Pro PS4 Player On Planetside 2 KillStreak Intense BATTLE

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheBroMan, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. TheBroMan

  2. Joseph1981us

    OMG it's so painful to watch, why is everyone on foot (I don't mind feeds my reaver), where are the engies throwing ammo, why are you on the ground so much as Light assault, why are you jump jetting then firing, why aren't folks using the jump pads? My eyes were bleeding at the end, but good video, thank goodness for nub vanu, amirite?
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  3. Dirge.

    Please start creating some actual content if you are going to spam the forums so regularly.

    I don't mind self promotion, at least on these forums, but please do it for things that warrant it. Things like guides, or montages with good gameplay. Not this.

    Good luck.
  4. toast2250

    Don't worry, they are already getting rekt by pro farmers.
  5. AxiomInsanity87

    Any EU server is good.
  6. Liewec123

    is hipfire different on the ps4 version?
    jumping around hipfiring at a group full of people on PC would be an instant death pentalty but it seems to work for you. o_O
  7. TheRealNattyIcePS4

    Yeah its annoying this ****** posts gameplay where he isnt even getting a 1k/d or 1kpm its like wtf? Nobody wants to watch scrubs play games. At least edit the gameplay so the food parts are in the video
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  8. AxiomInsanity87

    The crappy accuracy potential with a controller allows for more tactics actually and being able to actually evade fire rather than knowing that you're dead.

    It's actually really good but the people in that video he was fighting are shockingly awful lol.
  9. LaSouris

    Hipfire is very good on console, since people are less accurate, being able to move faster usually trumps accuracy. This won't work against the really good players, but the average accuracy on console is probably far lower than PC.
  10. Crator

    Pro player? You get paid to play the PS4? Nice!