Why.... Why is that even an option?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Centurious, Oct 17, 2015.

  1. Vurvu

    Removing the things that irritate you will eventually - decades later - involve the annihilation of Planet Earth.

    It's probably best to leave things alone now than to keep planning the eventuality out as it's bothering you.
  2. Shiaari

    I do that on my Engineer especially, but since I'm playing VS my mines have big huge lights on them, so more often than not the mine serves as an early warning system when I hear it blow up.
  3. Moridin6

    the reason for the flash is the cloaking, can spot targets and scope out the area without being seen
  4. Taemien

    I think the problem is not in the mines being placed at the terminals, but the attitude of the player base. This is seriously what is going through your heads right now:

    1. I am in MY base.
    2. I should be safe to move around in MY base.
    3. I should be able to pull what I want in MY base.
    4. I should not have to deal with enemy in MY base.

    But what you fail to remember is this is PVP. Player Versus Player. Which means you are in contention with HUMAN players. Human players have the ability to think, reason, and create. They can and will do things outside the box. They will push you out of your comfort zones. They have the ability to affect your game experience, for good or for ill. That means there is a possibility that your playing experience will be positively or negatively affected by another player. This is not a case of 'well we'll make it so players can play nice with each other.'

    No. Its a case of if you do not like what another player does to you, you deal with them in a PVP manner. If someone puts mines down on your pad and you don't like it. Find them and punish them for it. Punish their squad, their platoon, their outfit, and/or their entire faction if you have to.

    When you login to the game and exit your warpgate. You in danger, always. You should ALWAYS assume that an enemy player is plotting your demise. Whatever goal you have, whether it be conquering the alert, fooling around with buddies, or sitting deep in your territory, 5 bases back enjoying the scenery.. someone is going to do something to you. It could be mines on a pad, sniper watching the pad, stalker infil waiting with a knife, anti-air 'greifers' outside your warpgate, or any other forms of peeing in cheerios, slapping icecream cones out of your hand, or whatever escapades or asshatery someone comes up with.

    Once you realize that, you take the first step to doing something about it. Crying to the devs for a fix is weak and ridiculous. When there is a PVP solution to a problem and you fail to even try to use that solution, you enter into a losing mindset. Winners don't do that. Forget everything your parents, your teachers, and your governments have told you about everyone participating and having a good time should be. There are winners and there are losers in PS2. This is PVP. Someone has to win, and someone has to lose.

    You don't lose because someone else won. You lose because you didn't win. This is PVP. Suck it up and when someone does something like this. Do something about it. Don't go to a dev like a kid in a playground crying to a teacher when he's picked on by a bully. Knock the bully the F- out.
  5. ColonelChingles

    Oh, in that case I think all spawn rooms should be removed... but the infantry spawners should of course still be there. I mean why should infantry get some sort of protection when they've just spawned in or are using a terminal? This is PVP. They shouldn't have any special protections from people plotting their demise! :p

    I mean why else would the Devs have made infantry "invincible" when they spawn in and if they don't move (like at a Sunderer)? Isn't that giving infantry some sort of protection in PVP? Shouldn't infantry be vulnerable all the time to anything?

    Really to fix this they should just make all vehicles invincible as they slide off the ramp, up until the point where players have full control over the vehicles. Treat vehicles like infantry (also give a safe "garage" spawner for vehicles), or treat infantry like vehicles (no spawn protection or rooms whatsoever).
  6. Taemien

    Don't make suggestions you're not ready to support. You are speaking to someone who thinks spawn room shields and pain fields should drop the moment one of the points is flipped.

    Try a different angle. This one isn't going to work.
  7. ColonelChingles

    The take away is this.

    It's bad gameplay to be killed when you have no control over avoiding being killed.

    This is why infantry have protected spawnrooms, so they can spawn in and choose their loadouts unmolested. Then when they are "ready" do they charge out in the open.

    This is why infantry have invincible spawn protection, so that if they spawn in and are staring at a loading screen they don't get killed. Only when they move are they made vulnerable.


    This is why vehicles operators should have protected vehicle garages, so they can choose their vehicle loadouts without being killed while locked in a terminal.

    This is why vehicles should have invincible spawn protection, so that a vehicle is invincible until the driver starts moving under their own control.

    It works perfectly. Vehicles deserve to be treated just as infantry are. If it's no fun for infantry to be killed while staring at a terminal or just spawning in, why would it be fun for vehicles to be subjected to the same things that have been identified as "bad gameplay"?
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  8. Taemien

    Vehicles are protected. You can't put a mine on the pad. You can put it outside the pad. Just like I can put a mine RIGHT outside a spawn room for someone to step on it. A person in a spawn room won't see it either due to the shield. At least a guy pulling a vehicle can see the mine before pulling the vehicle out.

    I'll say this. Lets go with your idea, remove the spawnroom protection. If you want to fiddle with any loadout, vehicle or infantry you have to do it in the Warpgate. We'll agree to let the warpgates be the only safe zone on the continent. To that I can agree. Its fair treatment for both vehicles and infantry.

    And add a strategic value to the game in the process.
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  9. ColonelChingles

    So long as you're equally fair to both infantry and vehicles, then I see nothing wrong with that. :)
  10. Taemien

    You know I'm going to hold you to that :D
  11. zaspacer

    It's an SOE/DBG/Sigil/etc. culture thing. They have a little of the "big brother sadist toward little brother" in them. It's why early landing pads had gaps to fall through, why you get the message "the dead can't type" when you try to use chat while dead, etc. Sometimes they curtail their sadist whims (before it goes live, months after, etc.), sometimes they don't (and if a game has been around long enough, the original sadists are gone and the new crew just don't know their own game well enough to know it's even there, or aren't in touch enough to understand how bad it is and blow it off as whining). But they don't have a dedicated mindset for making the players enjoy a fun experience. Vanguard was FULL of this Sadist stuff, and a lot of the Designers loved it. EQ had a bunch of it too.
  12. Atis

    Flak armor, HA shield, redeploy would save you. Though, there should be an option to look behind turret.

    pain field kills mine in 1 second.


    I dont see a problem with mines near veh pad, its not hard to check for them. Snipers, camping veh terminals are different issue, you simply cant use terminal without at least 1 second of immobility, you cant see sniper. Some protection for veh terms makes sense, but creating 30x10 meters no-mines zone is unneeded carebearing.
  13. Dudeman325420

    You got it. Here's your Vanguard with a carbine for the main gun, zero damage resistance, vastly reduced HP, and speed limited to sprinting. Have fun!
  14. Demigan

    The solution is simple:
    Allow all players to interrupt the AI driving at any time they want. This means they can drive over the mines themselves if they don't see them, it means they can decide to drive off no the left, right or back of the vehicle pad if they want and there's room, it means you can exit your vehicle or try to circle around if a friendly/enemy is blocking the direct path off the pad while others are spawning, it means you can instantly start firing at your enemies who might be waiting for you.

    It is completely ridiculous that they added a prevention system so mines could not be placed on top of the vehicle pad anymore, but they still allowed it in the path the AI drives you through.
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  15. Demigan

    Look for you and all the other people who think this is OK, just because there's a way to deal with it doesn't mean it's OK that this is happening.

    Yes, you can check, but AV mines have been bugged for ages. They often don't render, you can literally stand on top of them and try to spot them and not have them show up and at most bases you either have to redeploy or take 10-20 seconds to walk back again because the vehicle terminal and vehicle pad are on different levels.
    Even if those bugs were fixed, we would still have a mechanic where mines can be placed for an impossible to avoid death should you not check. Just imagine if you had to check for everything or die. If you don't check you are dead, if you do check you can avoid it. Doesn't make for a fun game either way.

    As said in my previous post, the solution is simple: Allow mines to be placed in front of the pad, but also allow players to take control of your vehicle the moment it spawns. That way you can prevent it from driving forwards and exit another way. Preferably all vehicle pads will be build with a slope so players have the depression needed to aim for mines should they be there.
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  16. Demigan

    Speaking as a player who dedicated most of his Lightning and Vanguard time behind enemy lines, placing mines at vehicle pads is the easiest thing in the world. You can basically get a flash, drive off to some vehicle pad you think is suitable, put mines and go away. The only "tactic" you have to employ is not to drive on the road that your enemy will likely be using and circle around a bit.
  17. Archiadus

    Although I don't agree with the entirety of your post, that suggestion sounds fair enough for both sides and I wouldn't mind seeing that added to the game.
  18. Campagne

    Neither could save a you if the mine was placed in a good spot.

    Redeploying would save you if you knew there was a mine there, but would force you to respawn anyway, nullifying the point anyway.
  19. ColonelChingles

    My statement was obviously meant to be taken in the context of "bad" gameplay mechanics. :p

    It's perfectly okay for tanks to be far superior to a rifleman in every conceivable way. Just that neither of them should be subject to bad gameplay mechanics like getting killed when staring at a loading screen or terminal.
  20. Atis

    Flak3+ would tank single AI mine. HA shield can help if mine is slow, like bouncing betty. Redeploying help you to not feel doomed and deny cheap kill.

    And I already agreed that turret should have freelook.