Remove Vehicle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ohknoh, Mar 31, 2015.

  1. vincent-

    The day I place mines and they specifically go out and hunt vehicles of all kinds and destroy them while whispering in the dead pilots ear. "Get rekt noob lol" is the day they cost 450 resources to place down. Until than stop encouraging these terrible threads into existence.
  2. ppanj

    I love how a lot of people are saying that you're bad if you don't check every pad for mines, I bet they go all the way down at NC arsenal or other such bases every time. Especially since some bases already have pain fields for mines, which incidentally also destroy C4 (pro tip: never put 8 C4 on a flash and drive near a vehicle pad with a few tank near it)
  3. AshHill07

    So long as bases like this exist, "check the vehicle pads before spawning" is a completely unreasonable argument.