VS Cheat Faction

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blackweb, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. mersh21

    I've replied to you on reddit, just so you don't think I'm ignoring you.
  2. Chewy102

    This topic became worthless before hitting the 2nd page. Not because the OP was giving his opinions on factional balance. But because of ****-posts who rather attack someone than figure things out. Once those start the whole thing turns to a cesspool.

    Facts are that on Live VS wins more alerts than they should and NC looses far FAR more alerts than they should. But somehow NC wins more Server Smashes than any other despite.

    We shouldn't be bickering at each other whenever someone brings this up. We should be trying to figure out WHY! Ever wonder why PS2 can't keep a half decent playerbase and is due to die in a couple of months at this pace? It just could be from how one faction is getting 100% **** on in the only meta the game has and can't seem to keep players for any real length of time.

    When 1/3 of your playerbase is having a bad time. The game is going to fail when they leave and never come back. So if the devs don't want to figure it out. We have to.
  3. ohmikkie

    Why in your opinion should a faction SHOULD win or lose alerts more than they do.

    Surely it is more to do with who's playing at the time, population diversity and maybe at those times one faction is tactically better.
  4. Chewy102

    Part of why all factions should have somewhat even alert wins is. Law of Large Numbers

    In short. The more an event is played out the closer it shows its exact value in results.

    EXMAPLE- 3 balanced factions should win 1/3 of the time in the long run. They can have an off day or week even but in the long run and IF things are balanced then all 3 factions should have a 32-34% win rate. Maybe 31-35% to account for off times.

    But NC is sitting in the mid 20s for win rate if that while VS is sitting in the upper 30s close if not 40% or higher. That doesn't happen in a balanced game. More so when TR is sitting at a near perfectly balanced win rate in the low 30s. So if NC isn't somehow feeding VS alert wins across all servers world wide, then either NC or VS needs some work done. My vote is that it's NC and that it is their SHOTGUN OR NOTHING focus for vehicles and, more importantly, MAXes.

    The other part is that when using NS gear. NC as a faction preforms just as well as VS and TR. All NS weapons. All of them!

    I just looked up the KPU for more or less all NS weapons in the game (stopped at the sunderer weapons) and all, and I mean all, of them shown the exact same thing. All 3 factions was neck and neck for the entire graph but for a few jumps that likely are just some outfit playing about that day. I looked at all NS infantry weapons, Flash weapons, Harasser NS weapons, every single NS weapon I bothered to look up on every single NS vehicle or for infantry all shown the exact same pattern.

    When it comes to using the exact same gear for the exact same classes, all 3 factions are just about perfectly balanced. If NC was filled with players as bad as most think they are then NC would have shown that with NS gear at least somewhere. But no. NO WHERE does the "NC = bad" crap show with NS. That can only mean the playerbase is more or less as balanced as you can get. Need more than just KPU data to confirm anything, but that should be enough to see my point.

    And if the playerbase is filled with more or less equally skilled players on all factions. Then the reason NC is loosing so bad on Live servers HAS to be in either their ES vehicles or gear. And where NC stands out the most with their ES gear are MAXes. All other classes have some kind of NS or cloned ES gear to even the factions out. MAXes share **** to put it blunt.

    This post is mainly another way Im shoehorning in a way to complain how NC MAXes are gimping the entire faction from their shotguns. Shotgun MAXes flat out ruins NC on Live servers from shotguns being 100% **** for attacking and defending bases as a whole and not just some 1 off room you only see at the very end of a fight. Shotgun MAXes also give NC a massive edge in Server Smashes from how they are the only faction to even bother pulling their MAX.

    If you give MAXes either NS weapons or give NC a MMG plus TR/VS a shotgun. Then you truly help NC on Live servers while also making Server Smash less NC dominate.
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  5. Blackweb

    Sheltie is an awesome XO. He is worth 10 of you as are all of my officers. You are not even in the same league with any of them.
  6. Badname707

    Yeah, usually clones are hella expensive. You really CAN find anything on the internet.
  7. Jbrain

    Op your going to be flamed to hell for your post but I have done the exact same experiment as you and I was literally speechless at how much easier it was to play a vs heavy / max than it was when playing my NC and if anyone else who started out as NC and has araxed at least the jelly doughnut saw, and then moved to VS.. It was like playing a proper fps shooter while on vs, my bullets actually landed where I aimed. Now I am not a math wiz or game designer so I have no idea why its true but it absolutely is and the OP is right.. you just don't realise it until you try it yourself.

    I am sure anyone else who did the same thing can attest this is true too but the people who started out vanu will of course disagree because they have no idea how much harder we have to work than they do... NC is really the hard mode faction I swear. If you want everything you do to be an uphill battle, and then for some reason have everyone hate you for it and call you noob then join nc folks. its fabulous.
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  8. Maxor

    From my experience on Emerald I've found that NC players aren't bad at shooting things, they are just bad a long term strategy. Nearly all alerts I've taken part in there is always that one large scale fight between VS and NC that the NC just wont let go.

    Usually the VS will field around 24-48 and at first the NC will match that but eventually get it up to a 96+ trying to take this 1 damn base from the VS that may not even have strategic value. In most cases its a ******* biolab. Playing on my NC alt i'll see constant messages in orders telling people to leave the fight as it isn't worth it but they don't listen (you'll see the thing happen on TR and VS but usually less so). Now VS will rarely bother equaling the pop unless it threatens the end game strategy of the alert and all the while this happens TR is slowly grabbing territory from NC until either VS cutoff/take TR territory or the TR win.

    At least on Emerald this is usually why the NC rarely win prime time alerts. Hell some times they even have the highest continent pop but still lose due to poor planning.

    What some one should do is analyse how active orders chat is during alerts for each empire per server for a few weeks and cross check that with the alert outcomes, alert starting conditions and continent populations.
  9. bLind db

    We already know why, guy. It's not our fault you didn't read.
  10. Chewy102

    It seems like you have no idea how hard Emerald NC has worked to get the faction worth a damn as a team.

    Waterson and Mattherson both have had multiple groups each and after the merge into Emerald we tried making another. There was drama but it worked in making a bond between the NC outfits each time. But even that was never enough. We held hour long meetings (I still have 7 hour+ recordings on my Google drive), had a dedicated website with a forums so we can talk about anything from ****-posts to highly detailed strategies, and spent a lot of time just trying to grow NC as a team.

    All of them failed over the years. Why? NC kept loosing outfits and couldn't keep players long enough to make more. There is only so much we can do against ****** up game balance. You will NEVER be able to overcome core problems with willpower alone, you need to fix what is broken first and it was never the players that was broken. Like running with a broken leg. Yeah you can run after putting on a splint/cast to keep the bones from moving, but you will never win a race and just trying will make you suffer more than ever thought possible.

    Emerald NC has tried. God damn have we tried. NO ONE can ever say otherwise! We even had hopes of going global. But the devs just don't give a **** about NC being downright horrible as a faction, and in turn the players quit as they can't do jack all against that.

    The devs made one hell of an amazing game. They simply failed at balancing it, hard.
  11. Maxor

    I commend you guys on your effort but I didn't mean you need to organize every man, woman and child into an outfit. The most an empire needs is 1-2 large outfits that can facilitate dropping 48-96 ppl on a point instantly other than that you just need to use the zerg to your advantage.

    I remember a year back on my NC alt, region and orders chat once in awhile would have people directing randoms where to go and telling them not to worry about X or Y front as their outfits would handle it. These days I don't see it at all. Global chats for NC on Emerald during alerts are pretty barren compared to VS and TR who direct the randoms to their target quite often and when they don't it shows in the Empires performance.

    People tend to forget that the global strategy aspect of this game ( what little there is) is the relationship between an empires large outfits and the randoms. Now i'm not excusing that their could be imbalances in the games core design (cause there are, massive ones) but saying X empire is OP because they win alerts at a certain time or without cross examining other reasons for your own failure is ignorance. (Not directing that at you Chewy102, just being general)
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  12. ObiVanuKenobi

    r u srs
    It's by far the worst es heavy weapon, Lasher auraxium took me waaay longer than Jackhammer or MCG.
    Even right now its main use is shooting in the air while someone plays music over voice chat, do you want that to be the only use?
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  13. Plastikfrosch

    also the pulsar C has exactly the same ROF, DPS and DPM but the gauss compact s can use SPA and compensator which makes it a lot more accurate.
  14. Jawarisin

    Lol, I nearly killed myself laughing when you used leading PHX, considering it's a joke-outfit skill-wise. Then I saw the character linked and I was like "No way the leader is BR 90".

    Then I went to look for a redeeming point and went over there:

    I just laughed even harder. You should of posted with anonymity if anything, you'd have more credibility than the leader of the worst outfit on the server.
  15. Chewy102

    It boils to a few things.

    1- NC ES gear on average is sub par to TR/VS gear.

    Vanguard being the worst MBT in every stat but Anti-Air, Reaver being the largest (easiest to hit) ESF, MAX being the most limited from shotguns, and a number of the starter weapons for infantry being the most user unfriendly weapons in the game.

    That leads NC players on average sitting on a lower tier than TR/VS. A few players can overcome that harder to use gear but most players who make up the VAST majority of the faction wont. Some players wont even bother playing the game long enough to save the certs to replace that gear, even with the BR15 had outs. 1,500 certs is nothing, NOTHING when you remember that is going into at least 15 different areas (all infantry classes, ground vehicles, and aircraft) all needing thousands of certs each.

    If nothing else what certs NC players do use to replace gear is going to be spent by TR/VS players on armor, attachments, implants, or any other possible upgrades that will put the odds just a bit more in their favor than what it already is.

    2- With NC being worse on average. NC Leaders have to work that much harder to bring their players to par.

    That should explain itself. When 2 players of equal skill fight, the biggest factor in the outcome will be the gear they use. That's a MMO standard. A gaming standard in fact.

    3- When NC leaders having to work harder for equal or less payoff, they and their players will simply quit from the stress.

    And when the leaders quit or just stop leading randoms, the average player gets even worse. Why bother putting in the work when it gets you nothing?

    One thing leads to another and that in turns leads to something else. The imbalance of PS2 started a chain reaction listed above and over 3 years it snowballed into what the game is now. You can't just "fix" leadership or organization out of shear power of will or a patch. Those was never the problem and only came from something else. Trying to fix just that would be like putting a bandage on a broken bone. If you don't address the bone itself, it will never heal right.

    And the last broken bone in PS2 are MAXes. Their AI weapons to be exact. There NEEDS to be shared weapon types between ALL factions for that bone to be set. The HMG is a start but that along is going to make more problems in my opinion. Till TR/VS get a shotgun and NC gets a MMG at least. NS or ES, don't care, just so much they get them.

    Once the last bone is set and in a splint. Healing will start and the playerbase will do its thing to even itself out with a little TLC from the devs.
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  16. Blackweb

    VS ES weapons don't require any skill so how would you know about skill VS?

    Again DB devs, I challenge you, show statistics on numbers of VS players with auraxium gear vs NC. I have no doubt that VS will be much, much higher. How much skill does it really take to get a Bettleguese?
  17. Jawarisin

    I got a higher BR NC than you do, without membership/boosts. I play all faction. And I can tell you right now, you're bad. It has nothing to do with VS.
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  18. TheMightyGomora

    from my experience, it is a mixture of the two. When I am on and playing, most of the alert battles I watch from the map tend to be mostly around NC borders. TR and VS on Emerald seem to rarely fight one another, even if one of them has control of the most territory in the continent.
    Now on to NC being bad. It is not that we are bad that is the problem. It is the fact that there is quite a lack in communication within the NC as a whole. Command chat being a prime example of being quiet. In other words, we are disorganized as heck.
    Though on BlackWeb's defense, I rarely see anyone from NC or TR with Auraxium gear. The VS, on the other hand, I see them quite often.( Especially their Auraxium LMG) Does this mean VS weapons are more easier to use? Maybe. does this make VS overpowered? No. Do the VS have some weapons that are OP In my opinion, there is at least one. Same with the other 2 factions.
    In conclusion, simply putting it to "You're bad" does not help address the problem the NC has. And as a NC main that is in the PHX outfit, I don't give two nanites what the leader's BR is. As long as the officers are competent(which from my experience most of them are), I am fine.

    PS, I do find it funny that quite alot of VS players act either like a bunch of trolls, or insecure about other people's opinions about their stuff. You are a prime example of them.
  19. Jawarisin

    https://www.planetside2.com/players/#!/5428147970871342881 you say what pleb?
    You're clearly in over your head
  20. TheMightyGomora