TR players on average do better on standardized tests.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CapEnTrade, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. CapEnTrade

    Just saying.
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  2. CapEnTrade

    It's almost like we're better at things.
  3. CapEnTrade

    This is serious, folks.
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  4. RainbowDash9

    The TR i play with are total morons, although they're leagues better than NC
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  5. Diilicious

    NC are space invaders tier AI

    they move around in a huge zerg and fire at random in vaguely the direction of the enemy, and a single unit of either of the other factions can slowly wittle them down, but they dont change their attack pattern, they just get more frantic stooting more wildly and running around like a headless chicken as they see more and more of their fellow blues taken down.
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  6. Okaydan

    TR's weekly magazine is not really a reliable source.
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  7. AxiomInsanity87

    It is though

    It really is.
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  8. AxiomInsanity87

    Op i accept this recovery thread

    I see the time stamp

    I get it

    You're forgiven lol.
  9. ScorpioLaw

    TR have the worse random gunners. I simply fail to beleive anyone can actually be any worse. Which is quite amazing to me seeing this is a shooting game. It's not like I'm picky or anything either. I'd honestly just be happy with someone shooting in the direction at the targets I give them. Hitting isn't even required anymore!

    Literally 50% of the time they are looking in the wrong direction. While the other 48% of the time they don't actually shoot. 1% of the time they actually start firing. I'd say 2% of the time butT the other 1% of the time they just fire at the wrong people.

    It amazes me every time how bad people can be.

    Those times I actually do get a good gunner? You know the ones who can aquire targets and know what has priority, what's a threat, and what to shoot? I'm happy and it's the best moments I have in the game. Especially in a Harasser when I'm driving around messing **** up.

    Literally the worse random gunners are on TR!
  10. Jubikus

    Gunners? who needs gunners? shell them from render range.
  11. RainbowDash9

    take all of my yes. i just gave up on random gunners. i just take my chances by myself, in fact i do better by myself, switching from seat to seat in a harasser with a vulcan than i do with a random gunner.
  12. TeknoBug

    What? All I see with TR are AOD that sits half a continent away in their Prowlers and cloaked ATV's running people over, I don't often get face to face fights with TR these days, even when I log on my TR most of the squad members are in tanks or aircrafts. I actually had better fights against Buzzcutpshycho and his slaves. Emerald is less fun these days and Connery is a ghost town.
  13. Shiaari

    True fact. I read it on the internet.
  14. ScorpioLaw

    I play on the PS4. I've seen some of the things you said, but honestly I can't blame people in Prowlers shelling from afar... Seeing that Lockdown gives you an advantage in those situations.

    The TR are strong on the server but definitely have a, "**** the Objectives. Let's hammer the enemy in a 200 person massive battle till we push them back to the Warpgate. Then hammer them some more in a massive vehicle and infantry battle.

    It's fun; but annoying when there are alerts going on and everyone is on different planets.

    In fact I have some REAL problems finding any gunner. I could be parked in front of a 100 person train and they'll all just Zerg in one direction like ants. Literally they'll run into a doorway/chokepoint and die. Then respawn and just run again in this never ending loop of kill, kill, kill.

    What's really funny to me? The way people just seem to go with these flows. I swear if we had NPCs and they acted like this? People would complain to no end about it about how stupid the bots are.

    But since these are players no one seems to notice it as much. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I'm not complaining by the way. Sometimes I watch these Zergs. I think it's hilarious on how single intelligence seems to break down once these groups of people hit some critical mass. Also it's pretty amazing watching hundreds of people at once change direction or react to a bigger threat without much communication.
  15. CapEnTrade

    NC and VS have lower fertility rates, TR women on average produce 1.78 more children per unit, in a generation. TR also have the lowest divorce and prostitution rates.
  16. Serialkillerwhale

    standardized tests of what?
  17. blackboemmel

    I think he's talking about the standardized tests that were published by the "TR Weekly Magazine" a few weeks ago. Here's the names of the standardized tests where the TR soldiers did really shine:
    - "spray and pray" test
    - "red and dead" test
    - "lock-down and ignore your back" test
    - "lock-on and smile" test
    - "zerg and win" test
    - "fly and cry" test
    - "accuse and deny" test
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  18. Tycoh

    A lot of TR are quite terrible. The main reason why TR gets things done is just due to shear numbers flooding in to the objectives. These are players who are actively trying to force a circle peg into a square hole...Not the brightest bunch in the game.
  19. FateJH

    Google doesn't even know what this is because it's saturated with people talking about the TR's passive weapon trait.
  20. Pelojian

    all factions have terrible players that are poorly equipped, it's not a TR only thing, i think the 200 dmg tier weapons is responsible for giving the NC the most TKs award.

    seriously without brains and tactics a zerg of something doesn't mean jack if the other zerg has brains and tactics, today i saw a great number of TR vehicles get ripped to shreads because they failed to use their brains and numbers to charge, instead they got cut down one at a time because they wouldn't charge at a turn in the road and let the NC pick them off when they had enough rep sundies to make a serious threat.

    If players used their brains AA and infantry AV weapons would be far more effective because they would use them intelligently as a group.