Current state of the game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RedArmy, May 27, 2015.

  1. RedArmy

    has anyone noticed an increase in the ammount of team killing thats going on? most of it seems accidental but some of it is gett much more blatant the past few days. normally i can get on for 1-2 hours pretty quick and have an easy 3+ K/D and cap/defend 5 or so bases before i gotta get back to work. Now it seems i can barly hold a K/D of 1.5 due to deaths from my own team. that and it seems the player base is geting less sittuationally aware when 5 of us run into a room and 1 guy kills all of us cuz im the only one that noticed the guy in the corner. just seems like people are looking or caring as much.
  2. n0pax

    So you obsess over your kvd and as a result you're upset over being TKed in your arbitrary survey that shows it is on the rise? Go play CS:GO or BF4.
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  3. AxiomInsanity87

    Csgo is now a gun trading and crate opening simulator.

    One does not simply play csgo.
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  4. Vargs

    Do you start angrily yelling at your team in chat when you get TK'd? Because surely I am not the only one to go out of my way to track down and TK those guys.
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  5. DirArtillerySupport

    What about posting a link in yell chat? Yesterday some guy was running around tking people and equipment and hopping around like an idiot. I haven't seen this sort of thing for many months.
  6. Grumblefern

    [Sometimes getting TKed is your own fault]

    [I was slightly drunk and ran 5 people over with my sunderer yesterday though, and it was not their fault]

    [I was going to apologize but some of their names were too long and weird to bother typing]

    [Here's a neat site for TK stats:]
  7. ferlinco

    Well average 3-5 tk to me is normal, I will only hunt the tker back if he do it on purpose. Eg. A mag hit me from my back, I fire a few shot to warn him and move on, the next moment he ram his mag at me n kill me... so I switch to ha and lancer till the mag explode. And that player seem frustrated cos we are attacking the base more than 2 hours. I am not the only one attacking him. Game rage is bad LOL.
  8. ferlinco

    Some new player had no idea how to kill enemies will turn their gun to own faction. again this is another example of game rage... end up tked back by team mate. Maybe uninstall ps2 and find other game...
  9. RedArmy

    its still annoying when u get a TK streak of 3-4 deaths in a row weather or not its accidental or not. ive done my fair share of TKing cuz im not gonna stop shooting if u walk in the way and the guy on the other side is still shootng at me. tk me one thats fine, tk me twice? theres a problem, TK me 3 times - i put ur name on a whiteboard next to my monitor and every time i see it i kill u for all eternety
  10. JohnGalt36

    If one more person runs across the road in front of my tank, I'm going to start running people down on purpose.

    Really, though, I always send a message saying sorry when I TK, unless they did something like jump in front of my cannon while I'm firing. It happens.
  11. Alan Kalane

    How is this a Public Service Announcement?
  12. eldarfalcongravtank

    as a Magrider tanker, teamkilling is more or less unavoidable for you, sadly. it may sound careless (it's not meant to) but i end up teamkilling and end up getting teamkilled a lot. i never ever do it out of revenge or boredom though. teamkilling is part of the game. friendly fire is what sets Planetside apart from a lot of other 'child-friendly' shooters out there. get used to it or play some shooters with friendly fire off, i say
  13. Pelojian

    You know if you click their names on the chat window you can send them a message without having to type their names out right? or you could try the sorry clip from the voice commands list.
  14. ferlinco

    I throw 4 sticky grenade yesterday out of the door toward the enemy and tk 3 team mate... fml...
  15. RedArmy

    theres a difference between, "awe dang" and "i thought you were vanu" from the same guy over n over. chances are ur not gonna huck stickys in the same door over n over and those people get killed every time. but when its the same guy shot u 2-3 times in a row you than wonder, dont they hear the friendly fire sounds when they hit me?
  16. Jubikus

    Unfortunately dieng to friendlys is something thats unavoidable in this game sure it may be annoying to attack a point through a the backdoor and have your streak of kills as you catch them by suprised be ended by a grenade thrown by a friendly but grenades on the point is just something that happens or you get clipped by a chaingunner as your trying to rush in to get the point theese happen the ones that kind of piss me off is when somone throws a grenade bad and it bounces back killing you and they dont even give you a proxy my bad or a tell the next time its convenient .

    Then theres the real ******** everyone knows them you know an alert ends and your near a base and you decide to get some hacks out the way for directives and a friendly decides to shoot you because he wants to hack them and not share or kills you so you cant overload the gen theese guys deserved temp bans at the very least because thats just super douchy.
  17. ferlinco

    Happened to me a few times... LOL just move on and find other things to do. I am not going to waste time n tk him/her back just because he/she want to overload the gen or hack the terminal.
  18. 00000000000000000000

    Neat, I only have 2.42% TKs and am TKed 3.98%

    Pretty good if I do say so myself.
  19. Chubzdoomer

    Friendly fire is one of the few major gripes I have with this game. I can't count the number of engagements that it's turned into complete frustration. Is there anything worse than having an awesome shot at the enemy, opening fire, then having a friendly step right in front of you? It pisses me off to no end.

    I understand why friendly fire exists, but personally I think the cons far outweigh the pros.
  20. Armcross
