people complaining about Vanu

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Balsh, Mar 21, 2016.

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  1. Balsh

    why is that?
    I read "ez mode vanu" here and there.

    What does vanu have that the other factions don't have a better version of?

    All I can see is the betelgeuse with infinite ammo and no reload and the scythe being apparently good at 1v1 A2A, that's pretty much it.

    I mean every ******* vanu wepon is outclassed by either their TR or NC counterpart.

    MSWR is a straight upgrade of the Orion now that the x0.75 lmgs have been nerfed, not a single Vanu carbine is worth, every vanu lmg blows beside the auraxium one, and the ARs all suck as well.

    Yet, all I see on the forums, in game or on reddit is TR and NCs crybabies complaining about how UP their faction is.

    So let me be the first vanu to join the cry wagon, VS suck
  2. TeknoBug

    VS has no bullet drop at range.

    But IMO TR is easy mode right now (on Emerald at least), can barely do anything on NC due to horrible disorganization and VS are just the middle kid.
  3. Balsh

    lol bullet drop are you serious?

    It's utterly useless at the range you'll use the weapons anyway.
    VS sniper rifles still have bullet drop
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  4. Scrye

    Faction balance is as close as it's ever been... This is just victim complex. Not that I ever thought I'd see the day that it becomes the VS whining about it.
  5. CrimsonEpsilon

    VS: Accuracy, recoil control, Orion, Betel, PPA, Best all around Max, Lancer Squads, Magrider, silenced weapons are sometimes inaudible, heat mechanic weapons.

    It has come to the point for me, that the VS is blatantly broken in areas. It isn't even fun to fight them anymore. Whenever I play NC, I only fight TR, whenever I play TR I fight NC. Honestly !@#$ the Vanu... but its sadly a part of the game.

    TR: MSW-R... Not really anything else, still solid though.

    NC: Weapons are hardest to use. OP stuff: Anchor, Ravens, Airhammer, Vanguard shield.

    Don't ever joke about taking away the vanguard shield unless you want to remove HA shields from the game too. No double standard
  6. Liewec123

    people who call for nerfs of one faction for whatever reason don't realise that this game is asymmetrically balanced.
    sure one faction will obviously have something better, but they'll have something else worse.
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  7. TeknoBug

    Yeah try shooting someone standing on a hill with a Trac5 or Cycler TRV from a tower then do the same with a Pulser C or Orion, with the TR guns you'll see the projectile drop below your aimed spot while the VS weapons projectile goes almost right to where you point at. Also no drop with the Phaseshift IIRC.
  8. Trudriban

    I can list a few (old and possibly outdated) reason why VS might be easy mdoe and/or hated

    1) ZOE
    No, I don't mean its current form. I mean how it was when it was first released, and the six months afterwards. ZOE MAXes were disgustingly OP. Back then you can toggle it on and off like it was a flashlight, it made you move much faster, made your weapons do more damage for all ranges, and while it did make you take more damage that instant toggle made it negligible. VS MAXes were deadlier than some tanks while faster than drifter jet LAs, and for a long 6 months all the top players went to VS and got to BR100 crazy quickly (at least on Mattherson). Easy mode here because you have all the pros on your team and only the demoralized/new on the enemy side. Hatred for the same reason, fights rarely truly feel fair

    2) Faction Traits
    I'm not just talking about the lack of bullet drop, though I am still including it (it's not the most helpful thing, though it is still objectively A helpful thing). I'm also including manageable recoil, a starter LMG that performs pretty gosh darn well, fast reload speeds, and possibly most controvertial of all, aesthetics. Starting off with a dark purple motif, especially in my heydey, was a boon of boons, as night battles were basically you winning. Day fights still had their advantages, since blue and yellow is still easier for the eyes to notice than deep purple (though this seems to have changed since I returned, more peeps with camo as well as some glow effect when looking at people at range or whatever, if someone could fill me in about that that'd be rad) Generally, though these are all merely straws there are still enough to break the backs of some camels, making things a tad easier

    3) Community
    NC community is total crap. TR, last I remember and probably not so much the case anymore, wasn't too terribly better. VS had (but I have no idea if it still has) some of the best outfits and inter-outfit coordination ever. They could drop 96+ on a fight before the enemy even realised the point they just flipped used to be purple. They could hold a biolab being assaulted by an entire faction's army with a handful of squads. They knew how to keep the enemy busy while smaller forces took key bases, which the TR only noticed when it was too late, and the NC never cared because they were in a biolab or the crown. Not only did it tear the fun out of fighting the VS, but many among the spandex army gained a superiority complex comparable to the egotistical sociopath who used to play for the TR which I will not mention by name. Not a good time

    You can argue the strengths of these points, and how much they contribute to frustration levels and desire to play VS over NC or TR, or making people quit entirely. That's fine, we all have different values of how much damage these cause. You cannot argue however that any of these points are totally moot as to how they affect what other people think of the VS, because this is what I thought of them the very same day I uninstalled PS2 around 2 years ago
  9. Ryme Intrinseca

    Orion has better hipfire and balanced recoil (msw-r pulls right).

    Serpent out dpses any TR carbine. Pulsar c dominates at range. It's a really solid carbine selection. Also have three or four top of the line lmgs.

    ARs are a little unimpressive I agree.
  10. Balsh

    Who the hell hipfire with lmgs this days?
    MSWR has better horizontal tolerance, better ADS accuracy and access to SPA
    It is a straight upgrade.

    Pulsar C is about the same as any NC carbine

    bring me the 3-4 "top lmgs", there is none beside betelgeuse.
  11. Alkasirn

    Me. Wanna fight about it?
  12. Diggsano

    Because of victim complex....

    VS has no Bulletdrop? Only on weapons which are pretty useless in over 100m...

    When VS has got finally something good, the other faggtions call it OP and demand a nerf.

    TR Max has infinite lockdown? Yes
    NC Max has infinite shield? Yes
    VS Max has got infinite ZOE? HELL NO ******* OP PLEASE NERF OMG ->10secs durability.....

    VS has the baddest ES Pistols... Meanwhile TR Repeater has highest DPS and lowest TTK of ALL Pistols.
    The TR Inquisitor was before the Buff a better it is outperforming the VS Beamer.
    The VS Cerberus is worth 1000c and has worser stats in ALL CATEGORIES than the NC Rebel (which costs 325c).
    The VS Spiker is a NC Desperado with chargeup mechanic that nobody uses...and didn't even get a buff...
    The VS Manticore is same as the NC Mag-Shot....

    Where is the "Special" ES Pistol? Spiker is that NOT.
  13. Ryme Intrinseca

    I hipfire with LMGs... in fact who doesn't hipfire in surprise <10m engagements? A lot of engagements happen there.

    'Straight upgrade' implies the MSW-R is at least as good in every respect. I already told you two respects in which it's worse than the Orion so it's not a straight upgrade.

    So not worse than the other factions then...

    Betelgeuse, Orion, Pulsar LSW, SVA-88.
  14. orangejedi829

    Wow, well someone certainly has victim complex here... :rolleyes:
  15. Obscura

    What? VS whine threads you say? :rolleyes:
  16. travbrad

    I can sort of see how someone would think VS is "underpowered" lately, but I would say it's more a case of being underpopulated rather than underpowered. TR has been the flavor the month lately although I'm not really sure why. The .75 VS LMG "nerfs" did almost nothing. Is it really just the gatekeeper making TR popular all of the sudden?

    The overall population is pretty low lately too, so if one faction has an extra platoon (or 1-2 GOOD squads) worth of people it can greatly shift the perceived balance.

    ...but then I will have the accept the fact that I need to improve my own playing instead of blaming "balance", "pay2win", or some other excuse. ;)
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  17. FeralBoy

    LOLOLOLOLZZZZ!!!! :D +34
    I guess I'm on the masochistic or other side of the fence because I actually prefer to fight VS. Just like in PS1.
    I had to hear all about how Vanu were supposedly OP in that game too. I just don't get it.
    I also don't understand why more players don't want to go after the supposedly 'better' or 'OP' faction... for no other reasons than to prove the myth wrong or to challenge yourself against that which is perceived to be better.
  18. Mefi

    ZOE was considered OP even when it was on PTS, it was released in this state only thanks to strict deadlines.
    Its currently useless because how SOE/DBG balances things: nerf it to the ground and call it a day.

    Wrel said that if they fail to fix the AOE bug then they might completely rework this mode, I really hope they choose this way.

    I don't see how the proposed buff is supposed to make this mode viable, uncharged shots now even weaker and waste more bullets (150dmg/240RPM with 8 shots/clip, super threatening /s), and charged shots are about as useful as with prebuff Spiker.
  19. freeAmerish

    GD-7F? But it´s OK Vanu should be nerfed in to the ground.
    Btw am I the only who dislikes Pulsar C? Same with Cougar.
  20. Alexkruchev

    I'm inclined to agree- however VS have some very, very excellent LMGs. Orion and MSWR are about tied, the directive one is obscenely good.

    Also, several of their assault rifles are actually very good weapons.

    Such as the CME, are hugely underrated. (Sometimes it isn't how one raw stat compares to another, it's how they all synergize and fit together that counts. High MV, low recoil, high accuracy, no bullet drop, fast reload, moderate ROF means it's a beast at long range in even mediocre hands like mine).

    Equinox burst is quite good. I don't know why everyone hates on the carbines- they do have more horizontal recoil than they should in my opinion, but they're still very easy to use overall, and all of them reach farther than you'd expect with no bullet drop.

    I would still recoomend VS to new players because their weapons are easier to use and more flexible- that said, easier to use does not mean better. They're generally of the low-risk low-reward variety.
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