[Suggestion] LGBT decals

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lepht, Jun 27, 2015.

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  1. Czarinov

    Because i'm against this **** in the game.
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  2. Taemien

    I think this should have remained locked.. and what you said is going to queue certain PS2 related faction videos to appear. What the heck did you do that for?

  3. FocusLight

    National flags are fine because they are NATIONAL.FLAGS.

    I walk around with my national flag on me for reasons. So does the majority of other players as far as I've seen. All it does it tell you where people are from. Hell, I've seen some with the EU flag on them, as weird as that is.
  4. ColonelChingles

    To be fair... I'm pretty sure the LGBT community also has reasons for walking around with rainbows. It shows their gender identity or support of those gender identities.

    If your bar is to "have reasons", that's a pretty low burden to overcome. Who's to say that your reason isn't political while someone else's reasons are?

    To me, both national flags (which after all are the symbols of political entities and nothing more) and rainbows are equally political. Which means let them all in or let none of them in.

    And at this point the floodgates seem to be wiiiiide open.
  5. eldarfalcongravtank

    only if i get my Stalin portrait decal...
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  6. HadesR

    I'd rather it be kept out of games ...

    I personally don't care about a persons race, or sexuality, or political views, etc etc I do care about the ability for just a few hours a day to leave real life crap at the door.

    I'm not here to play a game with straight people, or gay people, or white people , or black people , but with just " people " ..

    So it's nice to leave the politics and labels where they belong ...
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  7. FieldMarshall

    Is there also a white pride day?
    I also want to parade around while being proud of what i am, and get "white pride" banners in online games.
    I want to parade around waving a white pride banner while shouting at people how awesome white people are and chant "We're here. We're white. Deal with it!"

    TLDR: White pride banner should be added to the game if gay/trans banner gets added. Because the LGBT community loves equality.
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  8. stalkish

    Where is my straight and proud decal?
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  9. Kirppu1

    I really don't get this, mean it's supposed to be a shooter game and there is like LGBT things. Not a homophobic btw
  10. RadarX

    We're going to go ahead and close this before things get too much worse.
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