Most annoying things

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VonStalin, May 25, 2015.

  1. JohnGalt36

    Don't Vulcan Harassers vastly outperform their NC and VS counterparts? I don't have a whole lot of experience against VS, as I ragequit every time I run into a nest of Lancers or Magriders.

    Maybe C4 Fairies aren't as big of a problem for other people, but I can be on a cliff in Indar, well outside of infantry render range, seemingly in a really safe friendly zone and some LA will pop over a cliff and instakill me randomly. It's irritating.

    I really like the vehicle vs vehicle tank game. I don't usually farm infantry (though I've been trying to aurax the HEAT, so it happens) but I just hate it when a lone LA can interrupt a fun tank fight with the push of a few buttons. C4 should be something that requires you to walk up to the vehicle, plant it, run away, and detonate. Not fly over a tank and drop a boomy, plasticky load and instagib something that survives 10 AP rounds.
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  2. Vargs

    Vulcans probably do outperform other types of harassers. Doesn't mean they're too strong. I think other types of harassers are too weak. I hardly ever see non-vulcan harassers and basically never die to them no matter what I'm playing as, because they aren't very good and people don't pull them. I don't drive harassers at all because I only play VS/NC so I can't say anything with complete authority, but from the receiving end they seem completely fine.

    And as for c4, it's really only easy to toss it on a vehicle if they are being monumentally stupid and park themselves still next to high cover that you can jumpjet on top of and then quickly start dropping bombs (though people still do it a whole lot).

    If they're moving, even just back and forth, it becomes pretty impractical and even if you do land two bricks directly on top of the tank, half the time they'll bug out and not register when detonated against an object in motion. If the tank isn't right next to high cover, allowing the LA to very quickly get right up on it before being noticed, it becomes extraordinarily dangerous for the him because enemies will see the light assault and shoot him out of the sky most of the time, or the tank driver/gunner will spot him and just start backing away at which point it is impossible to catch up and means almost guaranteed death. If the tank is stationary shelling way off in the distance on an open plain prowler-style, it is 100% the tank's fault if his gunner can't look around every now and then to be sure someone isn't sneaking up on them to plant c4. The normal jumpjets that the vast majority of players use don't even help LAs in this situation at all anyways.

    I think it's also worth noting that 2x c4 costs 200 nanites. That's almost half of the tank itself just for a chance to blow it up, which gets wasted constantly when you're shot before you can press the button (this happens a ton because it takes ages) or miss/bug out with even a single one of your two total bricks. You also generally only get one single chance to blow up one single tank, then you are out and cannot use them against armor/MAXes anymore until you die/resupply. C4 is an expensive, very high risk, high reward method of dealing with vehicles. And infantry DO need solid methods of dealing with vehicles. They aren't just there to be farmed by the sky and armor gods.

    Looking at your stats, I think you may lack a bit of perspective seeing as you spend the vast majority of your time playing engineer and 4% of your time playing light assault. Looking at your killboard, you are dying a whole hell of a lot to tank mines/prowlers, a bit to aircraft/HA rockets, but you only have a single recent death to c4. You seem to kill stuff with tank mines a lot too. Why are those fair and fine and skill-based while c4 are apparently horrifically unbalanced ezmode that completely ruin tanking? Is it because you personally actually use them?
  3. JohnGalt36

    I guess it's because it makes sense to me that tank mines (and C4 placed by a person walking on the ground) should be the natural counter to tanks, not flying C4 monkeys. Also, most of my tank mine kills are me placing them around my tank and waiting for the inevitable swarm of Vulcan Harassers to attack. At least I can take a few of them out before they melt my rear armor in 3 seconds.

    I had quite the spell of hitting tank mines today. They were EVERYWHERE at the base I was fighting in all day. I don't usually die too often to them, but I was a lone tank in a minefield this morning. A few days ago, my deathboard was pretty much all C4 and Vulcan.

    To me, the concept of a *light* assault insta-killing a tank is absurd.
  4. Jbrain

    I don't get all the people that complain about heavy assault all the time... its just your standard combat soldier. Most assault classes are all around type of class and that's exactly what heavy assault is.. .. With that said I did skim over some of the ha complainers and I think it answers a few things...

    79% infiltrator super rainbow player or 50%+ light assault. In other words, people complaining they cant always win 1 v 1 against heavy when playing other more utility focused classes.. Infil whine they cant run around like rogues in world of Warcraft instagibing at will without any chance of retaliation from said victim.

    im sure if I could find what has killed me the most in this game I bet you 100 bucks it would be sniper thanks to ohk. Light assault want to be able to toe to toe heavy and still maintain their ability to fly.. which if played right allows you multiple advantages to flank said heavy instead of trying to play in his sandbox..
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  5. zaspacer

    I find many things annoying and some things very annoying in PS2, but the only things that make me consistently quit are:
    1) both Indar and Amerish being locked
    2) extreme Continent population Imbalance
    3) very small Server population and no interesting battles
    4) something game breaking OP that I can't switch Class/Faction/Unit/Battle to get away from

    I've Certed up Characters on each Faction, on 2 different Servers, on ESFs and Inafantry. This has helped me TREMENDOUSLY to be able to find myself less stuck in the above listed dead ends. But when I try all my options and still hit one or more of those walls, I generally just log out.
  6. Garrum

    They have too much and give up too little. 65% more health, the same damage models on their weapons as medics (the often touted 'best weapons in the game'), the ability to fights MAXes and vehicles at range while retaining mobility, and the ability to instantly heal to full multiple times per life. That's not a standard combat soldier, that's a do-all super class.
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  7. Jbrain

    Percentages like 65% and all might look like something ridiculous but your forgetting actual use. This health allows them to survive maybe 2 shots more than a another class. They are not an all around super class if they were then people would have kd ratios far and above any other class in the game.. and they don't. And anyone can be dramatic like your post and make something sound op. For EXAMPLE I can do it too:

    Light assault is a flying ninja with the ability to leap to top of a tower when I as a heavy have to fight my way though.. they can just throw c4 like a super grenade that kills maxes, infantry and TANKS. And if that's not all they have the highest dps weapons in the game. They can also fly away and heal multiple times in a fight. Light assault my *** more like master chief halo class.

    That was just an example of dramatic misrepresentation when we ALL knows there more to it than it sounds.. Heavy assault is the same way.. like all classes they have their own set of pros and cons. Like when shield is active is much harder to ads with they super slow the shield ads. They also very easy targets for snipes. Also I want to point out that I don't give a damn about their shield either, anyone can tell you its not a big deal and if it was gone id still play my heavy just because I like the lmgs, and im mostly a gunplay kind of player.

    I think heavy is fine. If it was super op then as I said earlier heavy kd would be much much higher but statistically its the same as most other full time players of another class. I thnk people lose to heavy and something in the mind thinks it was all the class and none of the player.. hate to burst your bubble.
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  8. JohnGalt36

    HA overshield is overrated just like the Vanguard shield.
  9. Get2dachoppa

    Speaking of people making dramatic misrepresentations...
  10. Garrum

    Hang on. Are you trying to put forth the idea that people's KDR DOESN'T inflate when they play HA? Seriously? Outside of vehicles, and MAXes, and infiltrators that never get near a fight, nothing pads a KDR like playing HA.

    And 'maybe 2 shots' is more like 2 headshots, or 4 bodyshots. That's half again the number of headshots needed to kill a non-infiltrator. That's more than a little significant.