[BUG] game uncloaks Infiltrators randomly

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by day ofm one, May 14, 2015.

  1. day ofm one

    The game keeps randomly uncloaking me.
    I do not mean when the cloakmeter drained empty.

    I mean when I have 100% full cloak charge, cloak and instantly get uncloaked again after a second because PlanetSide...
  2. breeje

    it happens to me after i go in cloak and pres reload in a split second
  3. TheBlindFreak

    Didn't you make a big thread whining and saying you were leaving the game a while back?

    Also, dude, you just spammed 5 new threads with the bug tag. There's a place for that elsewhere.
  4. day ofm one

    No, I actually made a thread a while ago that I'll take a break from the game until the game connection issues are finally fixed (they still aren't, it just got a bit better).

    Also I actually made 11 threads with the tag [BUG].
    I know about the issuetracker, but I'm still trying to actually get DGC to look into their own forums.