maxes take no skill whatsoever you should be able to get a 4 kdr blindfolded
  13. AxiomInsanity87

    That depends on what fights you pick and the people you face.
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  14. MiguelZaibatsu

    no If you can't get a 10 kdr with a max weapon you're terrible.
  15. AxiomInsanity87

    I can farm easily if I want, anyone can.

    No amount of gusto allows a max to wreck decent players though.
  16. AxiomInsanity87

    I can farm until i get bored in a max

    Other times i'm facing 3/1 odds or decent players (or both) simply blow me up

    Sometimes I will have to breach a room with 40 ish people in, which usually doesn't end well but the push gets the point back

    It all depends.
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  17. Seron

    In all honestly i think a couple might drop in stats, but overall i doubt it was really that wide spread...

    I'll be keeping my eyes on them tough
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  18. AxiomInsanity87

    I think stats matter with balance.

    If someone is a high br, below a 1 k/d with low spm then they should be ignored where balance is concerned. Someone who is respawning more often than not and essentially doing nothing, probably doesn't have any kind of proper idea on balance.

    Now, if they're extremely casual and don't mind dying repeatedly, then there's more reason to ignore. You don't query people who do not care on a subject that matters, right?.....nor allow people who have no real stake in a matter to dictate what is or Isn't reasonable.

    In the same vein, farmers are not really a valid reference for balance either. Most farm now and then, granted, but the pro farmers are on the same spectrum as terrible players, just opposite ends.

    Just my opinion of course.
  19. Ryme_Intrinseca

    Your kdr is good but your KPM isn't (no primary weapons above 0.8KPM on genudine is pretty meh). This tells me you are a capable but defensive player that prioritizes kdr - which is confirmed by your numerous forumside posts about kdr. How you play is your business, but you shouldn’t expect other people to chase kdr - most people dgaf about it, including better players than you or I.
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  20. orangejedi829

    Skillsuits are for Bads.
    That is all.

    (Sorry guys, he had to find out eventually.)
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