PS2 the most expensive game I ever played

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by breeje, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. breeje

    I started PS2 as a free player three years ago
    After a full year I started to buy certs and before I knew what happened I was a member

    Now three years later and still a member buying almost every month station cash I wonder how many cash I spend over the last two years

    I think it's in the hundreds
    Never have I played more money for a game
    I can only hope DBG will use some of it in the next months to make this a better game
  2. MorganM

    You THINK it's in the hundreds? You've spent hundreds on subscriptions alone dude =)

    If you would have asked me 3 years ago "would you ever spend over 600 dollars on a video game" I would have said you're nuts and I'd never do something so "stupid" =P Still hard to believe but my rationale is that if I divide that monthly over 3 years I've spent no more than games that require subscriptions + regular expansions.
  3. FateJH

    If, after a full year, you had not yet understood that you can't "buy certs" ...
    Or that you still think that ...
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  4. MorganM

    Daily free certs for being a member is practically buying certs.
  5. breeje

    I do understand I only typed it wrong but thanks
    Everybody will probably know what I mean
    And not everyone is native English speaking
  6. Leftconsin

    I own a full set of power nine. Magic: The Gathering can be orders of magnitude more expensive.
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  7. Inex

    Try explaining to any of those people celebrating 11 years of WoW today how much you've spent on PS2. :D
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  8. breeje

    Yes my brother is one of them
    He never talks of the money he spend
    on it or wants to discuss it
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  9. MorganM

    Then factor in facts like my friend and his wife play WoW together... so it's double the expense. My wife doesn't play PS2 =)
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  10. AxiomInsanity87

    This and Warframe.
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  11. Xeniz

    I stopped spending shortly after DBG took the game over and haven't regretted it. The game feels like it has gone nowhere fast. Classes need reworking STILL and little cash grab additions like the bounty system and a plethora of weapons and cosmetics make it seem like DBG is milking every cent it can while the game crashes and burns.

    Sorry for being Debbie Downer.
  12. RedArmy

    3 years of gameplay, 2 years of it member @14.99/mo = $360
    4 anniversay bundles @ $39.99 = $160 (alphas)
    6 walmart SC cards @ $20 = $120
    3 BDG cash cards # $25 = $75
    ive out in $715 to this game thusfar - and thats NOT including the $900 in computer parts ive upgraded to keep the game running on ultra
    still doesnt compare to WoW though - 2 accounts $15/mo for 8 years $2880 plus expansions up to the Pandas, $320
  13. DeadlyPeanutt

    you can fool some of the people all of the time
    -PT Barnum


    (seriously... are you insane?)
  14. RedArmy

    u should see all the PS4 games ive got collecting dust that i buy and dont play
  15. Azawarau


    A similar thread for a game i wont mention has people admitting to spending thousands and sometimes tens of thousands on fashion alone

    And its not a small part of the community

    Things get serious....
  16. ItsDangerous

    On the list of F2P games that vampire money out of people this one isnt that bad. With PS2 Ive spent hundreds, maybe a grand or so. I regret none of it, this game is fun and has a lot to it and going for it. Even if I get frustrated with it, still great to come back to when I realize, sure its a circle of pointlessness with built in imbalance. But hot damn its the best circlejork out there.

    WoT.... MWO... now thats another story. Holy cash cow batman! I regret a lot of that.
  17. Liewec123

    last time i calculated months ago i'd spent around £600 in this game in 3 years. :eek:
    bought loads of cosmetics, even some for vehicles/classes i don't use!
    ofcourse consmetics for other empire alts,
    i've bought weapons before i was high rank enough to buy anything i want with certs,
    (but ironically since then they haven't really released any weapons worth buying.)
    bought the nvidia bundle (circuitboard camo),
    bought 6 month boosts several times, its rare that i haven't had a boost active,
    bought the 2nd anniversary bundle,
    been subscribed for most of the time.

    this has easily been the game i've spent the most money on, and i played wow from vanilla to MoP (4-5 years?)
  18. Who Garou

    Yeah it is. I have a character that I have never taken out of VR that has 20k+ CERTs.

    It's up to 48 CERTs per day per character.
    So that maxes out at 17,520 CERTs per year per character just for logging in every day.
  19. Leftconsin

    Do you never spend money on entertainment products because you think it is insane?
  20. CorporationUSA

    The only things in the the game that you have to buy with real money are cosmetic items and boosts. You don't have to pay a dime to have a good time in this game, though I do recommend that new players get a membership for a few months to increase their cert flow and have some DBC for a few cosmetic items. I only recommend that because it will make unlocking things faster for them, and they will have less incentive to spend cash in the game later on when they can earn 100+ certs in an hour with no boosts on a regular basis.