Smoke grenades for infil?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by KuroNoKitsune, Feb 21, 2016.

  1. KuroNoKitsune

    I've been wondering is there a reason why infils dont have access to smoke grenades, they're a device for masking group movement but only LA have them.
  2. Nehlis

    Wondering the same thing, I don't think it would hurt too much if infils got them as well.
    EMPs would probably outclass them as a support/masking device though.
  3. Carl1879

    I wouldn't say no but I probably wouldn't use them in place of EMP's very often.
  4. Krinsee

    I would rather have a toggle between detonate on impact and 3 second fuse for my EMPs than have to worry about blinding my own team with smoke.
  5. KuroNoKitsune

    I'd mainly be using them for solo rather than group play, group play i'd go emp, but solo I'd want to use smoke grenades with a HSNV scout rifle/smg.
  6. Moz

    Smoke cover is really powerful for Infils, you can hide in it better than any other class.

    Using smoke someone else has deployed for cover is one thing, deploying that level of cover for yourself could be "OP".

    I would love it ofc, but i think it could **** things up.
  7. Ravenorth

    I wouldn't mind, more variety on nades is never a bad thing.
  8. KuroNoKitsune

    How do they hide better in it? In my experience infils that are cloaked have actually been easier to see in smoke because the ripple effect is even more noticeable. It'd hardly be OP, it's not like giving them shotguns or an LMG, or even the same health as everyone else.
  9. Nehlis

    So im geeting the general vibe that just about nobody is against it, but emps are just better anyways
  10. KuroNoKitsune

    It's down to how you use it, scout rifle with a ns/hv (or whatever) scope and I'd be able to get a few kills in a battle. Or if I'm capping a low pop base, use to distract the people there. Maybe use it against an enemy sundy so that the LA's can use the cover to get some c4 on it, or even use it to mark a cloaked sundy for a platoon. In my experience getting the most of the infiltrator class is to think outside the box. Although emps do bring down a sundy cloak for a period of time, dont know how long exactly though, I assume same amount of time for if it took damage.
  11. Moz

    Well firstly the cloak is harder to see in smoke (at least for those without modified .ini files).

    Secondly the Infil can get rid of his red "dorito" by cloaking which ofc for any other class can be seen through smoke.

    The reason i used " around the OP in my other post is because that's the generic term that gets used for pretty much anything useful. Would i say its actually OP? No ofc not. Would i say it is a tool the Infil requires in their kit? No ofc not.
  12. Zvezdan

    I don't really see any need for infiltrators to have smoke grenades. I don't see why NOT, either, but I just can't imagine who would honestly use them when EMPs are in the amazing state they're in right now.
  13. KuroNoKitsune

    In my experience (of getting shot) while cloaked in a smoke grenades radius, being cloaked does seem to make you more noticeable, I've seen other cloaked much more easily smoke when cloaked, and considering you cant usually see more than 5 feet in front of you most of the time I dont think it'd make much of a difference even if they were less noticeable, it's like we're gonna shotgun you in the face.

    even if we have the marker on us you still have no way of actually being able to reliably hit something in a smoke grenade radius without the risk of hitting a wall or an ally. And LA can literally fly away if they're spotted onto a nearby roof, and the crutch class can pop their shield. If you keep moving you'll probably get out of smoke unscathed

    Sure it may not be a tool we "require" but so what, I dont think medics require c4 either. It's called variety and thinking out of the box, it lets infils be more creative with their playstyle. It's not like infiltrators are going to suddenly be these monstrous domineering beasts that'll rip your prostate out of your urethra (which seems to be the way infils are viewed whenever the least played class gets something) if we get smoke grenades.
  14. Moz

    Sounds like your doing it wrong to me bud.... I love to see smoke and know its gonna net me the confusion i need to score kills.

    If you ain't aiming off the dorito.... your defo doing it wrong.

    Its not a tool we require, sure. Do I have any issue with it being added.... apart from what i have already stated not really. Would anyone take it over EMP? I don't think so...?
  15. Biddion

    I would use smoke over emp just to change it up.
  16. KuroNoKitsune

    This is why:

    Variety is essential in games like this, that's why we have more than one weapon and vehicle. Because if we didn't it would be boring as hell.

    Besides, the number of crutch assaults that run emp resist 2 or higher can make emp pretty useless in some fights, at that point we need to change tactics, especially since infiltrators are disadvantaged against heavies to begin with.
  17. Moz

    And how does a smoke grenade help with a heavy over the EMP that can remove his shield instantly halving his health?

    If I personally was going to add a grenade to Infils, I would go for something that might actually be useful. Conc or Flash would be nice..... Might actually make me think about going away from EMP.

    I'm not even sure the LAs use smoke that much in grenade from? Isn't it used most out of the launchers? I know it certainly is in my outfit.
  18. Biddion

    LA smoke is good cover for delivering C4.
  19. KuroNoKitsune

    For starters the the HA wouldn't be able to see the infil

    Second (like i've already said) a lot of heavies emp resist which makes the emp useless against them so the smoke would be better in those situations, and in smoke the overshield is really noticeable (assuming I'm not even using the HS/NV sight) so I can shoot him while he tries to look for me (which will be hard with a flash hider on)

    Third, I would LOVE flash or conc grenades, but they wont let infils anywhere near them.

    Fourth, they wont let infils near underbarrel launchers either so that isn't an option.
  20. Moz

    Even with EMP resist 4 it removes his shield. You start damage straight after the EMP (like you should be doing) his shield wont recharge fully giving you the advantage (or at least leveling the field).

    I honestly don't think smoke can compete for this application.