[Suggestion] 3 reasonable Striker Ne.... Tweaks

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by PasitheeVS, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. PasitheeVS

    Striker is OP, and needs some "tweaks"

    1. Remove Dumbfire Lock-on mechanic, give it a normal one
    2. Decrease either RoF or Muzzle Velocity
    3. Disable it's Lock-On in a Valk

    Alternatively or additionally give the dumbfire-lock-on mechanic to the R3 Swarm.

    This is so insanely OP, you just shoot somewhere and hit. No skill needed. No aim needed. No lock-on timer needed. No warning time, even Flares are useless against it due to lag and clientside. Instantly destroy an ESF. Libs have to chance. TR exclusive.

    The guy with the Idea of giving the already good Striker a dumbfire-lock-on mechanic should get fired.
    Then he should be hired to get fired again.

  2. Scr1nRusher


    Ya know dude.....we get it.

    You hate TR & you want VS to be buffed, but now its bordering on mental health concern.
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  3. freeAmerish

    And along with this nerf. Lancer only should hit to 80 meters and Phoenix damage should be reduced to a fourth.
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  4. PasitheeVS

    You're right, and this best sums up why:


    As we see here, TR is OP and the go-to faction for every wanna-be and tryhard while VS is nerfed to death and UP in every way.
    NC is all in all okay, except for the Airhammer.
  5. Savadrin

    This is the same guy who claimed that you could "pay to win" planetside in one bonus XP weekend by dying 10k times and putting bounties out for every death.

    Silly troll is silly.

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  6. UberNoob1337101

    That amount of salt is huge. Your "It's so OP you just sit somewhere and shoot, no skill needed, no aim needed" is basically the same thing I can say about lock-ons and they're basically an easier to use Striker. Striker does what it's supposed to do, and it's killing air easily. Sounds like you're a bad pilot getting countered by dedicated AA.

    But then I read your reply and realized this entire thread is basically a VS victim complex :rolleyes:
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  7. PasitheeVS

    The thing is, there is no other G2A weapon that KILLS air easily and instantly.
    Apart from it there are only G2A weapons that tickle air easily.
    After or even before being tickled by lock-ons or Flak, Aircrafts just fly around the next corner*, become unhitable by anti-air, repair and farm again.

    *I would like to mention that the dumbfire-lock-on mechanic allows it to hit air around corners.

    The Problem is not only that it's easy to use and effective, but also free (costs no Nanites) and is highly mobile e.g. in a Valk where it becomes an A2A weapon. A weapon you cannot miss with in an Aircraft that has high health and is extremely maneuverable.
    Naturally it's TR exclusive, because weapons needing no skill are for TR only. I just say Gatekeeper... and Claymore.
  8. Savadrin


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  9. PasitheeVS

  10. Savadrin

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  11. cobaltlightning

    Hey, OP?
    Returning the lock-on mechanic to the Striker would be a buff, if anything.

    imo, I still think it should be changed into an AA-dumbfire option for the TR. Might have to tweak the damage down a tad as to not outperform the Grounder, though, but keeping the dumbfire for AV and AI Purposes.

    Or maybe have the Coyote mechanic track ground vehicles, too...
    Welp, new post on Reddit time~
  12. Peebuddy

    What a coincidence, the TR too would like for the striker to be reverted to its old form. Because its current form sucks
    • Only usable when aircraft are right in your face, which you're better off using a insta-gib dumbfire
    • if by some miracle all 5 rounds connect you only do 60% of a ESFs health, which is no where close to a insta-gib as the OP suggests
    • apparently the heat from the engine of a main battle tank isn't enough for the strikers rockets to lock onto to so it's useless against vehicles and certainly against max suits.
    • It's probably one of the worst performing guns in the Trs arsenal at the moment
    So yes, we would gladly take back the striker that could lock onto both vehicles and aircraft as long as you maintained LOS. That one was far superior to its current state.
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  13. GhostAvatar

    Funny you should say that. Because you have to hit at least 5 rockets to deal the same damage as a single lock-on. SO by your logic, if the others tickle then so does the Striker.
  14. CrimsonEpsilon

    Striker is not OP imo. It is very good against air but poor against vehicles. If the striker get's the lock on ability taken away, it will be a normal launcher and not fit the ES launcher role like the lancer or the Phoenix. If you want it changed, think of something that will make it fit this ES perspective and be viable. Also, Vanu is OP! Start buffing the other factions to their level or nerf them already!

    All in all, TR needs the buff out of all the factions.

    (I refuse to play Vanu, but I realize some TR and NC weapons are a bit over the top. Ex: Ravens, Skyhammer, Jackhammer[sort of], Gatekeeper, vulcan[eh])
  15. SwornJupiter

    It still can't down an ESF in a whole mag with all 6 rockets hitting the ESF... And that's provided that all six rockets connect with the aircraft, and then the TR user is subject to a 4/4.6 second short/long downtime - which is more than enough time for the ESF to high-tail it outta there
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  16. Crayv

    I wouldn't. Even while the other two factions were crying OP most TR players were unhappy with the Striker. It was just an Annihilator with more damage by firing multiple bright red rockets that grabs the attention of every sniper and his cat. While the other two factions got two completely unique weapons.

    Personally I would rather it's lockon mechanic apply to ground vehicles (basically giving it the ability to damage vehicles that are just around a corner/hill) so that way all 3 factions have a AV launcher rather than 2 AV and 1 AA.
  17. Jake the Dog

    what the actual f*** is happening in this game that people are complaining about strikers!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

    I didn't just get cancer from this, I got super cancer. Which is basically like normal cancer but if the Sci-fi channel made a movie out of it like Mega shark vs. Super cancer.
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  18. FateJH

    We all know Megalodon would beat cancer without losing a single tooth.
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  19. Scr1nRusher

    OP put down the bottle.
  20. Scr1nRusher

    I am in tears laughing
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