Tweaks I'd like to se for Heavy Assaults

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by UberNoob1337101, Aug 20, 2015.

  1. Asageh

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  2. Imp C Bravo

    You cannot, however, survive an entire clip of carbine, AR, smg, BR, or shotgun doing that. Only LMGs. Funny that...
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  3. ColonelChingles

    In general, I think the HA should have the choice of one heavy weapon: an LMG or a rocket launcher.

    In this way HAs need to pick between whether they want to be AI or AV... but they can't be both at the same time. If they pick the LMG they will be excellent at AI work but only have AV grenades or C4 to rely on. If they pick the rocket launcher then they will be effective against vehicles but will only have a sidearm, Frag grenades, or C4 for anti-personnel duties.

    Additionally the HA shield should also be split between AI and AV roles... one resists bullets and the other resists explosions. Not unlike how Kinetic and Flak Armours are separated.

    This would mean that the HA class would have to rely on others for teamwork, and others would have to protect and rely on them in return.
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  4. UberNoob1337101

    Well, he missed 80% of his mag... I still got a hackusation though.