Why do MAX's have Charge?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Mar 16, 2016.

  1. Old_Cherokee

    Pfff Who cares about those cry baby's.
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  2. DooDooBreff

    im with you, the deniers just aint doin it right
  3. Cyrax Servius

    Lockdown definitely has it's place with certain weapons as does the charge ability.

    I use the charge to get inside a tanks turn radius when running AV making it hard for the pilot to target me. Also helps in getting to nearby cover when a second or third vehicle shows up.

    Lockdown is amazing when you find one of the spots where no one can get behind you, "they do exist", ammo pack with flack armour, Mercy's or Onslaught's, there ya go.

    When I ran NC the shield was fantastic for room busting and retreating.

    Never ran VS, I don't look good in spandex.

    Remember, always eat only fresh tuna...
  4. freeAmerish

    I will tell you a balance problem with MAXes.
    Every class has C4 (ya not those guys who thinking they are invisible)
    A weapon given to Engies specialized for MAX killing
    And tank mines
    In other words when you play as a MAX today you should be very paranoid because you are wearing
    this huge target.
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  5. Cyrax Servius

    Yup, there MANY other things other than Max Charge that are out of synch, but I'm ok with it, just changed my playstyle upon returning to the game...
  6. Demigan

    MAX's have charge because giving the fastest mobility ability of the game to the Light Assault was too obvious, so they gave it to the slowest class in the game instead.
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  7. asmodraxus

    Charge is there so the VS Max units have an ability

    NC get a shield, charge and ammo
    TR get Lockdown, charge and ammo
    VS get charge and ammo, there's been some talk about a new ability for the VS Max something about an actual damage increase maybe with an mobility increase, but seeing as its not even on the test server. There is however a placeholder called ZoE but its been bugged for YEARS now, as the damage increase doesn't exist (it actually decreases damage outside of cqc) the mobility increase is negligible and the damage increase you take is way too high for the non existent buffs it gives you.
  8. SanPelicano

    As i know, that buff on bursters is fake .
    Bursters have 2 type of damages the direct and the indirect aka the flak damage. Direct damage is realy weak, you cant kill an ESF with an extended magazine with only direct hits. The real threat is the flak damage.

    Now the problem is that, ZOE doesnt work on explosive type of damages such as flak, it buffs only direct hits by 10% in 30 m.. So there is no AA buff, b/c you'll kill Air with flak not direct hits.
  9. Littleman

    Charge is where it's at because the ES abilties DO suck. All these people claiming they're awesome? I rarely see MAXes pulled as is, much less any using the ES abilities. The most common ES ability I see is the NC shield because it has a purpose that doesn't feel like shooting oneself in the foot or making them a huge target. It's also AMAZING how donning the MAX armor suddenly gets every LA with C4 to tunnel vision on taking out that max. They don't even think to drop C4 on a group of enemies, but see one MAX and they drop whatever they're doing and beeline it to the MAX harder than they do a deployed sunderer.

    People don't realize the scariest thing a MAX faces is a storm of bullets. 3 guys focus firing won't even have to dump their entire magazines to drop a non-kinetic armor MAX. It's amazing how soon a swarm of enemies will turn and run instead of just lighting up a lone MAX as soon as they pop into view, (except when I'm in the suit.)

    Removing charge effectively removes MAXes unless the ES abilities are buffed to pre-nerf ZOE level godlike (that's akin to letting the NC deploy the shield AND fire a weapon, or the TR being able to move around but with better accuracy and fire rate,) or there isn't another class that feels like a free, acceptable, even arguably superior substitute.
  10. Liewec123

    hmmm it always seems to deal a noticeable amount more damage whien i've used it :confused:
    you can even try it in VR if you're not one of us who was stupid enough to cert it to rank 5 XD
  11. SanPelicano

    I can ensure you that you felt placeboo.

    I tried it several month ago and now again.
    On ESF there is no TTK difference between Flak+ZOE and Flak w/o ZOE
  12. TeknoBug

    If I'm shooting at a tank with AV weapons and the tank sees me, I'm screwed if I don't have charge. Simple as that.
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  13. freeAmerish

    I suggest jetpacks for MAXes. That would be nice.
    Am I wrong they were in Planetside1?
  14. TeknoBug

    VS MAX had them, good way to place anti air MAXes into trees and jump those pesky aircrafts.
  15. Liewec123

    gah, well atleast i still sparkle :D
  16. Littleman

    VS Maxes had them. But of course the game overall was a bit more free form and "balanced" One could say because it was so free form. I mean, they could jump up onto the walls of bases, but the recharge was pretty long and darn near every serious infantry man packed AV in some form because it was reinforced battle armor or bust for foot sloggers, especially if your character was 3 years old (then "rexo" armor was free.)

    P.S. I prefer the old system now. Before I was for classes, but now, I'd rather be another generic engi/medic in heavy armor again (or alternatively, equipped with a jetpack.) The current paradigm sucks.
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  17. Reclaimer77

    Planetside 1 was superior in many ways. The ability to customize your load out, right down to the ammo or how many Nanites you could fit in your backpack, was SO much better.

    Oh and did I mention backpacks?
  18. FateJH

    They changed it to five years. The three year term of service merit grants the Dragon now.
  19. Jubikus

    Maxes have charge because giving everyone an escape as an ability is a nice option. Thematically think of it as an overclock that doesn't effect weapons. When it comes to being the best option on a max well thats simply the state of the max they are as expensive as an MBT but are much easier to kill if your going to get the most bang for your buck and still do your breaching job well your going to want an option to get out of there because despite their resistances Maxes dont live that long when being fired upon by a group of people doing a point hold.
  20. FateJH

    As I mentioned in a previous thread (though I'm certain the suggestion has a wonderfully colorful history), if there's any change I could see to Charge without completely ruining the idea is to emphasize its role-by-name. "Charge." Instead of the power meter being filled up passively, you press your bound key to start charging the meter and, when the meter is full, you dash forward. This lets the ability maintain its use as a breaching tool, but reduces its use as a get out of jail card.

    As TeknoBug suggests, this would make AV work much for difficult for certain weapons. Some degree of balancing would need to accompany any change or negation of Charge; but, it would be easiest to just forget the whole idea.