[Suggestion] Weight system for ALL Infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nie_Tutaj, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. Nie_Tutaj

    Where did I say that they would be at an equal speed to others? I suppose they could, but only by dropping things like the rocket launcher, the side arm, the nano weave/ FLAK/ whatever else, etc.

    I did say that all players would start at the same speed and reload time they have had before this would go into affect. If that's what you're talking about, then that's wrong. They would be either slightly faster or slightly slower depending on the upgrades they have.
  2. Nie_Tutaj

    There is still weight. Nanites don't defy gravity. They can make loads lighter by simply forming objects on the fly, but that doesn't make the LMG and Rocket launcher + spare ammo weightless. It's still on the soldier.
  3. Savadrin

    In case you don't know, this was implemented as far back as original EverQuest, in 1999. The Monk as a class was designed around it.

    I'm not saying it is what PS2 needs, and I'm also not against it, but let's be real about the "NO ONLY IMPARTENT THANGS FURST" trend that floats around so freely.
  4. Hegeteus

    I can see stalkers like me benefiting from this. I'd love to run like lightning with adrenaline pump and mag-scatter +cutter since I usually lack patience for being stealthy
  5. SQPD

    Why should the heavy get more equipment points than any other soldier? After all, the heavy is just another soldier, not some kind of roid infused buff man (as much as you heavies wish it was).
  6. FateJH

    I thought the VS were into that sort of thing.
  7. Nie_Tutaj

    The reason for that was because they would carry a rocket launcher by default, which would be heavier than other weapons. LMGs would also be heavier than other weapons, so there's that. In my opinion, the way I laid it out should make them slower, but also able to pack more heat, even with the default loadout.
  8. Nie_Tutaj

    Also, it's the MAX units that would have the most points. Not HAs.
  9. Foxirus

    I like to pretend that we have come so far in technology, Everything you have is stored as nanites until you need it. Holstered weapons, Grenades, Deployables, Everything. When you require it or switch to it, A nano constructor swiftly builds the required tool into your hands.

    This allows me to think we are more advanced than we actually are and mask the developer laziness when it comes to things like weapons being visible on your back or sides. It can even be used for why cockpits all appear empty...