What would you like to see in the New year?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by EvilWarLord, Dec 19, 2015.

  1. K2k4

    Is it too much to hope for all the players to return?
  2. user101

    You know stupid people reduce the graphics to make it work. Smart people find a away round the problems and fix it as they go along. PS2 is falling way behind in graphics. Not a chance in hell the players will retrurn... Not unless they turn on the PhysX and make it work.

    God help me if they add more guns.... I'll have a whole page of pink guns that are useless. It would cost you in real cash about $5000.00 to complete all the directives.
  3. Abraham with Cheese

    - Fix bugs to the best of the dev's ability (people in rocks/under the map, spawning at the opposite place I selected, getting crushed by friendly sundy as I spawn in, etc)

    - A new set of ES weapons, hopefully one per class (minus heavy assault) that no other class can have (bullpup for engineer, dual-wield styled weapons for light assault, etc)

    - A new type of vehicle (beside an ANT) whose dedicated role is AA, preferably with swarms of mini-rockets for TR, a massive plasma beam for VS, and a huge railgun with flak rounds for NC

    - Constructables, base building, turrets and towers that work and don't break the game somehow

    - A set of two-handed weapons for MAXes in each category, as in a two-handed AA, AI or AV weapon that increase MAX direct power against a target but sacrifices speed, special abilities and versatility in combat

    - Weapon reskins or sound changes, some TR weapons are literally identical across the board, many NC weapons sound the same and many VS weapons need to look more alien-esque

    - New weapons or systems for galaxies, ie giant spotlight to illuminate infiltrators, a new gun under the ship's chin dedicated to AV or AA (maybe something like a rocket swarm)

    - Base revamps, some are almost impossible to assault without three times the numbers of attacker than defenders and some are just too open for vehicles to shell their spawn doors

    - Add in or change a base or two that requires vehicles to be on point, so that infantry are the supporting role for once