The Vanu Sovereignty will obliterate you!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nregroepis, Aug 20, 2015.

  1. Goretzu

    It is strange because VS weapons in general don't seem to be overperforming (although those total stats with VS HA and MAXs might explain a bit).

    Having said that balance is strange beast, I'll never forget in PS1 when on US servers NC was dominant on EU server NC was still just (but much less) dominant and on Asian servers VS was totally and absolutely dominant - all with exactly the same build and balance.
  2. Collin

    Well the problem here is i guess that many good players left NC and TR to VS in the ZOE time and lets not forget in the beginning the dominance of the magrider. Besides the striker the VS always got something really OP for a long time. That makes people who care about "skill" and stats migrate to that empire. They still have very unice powerfull weapons like the lancer.

    That all plus the most powerfull HA starterweapon in game which opinions goes from slightly op to totaly gamebreaking ( i tend for slightly OP) plus stat wise the most powerfull maxunits.

    Since we a not playing planetside rather redeployside its clear the HA and MAX units are the most important classes in game in both cases the VS outclass the TR and NC. In HA by a mile or two.
  3. Collin

    One more thing since i am TR. ALL i mean ALL ES weaponsystems and abilitys are broken on TR side.

    Lock down "tank"
    Lock down max
    Vulcans (great on Harrassers not so on Prowlers)
  4. Plastikfrosch

    The ZOE still works with 2xBursters and full certed flack armor for AA maxes especially for those rocket pod divers but in any other situation its like using a self destrucktion.

    and i like how the NC bias OP is able to forget the strongest AV max in the game = ravens. or the strongest carbine, sorry i meant smg, the cyclone wich can be used by all classes (and i dont have problems to get Orion/betelgeuse HAs whith the cyclone, especially on my own HA). Its no wonder you will see nearly any NC class using the cyclone while you see only infiltrators use the TR and VS smgs while the other classes are running around with the NS smgs.
    Also the strongest of all tanks with the most resistances and the hardest hitting weapons that also have the least bullet drop and the tank then gets an extra shield for those drivers that are really to blind to look around.
    Also the best carbines, gd7F and bandit (the strongest 0,75ads carbine in the game). yes the serpent has the same damage profile in cqc but it has less muzzle velocity, loses damage over range faster and is a lot more shaky.
    Not to forget the max units that got created to take and hold capture point that are in 99% of all cases within rooms that have the perfect sice to get OHKs with those maxes.
    NC is so UP we should all stand still and dont shoot back at them.
  5. Asageh

    • Up x 1
  6. Jubikus

    As a TR i can say at least be proud some of your weapons still excel the weapon we get the most complaints about being OP thees days is the Vulcan harasser and its performance is basically the same as Saron and they are both outpreformed by the enforcer.
    Zoe may suck and be basically completely useless now but so is lockdown especially since sitting still is even more of a detriment now that Archers are shooting you in addition to tanks. Just know this as long as the NC cant win **** they are the only ones allowed to have a well rounded arsenal.
  7. Jubikus

    Arguably us on the TR have the best tank at least the best preforming one but dont tell anyone if they nerf that we lose our last bit of decent AV.
  8. Takara

    NC showed their game on emerald last night. Prime time lock on Amerish and Esamir...then took Hossin as well. I work a 24/48 schedule so my play hours can vary pretty wildly. I have noticed that during the day 12noon (US eastern time) To roughly 6pm EST the VS will win most of the alerts. But during prime time things are far more up in the air. But that is just my experience.
  9. Zombo

    Same thing with the Orion, in Q4 both KPU and KPH of the orion is less than the Anchor and on par with the MSW-R

    yet orion is OBVIOUSLY OP :confused:
  10. Collin

    It is the BEST starter weapon in game with the most unique 0.75 movment multi. Thats the problem. And now here comes the kicker the derective LMG is so out of this universe its not even funny. compaire that directly to the butcher it will make your eyes bleed. If that yould happen in real life people would ask questions about bribery and total lost of overisght
  11. Zombo

    yup, the problem is that all directive LMGs should have been from the factions CQC LMG, the GD-22s(or anchor), the MSW-R and the Orion... than there wouldn't be that much hate around for vanu

    having the most versatile AV and Anti-Max ESRL doesn't help, either, since the Striker needs a buff desperately, and the Phoenix is hard to balance (OP when there is a Phoenix squad in the Spawnroom, fairly useless most other times)
  12. Collin

    Hate? no i really wonder? why do the VS get unlimited ammo on a already suprime weapon without any drawbacks while the butcher is a straight downgrade to the carv. And thats TR gets treated lately being the NS fraction since we either get broken new stuff from the beginning or kind of wonky mechanics like the vulcan spin up the totaly useless striker and the new tank gun that never comes with a random COV from the FIRST shot so you cant hit anything 100 %. Same goes for most TR Guns they are good but they do have random spray you CAN not compensate for. You cant be more accurate then the gun is.

    There you are half of our stuff broken rest is lets say wonky and here come the VS get all the "new shine toys with the funky mechanics" of course you think you are kind of ****** over
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  13. Zombo

    well, to be fair, the TRAP is kind of good (funny when an infiltrator puts three headshots in your face in cqc and you just drop), while the Phaseshift is a bad BASR and an even worse semi- auto sniper rifle, vanu has been since forever without a decent CQC spamming secondary (which TR has a very good one to start with) until they fixed the spiker, and TR has by far the best weapon on the harrasser, both effective against AI and AV

    TR had many OP toys in the past that were nerfed, so maybe it's just getting used to these nerfed OP toys that made a big contrast for a TR primary player

    Vulcan, Chaingun, Fractures, Banshee all were in a very strong state once and have been nerfed, while most things besides the obviously OP stuff (ZOE, old PPA, old Magrider) were not touched

    also, "funky stuff" is kind of VSs faction trait, and doesn't always mean usefull, for example phaseshift, spiker, lasher all can be strong, but need specific situations to be so, going CQC with a lasher is a very bad idea, the spiker was in a completely broken state, and the phaseshift can only 1 hit kill with a charged shot up to 200 meters, whereas you can probably get the kill just as well with the Spectre...

    and when was the last time you actually ran out of ammo on a heavy before dieing? it's just a gimmick like no bullet drop, usefull maybe in 1-2% of real battles, the only weapon where unlimited ammo is really usefull is the carbine for the LA, though the TR directive LMG maybe could use a buff, i am not really informed about that
  14. Takara

    Because they were attempting to make the game more diverse. They were trying not to make VS weapons a clone of the other empires that just shoots purple bullets. The idea was the clips would be smaller but they get heat mechanic. I applaud their thinking. However due to pings it usually takes at the very least 20 bullets to kill people most of the time. So giving em less ammo only really works on the LMGs. I'm not sure(actually i'm pretty sure they scrapped the idea) if they are actually going to go through with the idea of making all VS weapons heat style. But the directive weapons were just an experiment on the VS. One that deprives Engi's of giving ammo exp :p

    The TR really suffer from the fact the game got released to early. They pushed it out to the public before it was close to done and with the F2P model the only way they can get revenue is to ***** out some new guns instead of working on a solid game people wanted to subscribe to for a longer period of time.
  15. Collin

    I am not very sure what you want to say here but trust me the TRAP is one of the worst weapons in game.

    Again why do the TR have no long range AV - If its a TR thing its a **** one
    Again why do tank secondary have no benifit from the lock down while NC and VS have
    Again why do TR have no long range ES tank gun while the prowler is technicaly a arti
    Again why is the butcher a jole
    Again why is the Striker still laughable
    Again why are the Fractures still a joke

    Thats what people see. Everything TR have has some serious issues. BTW the pounder has some issues as well. Remember its an AV weapon in which its not really good in.

    You can argue the VS have some broken stuff as well but the spiker is not really the center of the game and the Vortex are not really good but at least they can get hits with it. While all TR weapons have this random ****e in it like the Fractures. It does not matter how good your aim is. You will miss % of bullets cause of the nature of the gun. Thats very frustrating.

    Lately Daybreak tries to sell us a long range TR tank weapon with a RANDOM!!!!!!!!! COF is a good thing. Again WHY? That all makes really no sence to me.
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  16. Takara

    I was explaining...the reason the VS directive weapons are different. As you had asked why they get infinite ammo. Sadly I feel like it was a failed experiment.

    It's the prowler. But if you are talking about infantry based only...the fracture is there. I admit it need a bit more accuracy however.

    Because it was be crazy OP to double the rate of fire on the Halberd/Vulcan...well any other gunner weapon on the prowler. The VS benefit is no bullet drop....that is a far cry from twice the relaod rate (laughs) But Neither NC or VS gunners get a benefit from their EStank ability.

    It's pretty common knowledge that the TR are going to get a version of the Saron and Enforcer.....its coming. It's been announced...models are already created...they are on the test server.

    It's the best ESRL against aircraft. That is something...personally I wish the swarm launcher was just the Striker.
    I don't really think they are. I use them on my TR and do just fine. Personally a bit of an accuracy bump would be nice.
    That pisses me off too. They did that to the magrider in the first PS. it used to be accurate then they went to this stupid system were the tank could be sitting still...and the first round out of the main cannon would fire WAY wide to the left or was just random. It was dumb. If you aren't firing the very first round should go dead center. But the Vulcan is pretty good *shrugs* I like just requires different tactics then the halberd. It's a weapon designed for pushing...and assaulting. Very few thigns could stop a prowler push if they all had vulcans and moved together. Sadly you don't see much organized armor pushes.
  17. AlterEgo

  18. Bindlestiff

    Way to cherry pick images man.

    TR and NC have been tearing up Cobalt regularly recently. Again, I'm quite sure people play on a different actual Cobalt to me.
  19. MarkAntony

    this is what everyone who complains about vanu sounds like to me:
  20. -2xs-

    Cobalt Friday 11pm. Indar unlocks and alert fun time. ~10min before the Indar alert ends, VS locked down Amerish and same time, look at Hossin. Oh and VS won the alert.