[Suggestion] Dark Searchlights

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Diilicious, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Diilicious

    for all secondary turreted weapons.

    basically a giant dark flashlight attachment that would fit on the same slot as the reload/clip size, section of turret attachments. It should be included on;

    Galaxy Basilisk and Liberator shredder turrets.
    Xiphos Phalanx turrets (god forbid they become useful)
    All NS & Empire specific Harraser and MBT anti-infantry weapons (im not sure what the TR one of those is)

    It should have a narrow beam, about 1m radius at the end of the beam.
    and id say 50m range as standard?

    not sure if it should be certable to extend the range.

    "Why anti infantry only, what about stealth sunderers??" arguably stealth sunderers are not difficult to find most times as they are huge and the bubble they emit gives them a much larger silhouette to look for than infiltrators, but more than that i just want to be able to see in the dark without having to put on some annoying visual effect over the entire screen.

    Perhaps if it was just a regular search light until a 5th certification and then it becomes a dark search light? much like sunderer vehicle stealth?

    It should also have a wide halo that blinds people looking right at it from within the range of its illuminated beam, making it difficult (slightly) to return fire on it and anything around it.
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  2. Moridin6

    uh so a gal is up 100m, how big is the radius of this detection beam?

    im down for search light but not so much darklight spotlights from the sky
  3. eldarfalcongravtank

    darklight is not necessary on aircraft in my view. and on ground vehicles they should just turn the headlights into darklights so they can spot cloaked Infiltrators/Flashes inside their light cone, otherwise vehicle headlights serve no purpose than look tacti-cool and give away your position at night
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  4. Diilicious

    but it would look REALLY cool to see search lighting looking down to the ground from above, kinda like those jets in the terminator flash back sqeuqnces.

    also the width of the beams end would always be 2 meters, even if its 100m in the air. the light would just adjust for the distance.

    headlights are useless really, not sure just giving every vehicle in the game a dark light with no requirements other than just getting the tank, is a good idea :S, or more accurately a missed opertunity?
  5. Diggsano

    This thread is like: OMG PLS NERF INFILTRATOR SO OP

    You know what? Infiltrators have lesser HP, the Cloak sound is clearly hearable, you can easly see them while they move and you even got a Flashlight for ALL WEAPONS.

    So all classes can have something to deal with infiltrators, what does the Infiltrator have to foght the other classes?
    ONE SINGLE EMP GRENADE! yeah Good Luck ...

    It is harder to be a Infi as some people think,
    there whereplenty of situations i was in deep cloak and someone just walks near you, turns and kill you cause they even SEE without FLASHLIGHT where you are in DEEP Cloak...
  6. Diilicious

    who the hell are you and why are you assuming things that are quite simply wrong? I didnt even mention infiltrators, and most of the time they arent even a threat to me, i actually keep meaning to make another thread.

    infiltrators are about 80% easier to play if you dont use the cloaking device at all, the cloaking device is ********. the TR cloak sounds like somebody zipping up a PVC suit, the NC cloak sounds like somebody slurping a hot cuppa joe, and the VS cloak sounds like somebody jumping out of a bath full of jam. its completely rediculous. id actually be in favour of removing the sound effect from infiltrator cloaks all together, since i come from command and conquer renegade where the Stealth black hand is essentially the infiltrator, only it uncloaked automatically when firing, it was ALWAYS in "deep" cloak even when running around as long as they didnt shoot. and they had laser rifles that damaged vehicles and would dominate in massive groups.

    compared to that the PS2 infiltrator is VERY underwhelming, this thread is not a veiled nerf infiltrators thread because i wouldnt actually mind them to be loads better than they are. I was actually shocked when i started playing this game because in Renegade, an SBH with a sniper rifle is literally cancer, in this game its the default ******* setting, the cloaking character gets the sniper rifle, whoever thought that was a good idea was just wrong unconditionally. if anything, Light assaults should get sniper rifles and infiltrators get something else.

    this is a "I think search lights look awesome, things should have them to look around, since light attachments seem to spot infils anyway, might as well make them darklight search lights"
  7. HadesR

    Vehicles don't need darlights that highlight infiltrators ...

    It's the one class that is nigh on harmless to them ...


    If they ever incorporated an ability to hack occupied vehicles then yes they may be a worthwhile / needed addition .. But as the game stands now .. It's not needed ..

    As for Cloaked Sundies / Ant's ( When they are included ) Hmmm Not sure.
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  8. Liewec123

    and a cloaking ATV with a grenade launcher :p
    not that i'm complaining! i love to wraith flash :D
  9. Danath

    You mean four :rolleyes:
  10. JudgeNu

    I have actually thought it would be cool for all headlights to be darklight.
    It would also be neat to have darklight search lights on facilities that were on auto.
    Would make it more fun as an infiltrator to be more aware while moving.
    Nothing tied to an alert siren, just visually and map indicator.