Why 0.75ADS is so bad for the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ianneman, Sep 25, 2015.

  1. Ianneman

    In every 0.75ADS discussion I see people come up with stats, tables and comparisons as to why it is or isn't overpowered. You are completely missing the point. It's about the EXPERIENCE.

    For any player, whether he's skilled or not, having to deal with someone who moves 50% faster than you is just ****. It's a **** experience, it's frustrating, it's ******* annoying. No amount of HURR GIT GUT is going to change the fact that it just ******* sucks dealing with enemies who move 50% faster, enemies who would or wouldn't have better aim than you, doesn't matter, they move 50% faster anyway so you're going to hit them less ANYHOW. Then they are also assisted by the fact that ping lag gives ADADing a nice helping hand.

    We're not playing this game to fill in tables, we're not playing this game to create perfectly matching statistical numbers, and no amount of statistical information is going to change the fact that dealing with 0.75ADS enemies (whether they use SMGs, NS weapons or whether they're Vanu) is a ******* massive pain. THAT is why everybody whines about it, because it just SUCKS.
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  2. UberNoob1337101

    The only reason people are salty about 0.75 ADS on guns is because they are salty. Nothing more.

    You're just saying something that's subjective, has no evidence presented whatsoever and can't be proven, so this is purely a salt thread.

    Just fought a guy with a SMG. I lost the engagement because I would have died anyways to the guys chasing me (Infiltrator BTW). Even if the guy using a SMG moved at 0.5 ADS move-speed, would've still died, since all my bullets hit him.

    0.75 ADS isn't a big trait. It's useful at mid-range, since there leading shots and accuracy matters. It doesn't mean jack if you adapt to it, since you still hit all of your shots unless you are a stormtrooper.

    But I assume this is a secret "Nerf VS" thread, so I'll enlighten you why is Orion/Betelgeuse balanced.

    Weapon : Player numbers / Highest kills
    Orion : 100 / 43,906
    MSW-R : 52 / 57,510
    Anchor : 73 / 62,524

    Betelgeuse : 103 / 64,794
    Butcher : 6 / 16,483
    GODSAW : 10 /30,135

    Can't say that Orion is OP because of the 0.75 ADS thing, because it's technically under-preforming. However, Betelgeuse is on line with MSW-R and Anchor, probably because Butcher/GODSAW lack something unique and don't have the extremely cool equivalent of the heat mechanic. Why DBG didn't add a cool directive ES trait for TR/NC is a mystery.

    But, the main issue is probably because you are fighting HAs head-on with it, since they are supposed to be 1v1 head-on machines. Play smart, flank, gank and aim well to win.

    If you think I'm trolling you, watch this vid :
  3. FateJH

    If this game followed standard class mechanics, i.e., names defined traits, Light Assaults and maybe Infiltrators would move significantly faster than other classes out of the box, before ADS weapons or Adrenaline Pumps were introduced to the mix.
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  4. Ronin Oni

    Adrenaline pumps should just be made passive benefit to LA and infil and call it a day.
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  5. FateJH

    I feel confident to quote myself.
    I was addressing someone directly in this last part.
  6. asmodraxus

    Yes the Orion needs to be nerfed to the same level of the Anchor and MSW-R.
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  7. JojoTheSlayer

    Oh really? Are you saying it is NOT just a coincident that the same OP basically complains about everything he faces, but has no issues with the good stuff he uses? He has no issues with the current Gate Keeper, for example, but the Mjolnir. Creates to much smoke and flash when you are being shot at, man! :p

    That said, I just dont think any of the default LMG should be 0.75 because its then just an extra Empire benefit over the others.
    Aka, the Orion should be set to 0.5 and those on VS that want a 0.75 could get the SVA-88, Betelgeuse or NS-15M.
  8. TheMish

    Of course it is, that's why there's a push to get rid of .75 ads from every single lmg and other possible relatively heavy weapons.

    Any idiot that supports .75 ads is definitely being unfair.

    In-fact, I'd say .75 ads shouldn't be on any weapon, period.
  9. ModsFreeAreForTV

    Let me tell you something about life. It's quite funny how it works.

    Let's take equality for example, people want everyone to have equal rights in the United States, except the people they deem to be ********. So people go out of their way to give "equal" rights to people they like, and slander and punish those they don't. Theoretically, someone who is thought to have committed a crime in our country is supposed to have the exact same rights as someone who didn't until incarceration. This isn't the case unfortunately due to the bias I just explained.

    This is the same thing with everything in Planetside 2. People who play certain classes and weapons, want certain overpowered factors for them. People who don't play those certain weapons and classes, want them to be de-buffed and want their own classes and weapons to be better. Thus creating things like 0.75 ADS, along with every other damn thing on Planetside.

    Human beings are wonderfully disgusting and hypocritical, right?
  10. Iridar51

    Great post. Replace 75% with anything and it's still gonna be valid.
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  11. Demigan

    Except it's not every weapon with 0,75 ADS people complain about, and the experience also doesn't extend to hipfire weapons which go even faster!
    No, it's the experience of being beaten by a weapon that is clearly better than the others. And you know what? 0,75 ADS barely even comes into that picture. It's the combined stats of accuracy, low bloom, easy handling and a good ROF combined with a good damage per round.

    People should stop complaining about 0,75 ADS already and just ask for the real culprit to be removed: nerf some of the stats of the weapon and it will quickly fall in line. Remove 0,75 ADS and the weapon will only be slightly worse but still OP.
  12. Negator

    especially the ones that pretend to preach from some kind of moral high ground, when in fact they couldnt be closer to the bottom.
  13. ModsFreeAreForTV

    If you're sneakily referring to me I never said I'm on any morally high ground, I just don't like to be biased towards everything.
  14. Isokon

    And then you actually look at those stats and realize that they are no better than what you have yourself.
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  15. Vaphell

    0.75 on a dominant class is harebrained decision because access to 0.75 allows it to be faster even in the Super Saiyan form (granting almost double hp) than most non-HA peasants. Resilient HAs packing so much heat should be dog slow by default and they are not.

    You can argue whether or not 0.75ads is a case of git gud but then you could argue that git gud was enough against ZOE. Who cares that a staple unit moves 50% faster than its direct counterparts in the exact same scenario, VS certainly never complain about their marginally slower MBT.
    **** like that adds up on the margins and it's one of the reasons why globally VS HAs have something like a 0.1kdr advantage over the rest.
  16. uhlan

    While I can't argue how much of an advantage .75 has on gameplay as I avoid straight-up fights with heavies (of all factions) at all costs while in other classes.

    I can't help but think much of the angst comes from people doing just that, taking them on, full-frontal.

    The games original intent was to have the classes be used as the situation warranted. Each class being able to achieve parity of purpose through certain unique tasks or certain combat techniques. Players would then selflessly gravitate to coordinated units of players (squads) in some sort of half-***** self regulated TO&E. A great idea until you consider most people stick to ONE play style across all classes (and get really pissed when they can't out-dance a VS heavy), rarely changing up to accomplish anything but their own personal goals. Made worse, IMHO, by the Directives patch.

    It's further compounded by the fact that an experienced HA player can take away many of the advantages of the other classes through quirks in the game system or through simple knowledge of the terrain, human nature or dare I say it ( I think I will...), horrible server performance and/or common lag. It is not at all uncommon to find BR100 VS HA's running amok in every battle. How many times have we heard the cries of the great unwashed as they get repeatedly owned by a MAX or heavy scaling the heights in every Bio Lab fight?

    Many of those folks NEVER EVER do anything else. There must be a reason behind the behavior. As I NEVER see hordes of engineers running amok unless I blow up all their vehicles... muahahahahahahahahahaha... but I digress...

    The same could be said of the medic mini-zerg one sees occasionally, most are noobs trying to stay alive. Rarely are they there to support anything but the incidental faction member laying at their feet... and even then...

    This is not to say .75 isn't an advantage. I think if would have to be in the hands of an experienced fully certed VS HA working in a squad.

    Many of the folks that I know in game that play VS Heavies are almost always in a squad of near equally experienced players. Add the .75 modifier and it has a cumulative effect as has been noted earlier in this thread.

    An organized group of fully certed experienced heavies spotting for each other and exploiting the med kit can cause a lot of salt to pile up in a tough fight. When they have the purple flavored .75 advantage on top of all that HA goodness, it does seem a wee bit OTT at times.
  17. SamReye

    Remind me again why people feel the need to keep .75 ADS? I don't see why guns don't just receive edits to compensate for it. If .75 ADS doesn't impact the game like some people claim it does, then why are other people so adamant on keeping it? All that removing in exchange for a weapon rebalance would do at this point is get rid of headaches.
  18. FateJH

    The most logical reasoning I have read comes from someone in an earlier thread. (There's been about two hundred by this point, I'd wager, so I don't have a clue how you would start searching through them to find the one I'm talking about.) Of course, I can only paraphrase.

    The people who want 0.75 ADS removed believe that it is the reason behind VS frustrations in other factions, the faction's general overreliance on the heavy Assault class, and perceived overperformance, or "out-performance," which you will. If, upon removing it, these feelings don't get alleviated, then the worry is some other characteristic else will be targeted to be cut. With track records as it goes, 0.75 ADS, though determined not the direct reason for that felt performance imbalance, will not get restored, and another scapegoat will be butchered in similar vanity.

    A second suggestion I'd like to contribute is that "0.75 ADS as a stat" won't be the only victim. There's easy evidence that this company hits too hard in both directions when balancing weapons, leaving only inviability or excessive strength.
  19. Naphemil

    Yep, my reason for defending the .75 ads on VS LMGs with there in a nut shell. It won't fix anything and even more of the weapon will be chopped off leaving a worthless husk of a weapon all due to the inadequacy of whining players.
  20. Scorpion97

    Just make the LSW the default LMG and you will feel more that VS aren't abusing .75 ads LMGs at all