All the hate...

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by giltwist, Apr 19, 2015.

  1. giltwist

    Holy Higby, look at the responses from this thread about "scummy playstyles." Isn't it nice how much infiltrators are a valued part of the Rock-Paper-Scissors... /s

  2. _itg

    Skimming that thread, it doesn't look like infiltrators make the top 5 for negative responses. HAs, MAXes, c4, vehicles farming infantry, teamkillers, and sunderer spam all seem to have more complaints. I think the takeaway from that thread is that people hate things that kill them.
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  3. Armcross

    Don't blame Higby anymore. The person did a voluntary layoff
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  4. giltwist

    But the other things aren't nearly as targeted or comprehensive. The only thing people hate about LA's is the C4. That's ONE aspect of their play. It's not like people are basically complaining about every single facet of being an LA or HA. The thread mentions by name: sniping, SMGs, stalker, using NS pistols, and AI mines. That's basically everything except nano-shield and scout rifles, which are both mechanically the weakest infiltrator options. If the HA hate was as bad, you'd be seeing one person say "boy that adrenaline shield" and another person going "Oh and that nanite mesh generator" and a third person going, "And why do they have rocket launchers?"
  5. Lucidius134

    is that a form of sudoku
  6. MarkAntony

    As infiltrators their hate gives us strength.
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  7. Fry_Poncho

    sudoku? sudoku is a puzzle. Did you mean seppuku? You can at least take the time to verify your Japanese, unless its a joke.
  8. Lucidius134

    my joke went over your head because projectile physics got broken with the last update

    my bad
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  9. CuteBeaver

    I lol'd so its not just me aiming for the neck now? XD
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  10. Lucidius134

    yea, there's always been zeroing on the weapons but the last update made it go to ****.
  11. Baracuda

    I personally love all the 'hate' directed at the infil because it just shows the people who can't deal with having to be situationally aware or people who are too comfy inside their higby tractors/crop dusters. Also gives me some new names of people to look for and attempt giving them the 'Nam syndrome lol.

    (Funfact: the 'zeroing issue' has always been there)
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  12. MarkAntony

    explain. because it was always fine before....
  13. Baracuda

    This is a more dramatic example of bullet rise. This is before railjack was brought into line to be more like the other sniper rifles. Pretty much what is happening is that part of the recoil is happening BEFORE the shot is made causing you to miss ever so slightly when aiming at the top of someone's head, however bullet rise is not as dramatic as it was on the old Railjack but it is still there. You can notice this 'bullet rise' the most when you are aiming at someone who is significantly lower than you and at 50-125m~ range. You won't notice it most of the time unless you are aiming at the top of someone's head.
  14. Fry_Poncho

    Yah sorry. The reason I was and am like this is that half of my freinds just went full weeaboo, and it is annoying.
  15. Lucidius134

    number 1 life rule: don't use words of another language mixed w/ your main unless it's a title. Seppuku->Sudoku is satire of people who do that.