Emerald is melting

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sustainedfire, Jan 12, 2016.

  1. sustainedfire

    I'm having connection/latency issues. Anyone else?
  2. DooDooBreff

    not me... shame every time someones isp issues they wanna blame dbg or their servers.... I DIDNT PAY MY POWER BILL WTF DBG
  3. XanIves

    Oh my god, GoldenCPU, literally nobody cares about your single-minded opinion you try to force down our throats. You are not the righteous saviour of Auraxis that you think you are, in fact, that's.........

    *realizes this isn't a GoldenCPU ****post*

    Oh, uh . . . yeah, I agree, my connection to Emerald has been a little spotty lately, although I assumed it was my own ISP since I was having issues outside of PS2 as well
  4. sustainedfire

    Or, I tried other games and net and everything else besides ps2 was working fine..
  5. bLind db

    Yea, everyone on Emerald's latency goes from ~60-300 during prime time alerts because it just so happens that literally every ISP in the nation starts to suck at exactly the same time.