VS Assault Rifles and Carbines need 5 more rounds

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ATRA_Wampa-One, Jun 8, 2015.

  1. ATRA_Wampa-One

    I will absolutely say that the VX6-7 and Pulsar C are great and what should be what all VS weapons are like i.e. have fantastic accuracy to make up for lack luster DPS or damage per magazine. Both fun guns to aurax and I was sad that I had to move on to the next gun after them.

    The Solstice is only OK but with only a 30 round magazine which means range isn't going to be it's strong suit especially against HA's and the 698 ROF means it's outclassed in CQC. It was an interesting gun to aurax, I wouldn't say bad but I wouldn't say great. The Eclipse having the UBSG covers up the glaring hole regarding CQC and the unlimited ammo makes it ok to pick off people at range but you're still going to need a very accurate sidearm to finish anyone off. The entire point of that gun is having a OHK shotgun with a serviceable ranged gun with infinite ammo. The Solstice SF has the god awful 652 ROF which is why it's easily the worst of the SF carbines and why almost everyone that's auraxed it did it back when UBGL was OP, and because VS weapons have worse first shot recoil multiplayer the Solstice burst is also the worst of the burst carbine variants so again I never auraxed it.

    The Serpent is just flat out bad. It's a gimped GD-7F which is why at no time has the TR wanted it over NC's 845 ROF carbine. It's the exact definition of what TR are talking about when they say "high ROF but rattles uncontrollably" and it also has the worst carbine velocity in the game. I hated using that thing.

    The Zenith is bad because it doesn't know what it is. 0.75 ADS is the only thing going for it since it lacks ammo attachments, with 0.75 ADS the only rail attachment you need to use is adv grip but for some reason it also has adv. laser for an option, and with it's bad velocity you would think to use it in CQC but it has bad DPS for that so it's yet another VS gun that isn't focused at all and ends up being bad. Seriously that was a painful gun to aurax to the point where I only ever used it while playing engineer and never LA.

    So yeah... a whole 2 VS carbines... 3 if you count the directive weapon are actually good with another being manageable and the rest being bad.
  2. Stargazer86

    You want 5 extra bullets? Sorry buddy. Higby chiseled in granite that extra bullets is a TR faction trait. Yup. That's what we get. Not better accuracy, or less recoil, or more damage, or faster reload, heck, even a high rate of fire isn't something only TR have. Nope. 10 bullets. Because dakka or something.
  3. ATRA_Wampa-One

    5 more rounds would only put us on even footing damage per magazine wise with the 30 round 167 damage carbines and assault rifles.

    Oh, and in case you didn't know the NC actually has the highest damage per magazine carbine / AR in the game so obviously faction traits don't really mean what you think they do.
  4. Stargazer86

    Oh, no. I do. NC get high-damage weapons with slow fire rates. VS get accurate weapons with quick reloads. TR get weapons with 10 more bullets.
  5. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Accuracy is not the VS's faction trait.
  6. Copasetic

    Nobody knows what the VS trait is anymore, it's different in every thread.
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  7. DegradedM

    Agree with ARs. Pulsar is worse than other 2 defaults and CME is gimpy 11A.

    Our carbines are okay though, don't get all the zenith hate. I like that its a vx6-7 that's more flexible at range, but with less dps
  8. ATRA_Wampa-One


    I personally wouldn't mind if VS was the high accuracy faction but having the highest average FSRM in addition to having zero LMG's that have 0.35 moving ROF accuracy automatically rules that one out.
  9. teks

    The serpent is pretty much superior to the vx6-7 since its buff many months ago. Its the ADS close-quarters carbine. 845 RPM, and some of the most forgiving recoil of any carbine. Its very close to the gd-7f, with faster reload, lower recoil, and higher first shot multiplier.

    The zenith is my favorite carbine. Of all the carbines.
    Why need to use an advanced grip? The gun has some of the lowest recoil values ever. The Advanced grip is nice for longer ranges, where you'd prefer something a bit more accurate at 20+, but if you need a grip to aim this gun something is seriously wrong. This is a self-inflicted limitation you made because you have specific parameters for what guns get Adv grip, and this gun should have changed this.

    Bad weapon velocity is the easiest weapon penalty to deal with. Our no-drop advantage means that the ranges where we even notice this translates to a medium-to-long range that carbines aren't well suited for anyway.
    This said the gun is a close range weapon. It does not suffer from lack of specialization. It is well-suited for a very specific playstyle in CQC.

    The zenith has .75 ADS and is also has vx6-7 hipfire accuracy. While it may not have the high TTK, it is ridiculously accurate and easy to control. Its the perfect weapon for quick strafing shots in close quarters, aiming for headshots for fast kills, or plinking heavies down as they waste their shields trying to pin you down. I am not too great at keeping my sights on some of the better players out there. Not until this gun came. Now I can even take heavies as an engy.

    I personally don't like the solstace. I'll give ya that for sure. No need to count all its variants. The VS has 1 bad carbine. Our LMGs are really good too, pending nerfs which may never be finalized. Assault rifles are a different story, ns11-a FTW.
  10. AxiomInsanity87

    This but inside a vacuum.
  11. Mongychops

    Which is why TR got this addressed with the TORQ and the new Lynx.

    40x125 has a different set of advantages and disadvantages to 40x143. Letting TR have a type of weapon with faster reloads and less horizontal recoil (at the expense of bloom and DPMag). There is no such diversification for VS ARs and carbines. It's just 30x143, with one token low RoF 167 weapon (Pulsar C v. good, Corvus v. bad), with far too much overlap with each other and (superior) NS weapons.
  12. Goretzu

    It is those things to some degree, but not nerfing medikits as 1) to be honest, if they made them less spammable, the HA shield takes a massive indirect nerf basically.
  13. Goretzu

    Look at reload times:

    2.0 = NC
    2.28 = VS VS VS
    2.3 = NS
    2.5 = VS
    2.61 = VS
    2.74 = NC
    2.75 = NC NC NC VS
    2.78 = VS
    2.84 = TR
    2.89 = VS
    2.94 = NC
    3.0 = NC
    3.07 = NC
    3.13 = TR
    3.14 = TR
    3.70 = TR TR TR
    3.87 = TR
    3.89 = TR

    Looks pretty balanced to me. :confused:
  14. \m/SLAYER\m/

    where is ROF?
    GD-7F has better TTK then AC-11X, even Bandit has better TTK
    try to hit moving targets with 200 damage.
    NC cqc weapons - 30 bullets mag with long reload:eek:
  15. Iridar51

    I enjoyed the hell out of auraxiuming Solstice, and while I wouldn't say it's particularly weak, it does need a little bit of something to get to the TRAC 5 / Mercenary's level. 5 extra rounds just might be that something.
  16. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Really? Look at the NS weapons vs. VS ones.

    You think 0.1 - 0.02 more seconds to reload and always have 715 more damage per magazine is totally balanced, not to mention they also get 0.75 ADS and in most cases equal DPS?
  17. ATRA_Wampa-One

    The Bandit is a 167 damage carbine so those 30 rounds are equivalent to a 143 damage weapon having 35 rounds.

    Also, the AC-11X at release had only 20 rounds but was given 4 more (so 800 more damage per magazine) for free because 4000 damage per magazine was considered weak.

    Right now all 143 carbines and AR's only have 4290 damage per magazine which is still 510 less than what the AC-11X has after it was buffed to be balanced.
  18. ATRA_Wampa-One

    Not even close. The VX6-7 is superior in every way to the Serpent except in DPS.

    This basically proves you have no idea what you're talking about since every non NS gun with 0.75 ADS is inherently inaccurate

    What's easier to compensate for when leading a target? Moving your mouse up a few pixels to compensate for bullet drop or leading a target and hoping they're not changing directions? Velocity is a much better stat to have than no bullet drop.

    You really, really don't know what you're talking about here, which is obvious from the less than 100 Zenith kills.
  19. Goretzu

    Yes, really (are you actually claiming the VS are "underpowered" because of NS weapons? o_O )

    The VS cannot have the best reload times and the best magazine sizes, this is what we call "imbalance", the VS having the best reload times and decent magazine sizes is what we call "balance", i.e. the current state.
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  20. \m/SLAYER\m/

    so AC-11X must be CQC beast, but its not