[Suggestion] Now that Battle Rifles are buffed, can Infiltrators be able to use them?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Scr1nRusher, Feb 6, 2016.

  1. Scr1nRusher

    I mean cmon now.
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  2. Scr1nRusher

    Batterifles are much more effective now & would now fit into the infiltrators arsenal
  3. UberNoob1337101

    DBG plz.

    Semi-auto weapons are only competitive with full auto weapons on the infiltrator because it's the only class that can take maximum advantage of mid/long range engagements because of the cloak.

    I'd wish if other classes that can use the BR would have some synergy with the BR as well. Engi can at least put a turret up and use it as cover and infinite ammo+smoke nades is really nice. But medic and HA? Better off using something different.

    LAs should get it too. I'd like to see non-NC LAs (because AC-X11) be at least somewhat useful in long range engagements and in open field fights.
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  4. Taemien

    They can't used them because they are buffed.

  5. Eternaloptimist

    I thought semi auto scout rifles did more damage than a BR - could be wrong
  6. Pikachu

    They do. Shadow and vandal does 334 damage (which battle rifles should do). The others 400.
  7. Scr1nRusher

    The buffed BR actually has a decent niche between the Scout Rifles.
  8. eldarfalcongravtank

    with the most recent buff, battlerifles per se did not get particularly stronger. as long as they still have a four-shot-kill upclose and a five-shot-kill at longer range coupled with such terrible firerate and horizontal drift, they will stay subpar compared to any other longer-range carbine, assault rifle or light machine gun.

    however, what battlerifles now have going for them is improved versatility. with the addition of an underbarrel grenade/smoke/shotgun attachment, they have become far better for support or aggressive play. and that's a good thing. nevertheless, i would be hesitant to give battlerifles to an Infil simply because of the shotgun attachment. okay i agree that it takes skill to one-shot someone with an underbarrel shotgun shell. but still, coupled with the cloak, this could get pretty nasty quickly. dont even go there to have the battlerifles nerfed (lol) because Infils ended up abusing their underbarrel stuff.
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  9. Tr34

    I would still use Impetus of NC, its damage drop and accuracy is a lot better than battle rifles. (400-334)
  10. Dualice

    I'd agree with this. I've found the improved BRs rather stable and versatile, much like the semi-auto scouts, but of course with higher RoF, lower damage and underbarrel 'nades. I've been using the AMR-66 a bit more lately and it feels in a pretty good spot right now. Better than ever, in fact.

    I guess for consistency's sake you could sling them on the cloaker, but I'd still choose the HSR-1 over it.
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  11. OldMaster80

    Why not but... what would they add to the Infiltrator class?
    Nothing but fixing that abhomination of Directive system for which the reward weapon of the Scout Rifles Directive cannot actually be used by Infiltrators.

    This is crap, I'd rather see ES Scout Rifles and the Directive adjusted accordingly.
  12. Netchiman

    BRs don't have access to the underbarrel shotgun, only grenades and smoke.
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  13. Scr1nRusher

    BR's do not have the shotgun attachment.
  14. Jubikus

    I dont see why not but i also dont really see why i would use a BR as an infil. Scout rifles and Close quarter bolt actions pretty much trample a BR in any range you would use it at. I mean grenade/smoke might be a thing but i dont see smoke being particularly useful on the cloaking class i guess the grenade might be fun to toy with.

    As for the directive BR it shouldnt be a BR in the first place 3/4 of the weapons you use are scout rifles srsly it should be a scout rifle or a variant of both.