[Suggestion] Having Cloaked Sundys As a Different Colour on The Deploy screen.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HadesR, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. HadesR

    In the below situation I didn't know the Sundy I spawned on was cloaked until I did so ..

    Now due to it's location it wasn't that great of a deal .. But if it had been the one to the NW it might have been, because I might have unknowingly gave aware it's location ..

    So I would suggest that Cloaked Sundies are given a Different colour to note their cloaked status, and to allow me to knowingly choose whether to spawn on one or not ...

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  2. Scr1nRusher

    That is a good idea.
  3. _itg

    I'd also like some rough indicator of damage taken (e.g. green->yellow->red, maybe blue->yellow->red for cloaked). Generally, if the sunderer is damaged, it's under atack and you're going to die the instant you spawn. Not fun.
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  4. WeRelic

    Simple, functional, and definitely useful.

    Good idea.
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  5. travbrad

    Yep that's ultimately one of the main reasons for wanting to know which sundies are cloaked. It's generally a "safer" spawn point since they are harder to find and you spawn in cloaked.
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  6. Scr1nRusher

    RadarX should see this.
  7. HadesR

    Maybe the colour codes could be added to the Spawn list icon .. That way it wouldn't overlap any difference in Colours due to cloaked / non-cloaked on the map itself.


    So white would be fine .. Yellow under attack .. Red highly Damaged ..
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  8. ZenitHMaster

    This is my idea:

    So, how about naming sundies? I put the cloaked message at the start of the name to avoid clutter from long names.

    Some good custom names could be: A point spawn, fallback sundy, maxcrash here, ect... Would make it easier for squad/platoon leaders to direct the squad to what sundy to spawn at, instead of wasting a waypoint marker.
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  9. HadesR

    Would certainly help give the players make informed choices ..
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  10. Pelojian

    That would be nice but also allow platoon sundies to use numbers next to the icon on the map when respawning/redeploying as long as the sunderer doesn't have a custom name and let the owner and squad/platoon leads see all the time the number in the HUD. that way squads can rally on a specific sunderer if battle conditions change.