So, the TR are now the most talented and coordinated faction, right?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ThreePi, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. Goretzu

    That's always been the reality, balance and population, not magically uber players.

    It is all servers (or all but one) and have DaPP suddenly become less effective if they were somehow dominating every server?

    It is not impossible. It is just highly, highly unlikely by chance, because there is no reason at all for it to be so across all server.

    It is even more unlikely when you consider it used to be TR that won more alerts on all server, then VS did, and TR again now.

    In reality it is the same baseless silliness players always come up with; "we're just better players" which never (ever) turns out to be true.

    So are you really claiming that purely by chance TR then VS then TR again have/had the most "objective-orientated players" across ALL servers at the same time (and then inexplicably didn't and doubly inexplicalby in the TRs case then did again) - that isn't just highly unlikely it had odds that make winning most national lotteries a look like a shoo-in.
  2. ElricVIII

    Well, like I said, I played to level 15-ish, which is more than a few hours worth of gameplay to a new player. The first empire I tried was actually VS (played to level 7-8). I was having so much trouble playing (I felt like all I ever faced were TR vehicle zergs and was bad at dealing with tanks) that I rolled up a TR char, then an NC char for completeness' sake. I actually liked the NC guns the best, but I preferred my playing in VS. I keep meaning to roll up another NC char since I deleted them, just to change things up a bit.

    But, I mean, look what you're saying right there. VS players are taking advantage of the game's maneuverability options to capture territory, rather than pushing out 96 v 96 grind-fests. It's not about flaunting our great skill in winning 4v1 odds (well, for some it is), but the fact that we can respond or maneuver efficiently. Everyone has access to redeploy and vehicles. Why is it the VS that takes advantage of it more than TR/NC? Does winning an unfair fight with overall even global pop offend their chivalry/bushido?

    I sometimes start out ghost capping to initiate pushes, but if it's just being ignored I go to one of the already present battles. I find the cat-and-mouse to be fun, I'm not looking for a Skinner box.

    I am just relaying my experiences. I think the main takeaway is that there are more variables than can easily be analyzed. DaPP does seem less effective recently, in my experience, since I notice a much lower presence of them when I play now. It's possible that less of the people interested in alerts are now playing. My sessions are definitely shorter now and I don't have the same "just 20 more min to finish out the alert!" feeling anymore.
  3. Goretzu

    Yet this didn't just happen to you.

    On almost every server the TR use to dominate, then (coincidently changing at the same time TR were nerfed) for a long time it was VS doing the same, now it has swung back to TR again (again coincidentaly along with balance changes).

    So is it really that "objective-orientated players" are swaping factions or suddenly gaining and then later losing in interest in Alerts (yet bizarrely the NC which weren't nerfed or buffed in either of the instances where win % changes have remained the same)?

    Or it is simply balance and population?
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  4. Atis

    You never managed to point out any clear imbalance in VS favour. it always was "these lil things are 0.01% OP and there is probably something else".
    Balance is clearly tilted to TR with GK but GK is not that new. Changes with VS alert performance happened right after VP introduction.

    maybe you should find people who said that and ask them directly?

  5. Goretzu

    There was never ANY evidence (at all) that the VS attracted "uber" players.

    There was clear evidence that the TR used to win until a balance change where their factional power was percived to be lowered.

    There was clear evidence that the VS used to win until balance changes changed the perception of their factional power, especially against TR.

    There is clear evidence that the TR are now winning again.

    So either this is the most unlikely series of coincidences in history (the odds of which occuring by chance are astronomical) or more likely percieved balance and population changes influenced these things, and NOT the magical agglomeration of "uber" players in one faction (which has changed and changed again).

    That's the great thing with time it will always prove those that are right........ correct. :)
  6. Beerbeerbeer

    Population has a lot to do with who is dominating.

    Ever see a 38% popped faction lose?

    Frankly it is HIGHLY ADVANTAGEOUS to switch to the zerged faction. It's just easier getting kills as you will outnumber everyone in most of the individual engagements, and that helps more than anything.

    I switch to the zerged faction all the time and frankly you will be smart doing the same, trust me on this. Heck even if a faction isn't zerging overall but is one one base that I'm fighting (and happen to be in the getting served side) I'll flop.

    There's no such thing as honor in getting farmed because you are outnumbered. Better to farm than get farmed.

    All you idealistic I like hard-mode idiots are doing it wrong. There's no incentive to play the low-pop faction ever. Even if you get more experience per kill you just get way more experience killing than scratching for kills.

    Right now on emerald it flops between TR/NC zerging.
  7. Juunro

    Taking advantage of the games maneuverability options? You mean the massive gal drops that every single faction does?

    Everyone does have access to redeploy and vehicles, and we pretty much all use them all the time- this doesn't particularly address my point at all though. Which is that every single time a new thing is introduced that the games population thinks is OP, that faction swells in population and starts winning everything.

    Why did the VS dominate before the recent TR change? Because the population decided the Orion was overpowered and, since its free, there was no reason not to jump over and use it. I have a VS alt and a TR alt, I have played extensively on both, and in every single case those "big, tactical" outfits do exactly the same thing over and over. The same commands, all of it. Why was the VS then winning? The most obvious answer is that the Orion is the default gun you guys get and is the easiest of the three starters to use by a mile. There are objectively better guns than it in the NC and TR arsenals, but they require certs to get. Which means when a fair-weather player jumps into the game they try the SAW and find it hard to use, they try the CARV, and find it hard to use, they grab an Orion and they suddenly start killing things all over the place. Is that because the VS are better organized?

    But in any case, none of this addresses my original point, which was this:

    I do not, personally, comprehend how running around on a continent where you have 2/3 of the population and ghost capping everything so that your faction is better off for an alert is fun. There are very little if any of that "cat and mouse" gameplay you talk about- it is always (and believe me, I've seen all three factions do this, its just more endemic of the VS) a squad of 12-24 dropping on a base with 3 defenders and then stroking their e-peens about it. The most amusing is when its the MLG tier guys that do it and camp a spawn of 3 people with a coordinated squad of 6+.

    As for 96+v96+ grind fests, there are always also 24-48 fights raging all over the most populated continent as well. If you don't like those, and instead only want to do small scale skirmishes, why play this game when there are games objectively better for that.
  8. ElricVIII

    I don't see how you manage to reconcile the contradiction of "all factions do it the same amount" and "VS does it more" when you talk about going for objectives and redeploying troops. It's mutually exclusive. Either one faction does it more (i.e. - focuses objectives) or each faction does it the same amount.
  9. Juunro

    "All factions do it" and "All factions do it the same amount" are two different things. Reading comprehension is a thing.

    But, again. This has not ever particularly been about that subject. There was an excellent example of what I've been talking about just now on Emerald- VS had 54% continent population on Indar and are moving as a gigantic zerg. Their objective based gameplay did win them the continent, but the 25 or so NC actually fighting them, myself included, farmed the hell out of them. They were very, very bad at what they were doing- ghost cap zergs usually are, it is why they are ghost capping instead of fighting places where the enemy has a chance to actually fight them on equal terms. I stayed all the way to the end of that one, gunning down spandex left and right, and at the end they started talking **** about how great they were, and high fiving for team effort. When they outnumbered both factions on continent more than 2:1. And it still took them the better part of 2-3 hours.

    That is what ghost cappers are- they are not being tactical, they are not thinking ahead. They are simply bad at the game, and I can't see how they get any enjoyment out of it at all.

    You know who I see doing that ghost capping more than the other factions? VS.
  10. Isokon

    This never happened.
  11. ElricVIII

    Wait, wait, wait... So now the VS just have more bad players? But over here you say that the VS winning doesn't mean they have more good players, just better "toys."

    So it's impossible to have more good players but not more bad players? I think at this point you're just being contrarian rather than having a real discussion.
  12. Atis

    There was never ANY need (at all) for evidence that the VS attracted "uber" players. Without clear FOTM VS won alerts with more players giving a damn about alerts.

    There was clear evidence that the TR used to win when hey had FOTM stuff.

    There was clear evidence that the VS used to win more alerts after all factions lost FOTM stuff, i.e. achieved perceived balance. Outside of alerts VS didn't perform better, therefore factor should be alert-related. And only difference alert had is being objective-based.

    There is clear evidence that the TR are now winning, because they have very visible OP things, making them FOTM faction.

    So this is either pretty obvious FOTM-based fluctuations and VS higher alert score during non-FOTM period, explained by motivation factor, or some magical factor made VS more attractive for players, yet players (you included) never managed to point it out.

    That's the great thing with time as usually proved I was right: no FOTM - VS lead in alerts, FOTM appears - FOTM faction leads in alerts. And Goretzu is still arguing with his imaginary peers with their imaginary "VS have better players" argument, just like I predicted. I should get nomination for Nostradamus award or something.
  13. Goretzu

    Indeed because clearly they didn't, the TR have nothing "visibly overpowered" (by all means what? GK? Not overpowered, although it maybe needs toning down a touch), just maybe some flavour of the month.

    Like I've said all along balance and population, no faction attracts anything but players, generic everyday players. :)

    I wonder what you'll be saying when someone else (be it VS or NC start winning the most), will you still be clinging to your nonsense of VS being "uber" players? :D
  14. Atis

    I'm pretty sure it wont be hard to find why they start winning, unlike you I can see obvious.

    And yes, for now TR have OP GK and is FOTM faction. Yes it is OP, not ZOE level of OP but enough to shift population and give an edge in any open field fight.
  15. Goretzu

    The GK might need a little toning down, but equally it isn't OP'd, but if the VS were if fact full of "uber players" it wouldn't matter (as they'd just adapt and still win), but the VS clearly isn't full of "uber players" as we can clearly (yet again) see.

    Any more than the TR was full of "uber players" when they use to win most (before the VS did again, and now TR again).

    Players are players are players; no faction ever has magically attracted proportionally more "uber players", they just have more players, better balance or whatever and the winners change as that changes......... as we can CLEARLY see now (again).
  16. MikeyGeeMan

    considering the lmg buffs and AV weapons that were introduced.

    The balance was restored. But something funny happened along the way.

    The tr had the same thing the vs had happen. With tr being outpopped and outgunned we had to adapt. We learned to play harder and how the game works.

    Now that the weapons are balanced the tr now have a battle hardened core of players. While the other factions have been riding the euphoria of the overpop train.

    And after time the same thing will happen again with a different faction or the same.

    Tr just got gud baby.
  17. Zombo

    thank you for being one of the few sane persons on the forums
  18. Campagne

    By that logic, NC's gonna hit like a brick the moment balance swings in their favor. But we both know that's not the case.
  19. Savadrin

    All I know is that if I go to another battle that features 15 Lolkeeper harrassers I'm going to vomit all over my new keyboard.

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  20. DonkeyX

    100% accurate. The range on the Gatekeeper is just stupid ridiculous. TR Harrassers and Prowlers just sit out of tank range, taking out Sunderers so no attack can be sustained. For example, try taking TI Alloys with nothing but Gatekeepers firing down from the Crown. It's stupid and I play the game a LOT less since they added these ******** weapons designed for nub players who just sit in their chairs holding the mouse button down. No skill needed.

    Call me a whiner or troll, I don't give a sh*t. I have been playing the game for over 3 years and the ability to take bases went down 10-fold since they added these Vulcan-like weapons (all factions), the Gatekeeper being the biggest problem. It made zerging WAY worse because that is the only way to take any base. Reducing the range and damage on these weapons would help this game considerably.

    PS - the majority of my kills are with infantry, not vehicles, so I am not crying because my tanks keep getting destroyed. I am just saying that it is impossible to sustain attacks with these new weapons and it makes the game boring having attacks repelled over and over. Might as well sit on a hill with these weapons farming instead of playing the objective. That is what this game is becoming. It is a FPS, not a fing MMO.