Planetside 1 Weekend! November 14-15

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Atis, Oct 22, 2015.

  1. tf2hero

    Ahh, time for me to come out of my cave of ps1 and play some ps1 with more people.
  2. FieldMarshall

  3. stalkish

    I have a problem running game, anyone else have a problem or know how to fix it:

    ''Generic PlanetSide application error.

    PlanetSide will now exit.''

  4. FateJH

    Lower your game's resolution in the UserOptions and "Run as administrator."
  5. stalkish

    thnx, will try this tonight.
  6. Atis

    Doomsday is nie, join us to shoot classic planetmans!

    Do some training missions, they give exp.