Those serial team-killers on Emerald.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nregroepis, Jun 16, 2015.

  1. Nregroepis

    If I remember correctly, about a month ago, I accidentally killed a team-mate with a rocket launcher to shoot an enemy tank. Unfortunately, she went into my way as soon as I pulled the trigger and she exploded.

    I politely said sorry to her over the /tell chat, and she replied with threats and rage. I'm later followed by her and repeatedly team-killed by her to the point that her weapons were locked, she continued to follow me and shot me again once her weapons were unlocked.

    I reported her, and she didn't return again, she was probably banned. A month later right after her ban time was timed out, I was team-killed by the same player and she continued to do it over and over again.

    What's going on with these psychopaths?
    • Up x 1
  2. orangejedi829

    I can't believe that..

    girls play Planetside?!
  3. prodo123

    Are you sure she's not some crazy ex of yours?
  4. Nregroepis

    Perhaps she is a girl, according to her character gender. Or it's maybe a guy playing a female character.
  5. ferlinco

    I normally press v+8 and move on if I tk. Even I get tk I won't care much. Just a game. Plenty of teammates get kill by me. There are nothing to shoot at, if there is an enemy all of us will flock over and try to get the kill.... that is messy and ugly. Bullet from big to small with grenade throwing from multiple players...
  6. eldarfalcongravtank

    i see your Emerald serial team-killer and raise you an Emerald mass team-murder:!/5428312852888952273/killboard

    people like him^ should be banned within a few days, or at least his character should be suspended temporarily. but nothing happens. that guy is still roaming around freely killing Emerald VS like nobody's business. got killed by him a week ago and he still continues to teamkill.
  7. Eternaloptimist

    Is this a repeat post? I'm sure I responded to the same issue a couple of days ago..............or are you another victim of this obsessive nut job?
  8. Nregroepis

    You made another po- wow, I guess i'm a victim as well.
  9. Ballto21

    was she AC?

    many AC members have pretty bad


    lets say they may be able to relate to a potato fairly well