Y'know what would be nice?

Discussion in 'Connery (US West)' started by cobaltlightning, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. cobaltlightning

    To play around with a relatively smaller group in this game. Zergs are okay for certs now and then, but sometimes I want the experience, yeah?

    Obviously looking for something like that, Don't care what faction y'all are. I'll reset my character for said faction, though, so I can at least better feel I can contribute the most to it with the 1.4k certs.

    I'm kind of an average shooter and I enjoy playing SMG Infiltrator most of the time, but I'm also a capable Engineer and gunner for most vehicle weapons (that being I don't fire at Absolutely Everything unless the main gun fires first, or we're getting shot at) but I feel I'm sort of a jack-of-all-trades in terms of skill. I try to keep an eye on the broad situation and try and assist in situations to the best of my abilities, and I'm likely to throw suggestions for tactics. It'd be a bonus if they're actually considered from time to time. Hell, I'll pull the resources just to have that valk carry the 5 infils needed to storm the gun deck of a tech plant.

    In terms of availability, it is usually whenever at this point.

    I'm putting this in the Emerald and Connery forums, because I am able to play in either or.
  2. Pattyfathead1

    Hey there Cobaltlightning. If you are looking for a tight knit group of guys to play with on Connery TR. You can check out [MERC] Mercenaries. If you to get a taste of what we do, you can check out our most recent highlight video here.

    To put in an application go to MERCGG.com and you can add Pattyfathead to friends in game for more info.