[Guide] To The Point - E2: How to pull a sunderer and basic tips on where to deploy!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by MorganM, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. MorganM

    Second installment of my series! My focus is helpful information for new players that is succinct; hence the name of my channel. There's plenty of great videos out there that go deep into things. I want to provide bite-size help that someone can watch, digest quickly, and go apply it right away.
    Please share with new players you see on Reddit, in game, in your platoons, or who join your outfits!
    This one I've been meaning to do for a long time. I noticed in my time helping new players on Koltyr that the vast majority of them do not pull sunderers. In talking to them I discovered most of them really don't even know how! If you are ever on Koltyr please copy > paste this video into /yell and explain what it is briefly.
    The ability to pull a sunderer and go deploy it in a halfway decent location is paramount for any attack and frankly for a lot of defense.
    • Up x 1
  2. Liewec123

    nice that you're helping newcomers!

    also friendly reminder to those people who like making a puny amount of xp at everyone elses expense,
    if you deploy your sunderer in the biolab vehicle terminal we will all nuke it!
    don't waste your resources, don't waste our time ;)
    • Up x 1
  3. MorganM


    Anyone else with tips and tricks on placing sunderers share them here or better yet in the comments of the video!
  4. Who Garou

    That's like telling someone not to play Planetside 2 because their character is going to be killed.

    Of course, the other side is going to try to destroy your sunderer regardless of where it is.
  5. MorganM

    Yeah placing a sunderer at a big fight is a risk but the pay off in XP and helping your team is usually worth it. A lot of people don't want to accept responsibility for protecting a sunderer either; even their own. It's a thankless job but if it's your sunderer and it's in a good spot you'll be thanked in Certs =^.^=