Harasser-vulcans are still way overpowered.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dreez, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. Dreez

    Killing an MBT in the time it takes for an MBT to reload if they hit the MBT in the back, this is ***** overpowered
    and unbalanced as hell. There are NO weaknesses to this weapon, it hits like a hammer, and constant fire
    which means that any miss will reduce its dps by nothing. A Tank that misses a shot DRASTICALLY lowers its dps.

    Even at close range, the tank and its gunner has to lead their Harasser-target by so much due to the speed
    of the vehicle, and missing ONE shot will in majority of cases lead to death of the MBT...

    A 2 man vehicle for 150 cost killing a vehicle that costs 3x as much.. twice as fast.

    Vulcans kills Air, armor, infantry... all just as good. Take away Heavy Armor from that list, there is enough
    units in the game that kills Heavy armor right now.
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  2. Klabauter8

    I totally agree. This **** comes right after Lib tank buster. Both totally OP weapons.
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  3. Vixxing

    Libs cost 450, takes alot of skill and are easier to hit than harassers and can be used by all 3 empires... no comparing the 2 (also off topic)
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  4. Shaengar

    Everyone knows that Vulcan Harassers are overpowered at the moment. But you have to see the whole picture. They are the top 1 Anti Armor capability that the TR has at the moment. Where NC has Ravens and Phoenixes to deal with annoying Armor columns and dodging Magriders the TR only has the Vulcan because the Striker and Fractures perform poorly in this role.
    VS has the Lancer, Vortexes and ofc Magriders all of which are rather good.

    If you nerf the Vulcan now the TR would really be in a sorry state anti armor wise.

    Lets see what DBG is up to with the announced close range AT secondarys that they are developing. Until then, leave it as it is.
  5. TheMercator

    And whats about Prowlers? Are you saying that Phoenixes are better at anti-armor than an locked down Prowler?
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  6. Dreez

    I would say that having an MBT that can put out over 2000dps isn't a bad AV-option. Lockdown 5 pushes the Prowler to insane dps.
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  7. Schizomatic

    Vulcan Harasser has to get within about 100m to hurt anything, which is easy counter-attack range for a manned Sundy, who should be able to deter a Harasser with one gun.

    That's balanced, considering Halberd, Saron or Enforcer Harassers can take you down with ease from 300m, sniping from a covered positioned 1/2, and it only takes them a few seconds longer to do so compared to the Vulcan having to practically being on a Sundy's bumper.
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  8. Devrailis

    I think they're fine. A solo Canguard can out-DPS a Vulcan harasser. A 2/2 MANguard should have few problems taking out any harasser, unless their gunners have poor aim. It's the 1/2 Magriders that are in trouble against harassers, they don't have the benefit of the MANguard shield.
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  9. Crayv

    Not to mention Harhars are extremely vulnerable to lockons.
  10. ronjahn

    I don't think they are to OP because they are required to get really close. If they NERF it though, my harasser kill count is sure to decrease dramatically. They are such juicy targets because the majority of players using them become extremely over zealous and regret it when they realize "****, this guy can actually aim."

    The only thing that is frustrating about going against them is that it doesn't matter if it's a BR100 with 1000s of harasser hours or a BR1 who happened to wander into a harasser, the weapon is so damn easy to use and so forgiving that anyone can be successful with it so long as the driver isn't a complete moron. This is in extreme contrast with the Enforcer, which is IMO incredibly difficult to use and requires experience and an overall steady hand to be successful with. Putting an enforcer on a harasser is a death sentence unless you know for certain that your gunner knows what he's doing. The Saron is a bit easier to use then the Enforcer, but nowhere near the "tape down m1, take a nap, return to 10 dead tanks" vulcan.

    Easy mode, extremely effective and deadly weapons, that outshine their counterparts are always going to be a source of grief in any game.
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  11. Bonom Denej

    Yeah, because they're slow as hell and make trumpet noises all over the place which makes it hard for them to get close. /s
  12. Vixxing

    You are completly wrong about Saron and enforcer, my main is BR100 VS but i played NC last few months and ENF>Saron with ease,,, Saron=6 shots crazy recoil (if you fire fast) ENF 8 shots NO recoil so when you learn the drop (took me 1h) you got a weapon superior to Saron in everything...
  13. ronjahn

    I think you missed my point :) I'm not trying to debate Saron versus Enforcer, both weapons are good in their intended role and require practice, knowledge of how the weapon works and it's mechanics, and good accuracy. The Vulcan requires the ability to hold m1 and point at things. You may be right about ease of use, but I disagree with saying the Enforcer is better at everything. The Saron is far better at Cqc then an Enforcer.

    Way to latch on to one little statement and get all mad about it. Did you even read the rest of the post where I talk about how the Vulcan is far to easy to use and way to forgiving?
    Harassers are plenty loud, aren't invisible, and show up on the map unless stealth, and if it's me driving it they honk their horns the entire time they are destroying people :p

    If your situational awareness isn't good enough to notice a vehicle closing in on you or your aim isn't reliable enough to take them out when you do notice em then yeah you will probably struggle.

    In an AP lightning if you keep your front to the harhar, and hit your shots, it doesn't even stand a chance. Even a Basalisk sundy can scare away or kill Vulcan harassers if the gunners actually shoot it. In a MBT you really have to be oblivious for a Vulcan harasser to take you out.
    Again reread the rest of my post, I'm all for changes to make the Vulcan a bit more challenging to use, but don't be ridiculous.
  14. Vixxing

    Well since its an Harasser thread i kinda Discuss the -H Variants and i cant really see a scenario where u got a fully loaded Saron you can nuke up close on another Harasser in a Harasser battle do you? The recoil is so bad on a Saron it will miss a Harasser on >5 m if you magdump... while just shooting 8 consistent recoilfree shots is oh-so much easier and rewarding (in H-vs-H battles Cannister is awesome too! And almost as easy as Vulcan-H to use VS-gets the short end of the stick on both weapons in those scenarios)
  15. ronjahn

    As much as I love my Cannister-H and the satisfying feeling of suprising a Vulcan-H with it, even without complete mag dump, in CQC order IMO is Vulcan>Saron>Cannister>Enforcer. Not sure we will ever fully agree on this probably a matter of prefence :cool:
  16. Vixxing

    No way, no way ever! Id pick a Enf over Saron 15 times of 10 in a H vs H battle... drop a good gunner can manage, recoil is random... and you got 2 extra shots per clip... (i would pick Vulcan over both but thats given)
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  17. ronjahn

    Re-read my edit :)
  18. Vixxing

    How much have you used Saron? And have you used em after all nerfs? I got br100 VS but im currently playing NC... and Enf>Saron anyday, its not even close...
  19. Archiadus

    If your MBT is getting attacked in the back you need to up your situation awareness. Harassers are not Liberators or ESFs that can pop out of nowhere, they need to stick to the ground which makes it fairly easy to predict from which angle they'll be attacking you.

    It's weakness is that it doesn't do any harmful amount of damage at range so it has to get close to your vehicle in order to win the fight, you say that missing shots don't matter, have you actually used this weapon yourself?

    The Harasser driver and gunner have to be constantly moving to avoid getting hit, they also have to watch out for any bumps in the road as missing just a few shots can be lethal against a good MBT crew.

    Unless it's attacking you in the back and you're not doing anything about it aka derping in tunnel vision it won't kill you twice as fast.

    This statement makes it clear to me that you've never even used the thing and are just making up things to make it seem better than it actually is, probably because you got caught with your pants down by one.

    Now depending on which faction you're playing as you've got weapons that can kill vehicles just as good, the VS has the Saron which you can use to somewhat safely poke down the HP of an armored target from a distance and if you feel like it you can get close to your target to finish them off quickly (low~high risk depending on how agressive you're playing), the NC has the Enforcer which is great for dealing with enemy armor from a somewhat safe distance (medium risk) and the TR has the Vulcan which does great from up close but falls off really fast when the distance between it and its target increases (high risk).

    Besides all that there's also this: https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/new-es-mbt-harasser-weapons.223604/
    You'll be getting a new weapon for short range combat soon which will most likely outshine the Vulcan. :)
  20. EliteEskimo

    That depends on the terrain, if the Prowler's have a clear line of sight, can afford to lock down at range, and the enemy lacks cover the Prowler will clearly do better. If the phoenix users are hiding behind some place hard to get to or shoot at phoenix users will do better.