Planetside 2 Obituary. Goodbye & Farewell.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChUnKiFieR, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. Pikachu

    Remember when there was 4 US East servers?
  2. BloodyG

    The game is set to be out until 2025 and we're not even 4 years in ...

  3. Mythologicus

    That's massively optimistic even for a really large company with a highly successful game. PS2 has fallen short by a large margin, but to be fair a lot of games have similar lifetimes. You need to have something reasonably special to hold out for more than five years - or at least a great marketing team.
  4. Pikachu

    I thought the game only lived during spring 2013. It was decay mode after release hype was gone, when many servers like my LithCorp was low pop. Then after the first server merge things good and the game felt alive for 3 months. Then came summer and people started leaving and it turned back to Indarside, content production stagnated and it all felt it was dying.
  5. Kentucky Windage

    If you don't want to play the game then don't. It's a pretty simple concept. Feel free to come on the forums and offer useless advice to me about "MOVING ON" as often as you like. I'll move on when I decide and when it's in my best interests to do so. I could really care less what others feel about the game. I'll play till she dies. :p
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  6. NightmareMan

    Or maybe I just like playing PS2.
  7. LT_Latency

  8. AxiomInsanity87

    You need some ritalin.

    Then you might start thinking more in line with the actual time frame of the game.
  9. Crator

    lol, no one bought this game from Sony.
  10. salembeats

    Same thing, right?
  11. NightmareMan

  12. salembeats

    One of the features which is fairly unique to PS2 amongst FPS games is that it doesn't have a matchmaking system to pit players of roughly equal skill against one another (nor does it offer any "elite" servers where high-skill players tend to play).

    The ego boost gained by farming up a 6+ KDR is a big factor for a lot of experienced players who play the game.

    These same players who get an ego boost from doing this cause the game to "eat its own young", so to speak.

    Koltyr is the devs' attempt at making a matchmaking system of sorts, but PS2 has such a large learning curve that 15 BRs spent in noob-land probably isn't enough.
  13. ChampagneDragon


    I played from beta on. I played a LOT from beta on. A year or so in I started playing less. I hung on, through promise after promise of fixes, improvements, and additions, only to see those vaporize. Finally I quit playing around the first of the year. I went back into game last week after not being around for months. One week and I saw NOTHING had changed, except a lower population and less fight choices.

    I'm not saying I'm "everybody" but all those I have talked to have had the same feelings. MEH. Maybe an occasional session, but nothing that makes us want to go back.

    (I'm only here because I saw a tweet about important information, so thought I'd scan the forums)
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  14. AxiomInsanity87

    About 6 months ago I was getting bored and annoyed with a lot of what I'd call 'skankyness' with this game but with the ps4 development and the stuff that should be coming, I'm optimistic.
  15. entrailsgalore

    Let me know how the other 2,000 player MMOFPS games are...oh wait...

    All seriousness though, later bro!
  16. customer548

    Soooo...If i had to sum up your whole idea :

    - Businessmen buy companies, but don't know why. But fortunately, you're the one who knows they made a bad deal. I have no doubt that you're a high graduated pro financial successful business guy ( Congrats ).
    - Devs are unable to code, Ps2 is totally broken and unplayable. Damn, i have no doubt that you're also a successful high graduated pro programmer ( Congrats again, really ). They should hire you, i'm sure you'd clean all this mess within a day.
    - Game is barely playable nowdays and the only players who still play it rage quit more and more until quitting.
    - In almost 3 years, you were unable to get a single BR100 character and now you "have to leave" because you consider Devs and businessmen are way too stupid to do their job in the right way.
    - Some other stuff the whole earth did, but you know they were all wrong.

    So, here are my two questions :
    - Are you serious ?
    - Are you ok, i mean...? Aren't you a bit depressed or something like this ?
  17. KoRneY

    There was no error. I played as the 'Vanu Sovereignty' in Planetside 1 for nine years. I have played as the 'Vanu Sovereignty' for three years in Planetside 2. There is one uncanny relation between Planetside 1 and Planetside 2. It's the 'Vanu Sovereignty'. Unless you're just being a woman and arguing for ****'s sake, then I don't really understand how much more transparent I can be for you.

    This might help though.
  18. KuzKombain

    32 bit system users :oops: ? PlaS2 doesnt need you. bye-bye
  19. Llethander

    You're misreading that.

    Sony sold Sony Online Entertainment to the investment firm Columbus Nova, that much you have correct. Columbus Nova then rechristened the newly acquired SoE into Daybreak Games. Sony is still Sony. Columbus Nova is still Columbus Nova. Sony Online Entertainment is now Daybreak Games.
  20. DeadlyPeanutt


    Players are the content in PS2. As PS2 declines, balance becomes more of an issue, because the game can't afford to lose new players because experienced players like to farm. Balance is a simple change that won't allow population imbalance of more than 5% in any given area. If you drive or fly in, you can't spawn anywhere in that area until the population evens out.
